Sunday, June 28, 2015

Piano Songs - Improvisation

So this is still an on-going challenge but it's a fun challenge for those who are musically inclined.

A few years back, I was asked to help out with the Mandarin choir as a pianist/accompanist. Trying to juggle many hours of work and practicing songs was a huge challenge but it was manageable. It took away time from attending English service as there was an overlap between practice and service, so I would either miss half of English service or go to Sunday School late. It was disruptive when it came to learning more about faith. But again, it's all in the heart of if you're willing to learn on your own time as well.

After my stint with the Mandarin choir, I was asked to help out with the English worship team, which I am still part of to this day. The main difference with the songs are that there are way more songs for English than Mandarin. With Mandarin, they would choose one song to perform, but the music was written out. So I would just have to sight read and practice the song to master it.

With the English worship team, it's about 4 songs, but it does not include the prologue, offering song, doxology or finale song. So in a way, that's about 7-8 songs in total for the English worship team. The 4 songs are all in chords. The first time I volunteered to help, I had no clue what to do except play chords. And I believe that's how all new team members start learning. With chords.

I saw lyrics, and on top of the lyrics were a bunch of letters (they symbolize the key/chord that the phrase is sung in). It was all chords. Unless you know the song very well and can improvise the melody, then it's all a bunch of chords. I didn't know all the songs, so the songs that I didn't know, I would play chords. As long as you have a lead singer and co-singer to lead, then the chords on piano become the bass.

The most challenging part of worship songs and chords? Improvisation. But that becomes the most fun part of worship songs. You can play whatever fillers you want in between to make the song more full instead of only chords. As you get to know the song more and more, you start to improvise your own style and notes in the song.

Coming from a classically trained background in music, improvisation was not a daily practice growing up. I was used to reading what was in front of me. You put a sheet music in front of me and I'll be able to read it. You put a song with lyrics and a bunch of letters on it, I could play chords. But I could not improvise. And that is the most challenging part for someone who was only classically trained but not trained to improvise music. For some, it's a gift that they can improvise on the spot. For others who are not used to it, it could take quite some time before they can improvise.

So below, I have put together a cover for a song that I learned in the past. When I first learned this song, I played chords. As I got to know the song more, I was able to start improvising and putting in my own melody. The song is called "Here for You", by Matt Redman, Matt Maher and company. I played it a tad bit faster than it should be, but with a worship team and singers, it should be slower. Hope you enjoy my rendition. Be sure to click the HD button for better quality!

---->  Here For You  <---->

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Car Meets Being Shut Down

It's almost the end of June. The start to summer 2015. When people can finally enjoy the warmer weather outdoors! Let alone take a day off to enjoy a nice day.

But wait. What happened to all those weekly car meets that various groups organize throughout the city? Unfortunately if you haven't already heard, they have been shut down by the cops. It first started with Kennedy Commons, then Ertefa, then La Paloma and now recently GhostsRacing meets.

At the most recent meet with GhostsRacing, someone had made a negative comment towards someone with a physical disability, which other people had observed and heard, and got that person kicked out. Then it led to people revving and doing burnouts in pick up trucks in the parking lot, with lots of people nearby. By speeding through a parking lot with crowds of people nearby (and don't forget the kids..people bring out their children as well), they are endangering other people's lives. No wonder the police are not happy.

Those meets are attended by a variety of cars and owners, from exotics to affordable little coupes and sedans, from SUVs to pick up trucks. The attendance is usually very big, so in terms of crowd control, they will need a lot of help from staff. Even then, not everyone will be compliant with rules. As an attendee, everyone is responsible for their own actions. But some people decide to bend the rules because they think they are macho or are too cool for rules.

I find that it's not 16 year olds with a new driver's license in a used car (or new) who try to do crazy burnouts. I've noticed it's guys in the 20's or even 30's who do it. In May, I attended an east end meet with a friend, who had asked me to go with him and his group. It was one of those meets where a variety of cars and trucks met up. Not as big as Ertefa or KC, but it was enough to hurt the ears. We parked and got out to look for his friends, when these cars just started revving and people started launching their cars in the parking lot. It was literally beside a neighbourhood, and it was already 9pm on a weekday. Have some consideration for those living nearby for goodness sakes.

Within the hour, a police SUV showed up to the lot. Most likely because someone put in a noise complaint. He drove around the lot slowly, looking at people's rides, and warning people that it's ok to meet in a parking lot, but to keep the noise level down. i.e NO BURNOUTS OR LAUNCH CONTROL. By that time though, my friend and I already left. A few weeks later, this exact location was shut down by the police according to reports from those who tried to attend.

Is there a way to help stop people from doing stupid things at car meets? Maybe if there was more police presence. Before you enter the lot, a cop will stop you and tell you the rules. Then again, once people hear of police presence at a car meet, people get scared and don't want to go. So then it creates a barrier between police and the car community. We definitely don't want that. But I believe that if attendees are compliant and respect the lot and the people around, the police would have no issues and would not just start ticketing people randomly because they feel like it. I believe having peaceful car meets are possible. But it involves a lot of organizing, a lot of staff, some police presence, and attendees who are willing to respect the rules. Most of the time you do get good organization and a lot of staff to run the meet, but it all comes down to the attendees not respecting the rules. So really, it all stems down to the attendees and the repeat offenders. If you really want to surprise people, make a big meet but don't mention police presence (but actually have the police there anyways). So when people show up, they would think there are no cops. But really, the police would be there and also to remind people that burnouts, loud revs, and launching the cars in a packed parking lot are not accepted and will not be tolerated. By that time, I'm sure it would be too busy to make a U turn to go back home. Besides, you do a random U turn when you're not suppose to, and the cops would just get more suspicious.

With smaller local group meets, I find it to be more respectful. Maybe you'll have the odd person doing a rev to people who want to hear what the exhaust sounds like (because they are looking for an aftermarket exhaust), but you won't see people drifting around parking lots or doing launch controls to show off a car that everyone in that meet currently owns. Because it's a smaller meet, you get to meet people easier. Police presence is almost non existent, and if there is a random cop that drives by, that's what they usually do. Just a drive by, maybe a thumbs up. Otherwise no warnings. If they see the group is well-behaved and respecting the property, then they won't have a problem with the meet being held there.

It seems like the only meets that have been decent are Cars & Coffee and the Saturn Drives, along with the smaller weekly meets with Subies and Gencoupes etc. Huge meets are almost impossible to attend now without it getting rowdy or having cops shut it down. It's kind of sad how a small number of nutmegs could ruin an entire scene for everyone else. Then again, some cops just hate modified cars or car meets in general, and would do whatever it takes to make it a living hell for everyone. Very rare. I believe it's those who don't respect the rules that cause the majority of the problem.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Date Fail #5 - Quartet

I just remembered another good one. Apologies for not being consistent but I type as ideas hit my head randomly. This date fail is probably hard to believe, but it really did happen. Probably the best one yet because you think as guys get older, they would get more mature, but not in this case.

So this one date was someone I knew for quite a few years already as friends. We had met through a mutual friend. He was about 30 when this happened. I had to put that in because it's not just high school cheats that happen. We lost touch in between, but I remember a conversation would pop up randomly when it came to cars and what not. And then it would revert back to our lives.

So fast forward a few years. We randomly started talking again as our mutual friend was getting married that year. It was a destination wedding and at first, I thought I could make it so we were discussing plans on where to stay etc. Then I eventually could not make it as it fell on my busy Christmas schedule at work. And during those weeks, it is impossible to take time off.

During those months, we had chatted and tried to catch up on each other's lives. I knew him as a really nice guy from the first time I met him. And he admitted that he had liked me from the very first day but never had the guts to ask me out. I said dude why? Am I really that scary? Nahhh just low confidence. Ah well, it's all good. That takes years to develop. So anyways, the more we hung out, the more I started to like him. He was someone I could get along with, and talk about issues without putting one another down. And of course, our interest in cars and faith was right there.

Right before the Autoshow debuted, he had asked me out. Our first date was, of course, the autoshow. It was cool to check out all those cars and be able to talk about our interest. We spent most of the day at the show, and then went our separate ways after the show was done.

You know that sixth sense you get when something isn't right? Although I knew he was a nice guy and was very sweet to me, having his parents and friends like me, same common interests and beliefs....there was just something not quite right. My mind was telling me, but I couldn't figure it out. But my intuition was telling me something was not right.

About a few days later, we were texting back and forth when he suddenly went all emo. I asked if everything was alright and he said no. At this time, I was sitting at the library studying for my course exam, but the tone of voice via text did not sound good at all. So I suggested I could meet up with him and talk about whatever was on his mind.

I met up with him after his class ended and once again, asked what the heck was wrong. And why was he crying. Yes, he was crying. I couldn't figure out what was wrong or what I did wrong. Anyways, as I approached his house to drop him off, he then tells me something that I would have never imagined anyone telling me.

"You remember that story of that girl I was telling you about a few months ago?"
"Yes I do."
" do I say this....umm...we're still seeing each other. Those study sessions that I say I'm going to...well, it's with her...I go to her house after you drop me off..."
".......Dude, she has a boyfriend. WTF are you doing and WTF is wrong with you?!"

Anyways, when I heard that, I really had no emotions. Maybe shock. Not even anger or hate. Or crying. Heck, once that was revealed, he cried. Like, why are you crying man?! I should be the one crying! You're 30 years old for goodness sakes. Man up. But I finally realized, this was the reason why I felt something was not right. Bingo!

All those months of talking and hanging out trying to get to know one was all a huge lie. Deceive. I was basically the quartet interrupting a love triangle, and I didn't even know. I understand she maybe wasn't getting the attention and love from the boyfriend, but it doesn't make it right for you to show her what love is. Having one boyfriend providing emotional support, and then another boyfriend for financial support. But ultimately, having me as the back up girl if the first girl doesn't work out. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Anyways, after the shock had finally passed, I said listen dude (yeah I call everyone that apparently). You gotta figure your crap out. But I ain't getting involved as a girlfriend. Who knows, maybe this girl is still involved with the Chinese Mafia (based on her history) and I don't want to have any part with it. I'm not going to continue dating you until you can figure out your own emotions. And I left it at that.

As a friend though, I was concerned about his well-being. I tried to help steer him into the right path of letting her go, and letting her figure out her crap and not involve him. It was a lot of psychological things. A lot of times when a third party gets involved between a couple, things don't end very well. And I really didn't want him to end up in hot water.

His birthday was coming up and I knew he hadn't seen his friends for a while, so I planned with our mutual friend a surprise party for him. He was shocked to see everyone there but was really happy. He thanked me and his friends for being there for him. In a way, it was like a reminder to him that his friends do care about him, even if he chose a stupid path. The following day was his real birthday, and originally he told me he was having lunch with a friend. Once again, something bugged me that he might have been with the girl. But I didn't ask. Eventually after a few days, he told me he spent his birthday with this girl, took her to lunch, and attended her photoshoot for 5 hours. This was a huge punch in the face for me, because a few days before his birthday, he had asked me for feedback if it was a good idea to attend her photoshoot, after telling me he wants to cut ties with her. I said no, it's inappropriate. You're sending the wrong signal. And obviously he did not take my advice.

At one point I had asked him, if he really wanted to be with me or her. And he couldn't answer that. Well, anyone who struggles to answer a question like that should just leave that person right there and then. I stuck around as a friend to help him let go of her. Eventually as time went on, I saw that it was a real struggle for him to let go. And that's when I slowly drifted away from him. Until one day, he finally decided she wasn't worth the pursuit. And wanted to settle with me. Thanks, I was your back up plan all along.

By that time, it was too late on my part. My emotions were past all that drama, and mentally I had already moved on. No matter how much pushing he did to tell me he's changed for me, and wanted to be with me, I felt no emotion. I felt heartless. So I said no, not a chance. Even with all the begging, and telling me he painfully said no to her, it still never phased me. I knew what I wanted and it wasn't him.

Anyways, after some more begging and crying on his part, I guess he finally gave up. After our final chat and me being a heartless dog, he drove off and I never heard from him again.

At least I don't have to worry about the Chinese Mafia coming after me.

Things to learn:

1) Don't get involved with a guy or girl if they are already dating someone. No matter what age you are.

2) One of the most common ways of cheating is when one partner is not satisfied with the relationship, or is being abused physically or mentally. When someone else walks into their life and sees there are better people out there, they want to escape but can't. As a third party, never try to become that second boyfriend to prove to her what love is. If you want to end up dead, then sure by all means, go ahead and do it.

3) If there is abuse going on in the relationship, the abused partner should seek professional help and treatment, and if you are a friend to them, then help guide them. Not kiss and make out with them. The point is to get them out of the abused relationship, but before doing that, they have to mentally be ready for it and not succumb to manipulative words and false promises by the abuser.

4) Mental and physical abuse are very real. They say mental abuse/manipulation is the worst, as there is no physical evidence to prove it, like bruises or black eyes. Name-calling, constant put downs, lack of acknowledgment, threats, constant making fun of the person...those can really damage a person mentally and emotionally. So the last thing an abused person would want is to be in a love triangle. That will confuse the hell out of them.

5) If you are *knock on wood* ever dragged into a love quartet, just cut ties. It really depends on how well you know the person and whether they mean anything to you. The earlier you cut it, the better.

6) When your intuition tells you something is wrong or doesn't feel right, believe it. Don't doubt yourself.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Prada Top Handle Bag Review

I know, you were probably waiting for more date fail stories. But the rest of the fail stories are not as interesting as the ones that were posted, so now I interrupt myself by...talking about a purse! Yeah!

Earlier in the year I wrote about my experience with Prada (the whole buying experience and exchanging the product). I had filmed a bag review but realized it was too dark, and then got too busy with life to re-film it in better light. So I wasn't able to upload it to Youtube. I figured I'll do a video later on, but for now here is a written review.

This review is for those who are planning to buy a bag from Prada and want more information about size, material, structure and how reliable it is. Specifically the Promenade Top Handle bag. Some basic information broken down:

Name: Promenade Top Handle 
Number: BL0837
Material: Saffiano Lux Leather
Colour: Bluette, or Cornflower Blue
Size: 32cm (Length) x 21cm (Height) x 13cm (Width) --> This is the medium size. This purse comes in 4 different sizes: mini, small, medium, large. 
Addition: Comes with a detachable shoulder strap, for both shoulder and cross-body wear.

The Top Handle comes in various colours (about 8) so there is a colour for every girl out there. I chose blue because it matches my car. But mostly because I like blue a lot. 

Shopping Bag:

Companies usually try to keep their shopping bags exclusive, and with Prada's bag, it really screams Prada. In this case, it's a massive white shopping bag.

Display/Storage Box:

If you really want a box for the purse for storage purposes, you will have to ask the sales associate for one. Unless the box is an exclusive one that already comes with a box. When I first purchased the small version in Vegas, they wrapped the bag in the dust bag and then put it in the big white shopping bag. I had to request for a box. Same with the medium. I asked for a box and they were fine with it. The box is heavy (about 5kg?), as it is made out of the same saffiano leather material. So it is a very durable box. Inside, the bag will be wrapped in a blue tissue paper with Prada on it.

Dust Bag:

Prada bags will all come with a cotton-felt material dust bag to protect the purse when it goes into storage. This should not be a request, but it should be included already.


As mentioned above, the purse is made out of saffiano leather all around. It's pretty much calfskin leather compressed into something more durable and more scratch resistant than regular calfskin leather. It doesn't mean it won't ever scratch, but it's just a bit more tougher when it comes to being mis-handled. This bag is lined with gold zippers and hardware. I do not think it comes with silver hardware. With any silver hardware, it makes the bag more for casual outings. With gold hardware, it makes it more extravagant if you were to take it out for a dinner or a night out to somewhere nice. 

So here are a few exterior shots from front to back.

 My wallet is here for comparison in width:
 Back shot:

Bottom's Up:

I like bags with feet. Especially when you are paying a premium price for a bag, you would expect the bags to come with feet to protect the leather. Not all bags will have feet. You spend 6 grand on a Chanel classic flap, and it doesn't come with feet. Then again, the classic flap is a different style. Some bags that are meant for shoulder wear only will not have feet, as it would ruin the look of the bag. Bigger bags would (hopefully) come with feet. Thankfully with this one, it does come with 4 golden feet at the bottom, embossed with Prada. 

Keychain/ring decoration thing:

So a lot of bags these days have this keychain ring holder that hang from the handles of bags. The current Top Handle bags have a small slit on the top of the bag where you can hide the keyring if you don't want it dangling. I'm not a fan of the slit; it just looks like someone sliced the bag with a knife. With this bag, thankfully it did not come with a slit on the top. It makes the bag look much cleaner and classier. If I don't want the keyring hanging there, I could just take the entire thing off. 


The interior is made out of saffiano leather along with fabric and the "Prada" logo as the lining. Depending on the type of bag, Prada sometimes uses different colour variations on the inside than the outside. For example, if the bag was black on the outside, the interior would be lined with red and black. In this case, the lining is blue and black. With high end replicas (or super fakes), companies have found ways to replicate the lining to make it look like the real deal. Just keep watch of the way the stitching is, and whether the letters are crooked or have inadequate spacing in between. 

There are two big compartments to fit your wallet, keys, smaller coin purses etc. On one side, there is a zipper pocket where you can keep your more private things like bills or cards. There is also a side pocket right outside the zipped pocket to put more stuff in there. In the middle of the bag is a zipped divider. You can put more bills or papers in there. It's not a huge space so I wouldn't recommend putting anything bulky in the middle. Maybe a cheque book or a small agenda. On the other side, there are two wider pockets that can probably fit a cell phone or small iPod. I usually put lipstick or lip chap, or contact lens case.

Here are some interior shots

Shoulder Straps:

I'm a HUGE fan of removable shoulder strap bags. When I go out, there are times that I would like to have my hands free, especially in a grocery store or when taking the little ones out for a stroll. It's a pain when you have to carry the bag by the handles and then have a bunch of stuff to carry. My goal was to use this as a nice night out bag, but that's what I always say with any bag I initially buy. I have taken the Prada out for casual days, and I find it convenient because of the shoulder straps. But one thing to note: the bag itself is already heavy without anything inside. Once you put your entire life inside the bag, it becomes quite heavy. I took this bag on a trip to Niagara recently and had my wallet, camera, keys, card holder, coin purse and probably a few other little things. After a while, my shoulder started to hurt and ache. So I had to take turns with the opposite shoulder, or carry it by the handle. Also note that the strap is not wide either. It's pretty thin. If only the strap was maybe like 2cm wider, it would probably be a bit better.

The shoulder strap clasp also swivels so you don't have to clasp it only one way. The easiest way is to clasp it with the opening facing OUTWARDS. If it faces inwards, it takes forever to clasp on. The first time I tried putting the shoulder straps on, I tried to clasp it facing inwards and I couldn't get it in. Eventually I tried outwards, and it works like a charm. There are two "D" rings that are hidden behind the handles, on opposite sides.
Hopefully the picture below can show you more of what I'm trying to say.

Authenticity Card:

All Prada bags come with an authenticity card. On the back of the card, it will say the serial number, the type of material, the colour, and also the location of where the purse was purchased and the date of purchase. The store will stamp the location and date.

How much can you fit inside?

A lot. I usually like to carry a lot of crap with me, and this bag can carry all my crap alright. My big wallet, my 3 key holder cases, card holder, glasses holder, camera, contacts, agenda, pens, paper, feminine hygiene products, lip gloss, medicine, hair brush or small make up bag, cell phone. I could go on. Obviously the more I carry, the heavier it is. Thankfully the purse has a very structured shape. It does not sag like some bags do (think LV's Speedy 25 or 30). If you are not the type of person to carry a lot of things, then the small version of this purse would work better for you. The mini is way too mini. It's like a purse for 5 year olds. 

As you can tell from the above, I have plenty of space to fill.

Right above is a shot of some of my stuff while I still had the small version of this bag. Length of the small bag measures 25cm. So it is significantly smaller. It is wide enough to carry one large wallet in a compartment and that's about it.

Final Thoughts

It's been about 7 months since the purse was purchased. I don't use it everyday (although it could be used as an everyday bag), but so far the purse has been wonderful. Maybe a few tiny scratches on the leather, but it's easy to rub out. Otherwise it has still maintained its structure, no fading in colour, the hardware is still awesome (maybe tiny scratches here and there), and it still smells like fresh leather. Stitching is still all intact. I've had in the past used a bag from Coach (I still love them!) and the stitching just all came off in less than a year. Not cool. But Prada so far is still holding strong. No loose stitching anywhere, no cracked leather.

The Good:
-Structured purse
-Colour is just amazing
-Material is very durable
-The option of removing shoulder straps
-Lots of compartments to organize and fit according to your needs
-Very roomy
-It has feet!

The Bad:
-Price. You can buy an intercooler, intake, exhaust, a tune for your car, and you will still have leftover cash to spare.
-It's already heavy as is
-Shoulder strap could be a little wider
-Zippers take some time to break in. They are stiff in the beginning
-When you are in a hurry to open your bag to grab something, you can't because of the way the bag is (curves) so you will need two hands to open the bag and close it. It's not like a quick zip open.

A few years ago, I did not care about bags at all. I just saw them as just bags. Why spend the money to get a bag. It's so girly girly. BARF.
Funny how things have changed in 5 years. I never would have imagined that I would own one of these bags. In a way, it's also part of life experience. You get to see that for the price you pay, you get in return a very durable bag. It's one of those "let's just give it a try" moments. And when you live that moment, you will understand what I'm talking about. Work hard, play harder.

I will admit, the price is a bit ridiculous. Don't go broke because of a bag. Manage your finances first before you commit to doing something like this. It's also a better investment than a car. Whereas a car loses a huge chunk of value as soon as you drive it out the lot, a premium purse will retain its value over time. It can be passed to future generations, and that's when resale value would be priceless.

People have complained about Prada's reliability in the past few years, where buttons have fallen off or the emblem fell off, mediocre stitching, and the terrible customer service. I cannot speak for that, but I can say that when I wanted to upgrade from the small to medium, they still took my bag and exchanged it, even though I bought it from a different country. I have no issues with their service. If anything, Prada has given me exceptional service. If something does come up that requires me to take it in for servicing, I will do an update on that.

So, if you decided to go the Prada route, I applaud you! If you are still debating, I recommend you go to the store and try out the purses. Seeing pictures and videos can help to some degree, but the best bet is to try it on in stores to see if it fits you. Happy shopping!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Date Fail #4

Ha! And you thought that was it. Nope, here's another one.

This happened about 6 years ago during my consolidation year.

While having my placement, I met a doctor who was about 7-8 years older than I was, but at that time he appeared to be in the late 20's. The staff had noticed he seemed to have a thing for me, from the way he joked with me and talked with me. It made me blush, because well, stuff like this don't happen in real life. Only on Grey's Anatomy.

One day after work he suggested we hang out and go for dinner. So I said sure. It's like one of those things you add to your list of things to do before you die: go on a date with a doctor. But really, I thought he was funny and gentle to talk to, and smart. So I figured I'd give him a chance to get to know him better.

We got to the place and settled on the top floor of the restaurant where it looks out into downtown. Couldn't really see much because it was a bit dark. But otherwise we ordered our food. Our conversation however, was...all over the place. He would say something, and I would either acknowledge or look at him with a weird face, like wtf did you just say? Totally did not understand a word. It was like we were having conversations with a wall. There was no feedback or acknowledgement of anything that was said. I really couldn't figure out if something was wrong with me for not understanding our conversations or whether his way of talking was just way too confusing for my brain. P.S it had nothing to do with medicine.

It went on for pretty much most of dinner. The awkward conversations and lack of acknowledgement of what was said when I spoke of something. We could never talk about one thing before moving onto the next thing.

So we walk to the subway stop, where we both had to take the train northbound. But before that, he was talking to me about something and then he stopped walking for a bit, so it made me stop in my tracks. It was silent so I looked at him. And his face was RIGHT THERE. Oh, he was trying to kiss me. I leaned backwards and gave him the longest stare. Awkward.

We continue walking to the subway, got on, and maybe had another random conversation about something. As his stop approached and he got off, he gave me a peck on the cheek.

I believe that was the last time I saw him.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Date Fail #3

Third time's a charm! Well maybe. This story happened right before I graduated university. It's crazy how it felt like it was only yesterday.

I was basically minding my own business, prepping for a mini graduation trip to Vegas, when I get a message from a girl friend from high school. We used to hang out a lot back in the day but due to busy student life, we never really got to hang out. She said she has this friend who wanted to meet me.

Uhhhh. Ok how did he even "know about" me? "Oh he found your profile on my Facebook friends list". He was going through her list looking at profiles and somehow he landed on mine. I don't know, maybe something about my face really awed him. I kid.

So after that, he kept bugging her that he wanted to meet me. Okkkk a little bit creepy? Then again, Facebook is for stalking. She tells me oh he's a nice guy. I went to school with him all these years and he's really nice. She suggested we all meet up at a mall to go shopping. It's a funny thing because I actually needed to go shop and buy some stuff for my trip. So I asked one of my trip buddies to come along.

My guy friend picked me up and drove us to the mall to meet up with the 2 girl friends and the potential date. So it was a 5 person trip. We got there and didn't see anyone there, so we chilled for a bit. At last the 3 showed up. First handshakes and introductions went well. Then the next thing you know, the girls grab my guy friend away and walk fast away from me and this new date to go shopping. Awkward much?

So now I'm left to walk with this date, feeling a bit awkward from all this. He was basically shoved into my face. The conversations were normal I guess, nothing significantly weird from what I can recall. We basically followed the group to whatever stores. They decided to do a dress up game. Pick an outfit and go change into it, and we all show off to see how ridiculous it looks on us. It was fun for a while. But it's really weird to be coming out of change rooms to this dude you've only met a couple hours ago and giving him a fashion show.

The last store we hit, I figured now it's time to bail. While I was changing into another outrageous outfit that the girls had picked for me, I texted my guy friend and said LISTEN, WE NEED A PLAN TO GET OUT OF HERE.

So of course we are having this text message conversation while I'm half dressed. Multitasking for the win. At last after my last fashion show, my friend tells them his mom needed the car and he needs to come home asap. I said I'd go as well, but I don't remember what reason I gave. They were fine with it and we said our goodbyes and probably did some number exchanges as well. As we got into the car, I gave my friend a big hug and said THANKS FOR SAVING ME! We both laughed as we went home.

Over the next week or so, we texted back and forth, and he really wanted to go for another date, but I said it won't be a good idea. He kept pushing for just a coffee, something simple. Nothing more. I don't remember specifics about what I said to him, but I probably said something mean that hurt him. Lo and behold I am blocked. And then he moved to the West Coast. The girl friend never asked about it again, nor did she set up another date.

At least I managed to get what I needed for my trip to Vegas!

Date Fail #2

This story happened about 2 years ago as well. Again, names will not be disclosed.

It was beginning of August when a friend of mine tried to set me up with her boyfriend's friend. They both tell me he's a nice guy, he's very shy but he will open up once he gets to know you. That's a pretty normal response in getting to know people.

So, during one sunny weekend, they planned a double date. I drove to my friend's house to meet her and there was where I met the date. We took one car and went to a summer festival in Oakville. They were right. He was pretty shy. I felt like I was doing an interview grilling him with questions. Eventually as the night went along, he was more open to talking and having a good time. At night we all went roller skating. I suck at skating/roller skating so to be skating in that arena in the dark was a nightmare. The date was concerned and literally held my hand the entire night. I still fell and bruised my thigh (and I got the picture to prove it even to this day!) on the rink. That's what happens when you get too confident, skate too fast, and face plant to the ground at lightning speed.

The night ended off with good byes from everyone. Eventually the date asked for my number and that was it.

Over the next few days I would get a text to see how I was doing. Primarily my bruised thigh because it looked like someone really beat me up. It was nice that he was concerned for my well-being. I laughed it off saying it'll be fine. Just takes a few days to heal and I'll be good. Except I won't be roller skating again.

A few days before the first "date" by ourselves, I get a message from my girl friend saying my date really admired me. And was speaking praise, and wanted to marry me and be with me forever.

Wait. What?

I just met you. But that kind of creeped me out. Now I didn't feel too comfortable going out alone with him. But once again, I figured this is my friend's friend so I don't want to disappoint. So let's just do this date for goodness sakes.

The date comes to pick me up from home. As I approached the car, he came out of the car to open the door for me. Aw how nice. Except he really got in my face to give me a peck on the cheek. Something that I'm not used to, and certainly not on a first date for me. So it really threw me off. I think I almost fell backwards from shock.

The ride to the restaurant was scary. I'm not sure if it was the perfume I was wearing or if I was really intimidating but he just seemed so SCARED to drive. Changing lanes into cars, freaking out when a lane merges, cutting people off without knowing. And then the frequent "oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh". Please don't crash, is what I kept saying to myself in my head. I've never met someone who was so scared to drive a girl before. I guess I do give off that vibe.

So now we are approaching a strip of restaurants. I don't remember exactly how the conversation went, but it was basically I didn't really book a restaurant...I just chose three and...I'll leave you to figure out which restaurant to go to! Umm..sure? I guess? So I chose one. We head there to have dinner, and after ordering the food, it was some awkward silence, and some awkward topics. During the meal, it was dead quiet. I remember him apologizing for being so quiet, because he was enjoying his food too much. Yup, great to know.

We walk down the street to get some ice cream. Then after some more chitter chatter I was dropped off at home, and he was already looking forward to a second date. I said....well I don't remember what I said. But the vibe I got was that I wasn't keen on doing a second date.

Fast forward about a week or two. During each day he would text and use a lame pick up line. It really wasn't going anywhere so I told him to stop with the lameness. The message was not received because I still ended up with bombarding pick up lines from him on a daily basis. Eventually he got mad at me for ignoring him and started accusing me of everything (can't remember the specifics anymore). And then I blew up at him after that, for being a douche bag.

Eventually we stopped talking. But when I saw my friend, she would tell me he really admired me. He really hoped things would work out. I was like an angel sent to him. But now he was depressed and wanted to join the army to move on with life.

We did eventually have small chat about a year later, but then lost touch as the years went by. I heard he is doing well, so I wish him the best in his endeavours and also in serving our country.

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Date Fail #1

My good friends know all about my crazy date stories and tell me I should write a novel about my experiences. I figured I'll select some of the odd ones and talk about it. Identities will be with-held as I don't want to get my butt sued. Because you know, everyone these days like to sue each other for no apparent reason.

This story happened about 2 years ago. Someone I knew kept telling me she wanted me to meet her nephew. He was a bit older but she figures he needs to get out more, because all he does is game all day. I don't remember how many times I said no, but she kept pushing. Please? He really needs to meet people.

Ok fine, just for you I said. So she gives me his number. By the way, he's expecting your call! Oh great lovely, that makes me feel way better. Talk about stress. After pondering for who knows how long, I finally text the guy and tell him who I am. I get a reply back pretty fast.

So after some texting back and forth, we finally agreed to meet up somewhere. We couldn't decide where because 1) I'm indecisive and 2) He's home so often that he probably doesn't even know where the nearest McD is. He finally decides on a restaurant in a mall, so I said sure let's meet there.

I arrived first to the mall, on time, and went straight to the restaurant. Except something looked odd. The restaurant was closed. And I don't mean it was closed for the day or for the time being. But it was CLOSED DOWN. Like, the place didn't pay their rent fees and got kicked out.

Great. I saw a guy look at the front sign as well, and thought it was my date. I had no idea how the guy looked like, but from his facial expression, he was not expecting a date from anyone. So I gave the date a call and said, look the restaurant you chose is closed down. Shut down. Nada. No more. He freaks, like oh my gosh I'm so sorry. Totally didn't know because the website said it was still open.

Ok now we have to choose another place. I suggest one off the highway so it would be easier for him to find. So we decided to meet there instead. Of course he was already late, and arrived to the back up restaurant before me (since I was still having to drive back down). So finally we meet.

The most awkward handshake ever.

We go into the restaurant and we sort of talk. But it was mostly a meal of silence.

The most awkward dinner ever. Of silence.

I think we both knew that the person responsible for getting us together was trying to set us up, and we both met each other against our wills.

Needless to say, we said our goodbyes and never talked again. Hate to say it but I don't even remember the guy's name.

The next day the friend comes up to me and asks how'd it go?! I said....ok.....awkward....silence. And since then, she has never introduced me to her relatives again.

Some lessons learned:

1) Be on time. Being punctual really plays a huge factor. It's like going in for an interview. If you are late for your job interview, do you think the boss wants to hire you?

2) Be sure the restaurant or event you are going to actually exists.

3) Some periods of silence is fine if you're eating. But if you're staring at each other for 2 hours not talking much, then it's already a disaster.

4) Try to be out-going. Yes you may be shy, but nothing is more of a turn off if you sit there silent most of the night.

5) Silence is not always golden.

Beware of Random Scammers

You know, those people who stand in random parking lots and then go up to you asking you for money for gas. You know what I'm saying?

I bring this up because after finishing work today, I was coming out of the staff parking lot. To get out, you have to use your ID to scan out. So right in front of the gates stood this older looking European man. He could really be mistaken for a patient or a family member. This guy is smart. He stands where people would have their windows rolled down already so you don't stand much chance ignoring him. Plus because it's rush hour time, traffic would be heavy, so you'd have no where to go.

Anyways, I had my window rolled down to scan out. Lo and behold, this old man was looking at passing cars but not really doing much. As soon as he saw my car, he waved at me. I thought, well maybe he's lost. The first thing he says? "I need to go to ____ and _____, just a drop off. Not too far away. I really need to get there. You're like my daughter, and I'm like your father. So you be good and drive me?"

Ok first of all, if you really need to go to a place, you take a taxi or TTC. Or get a friend to drop you off. If you really needed to be there, you'd walk there. Either way, you would not be wasting time waiting for some random stranger to pick you up and give you a lift.

Needless to say, I told him I was going the opposite direction, sorry. And drove off. He probably thought because I looked young and drove a "fast" car, that I would be naive enough to fall for his words. Think again old man.

It also reminds me a few years back when I was still in university. I was accompanying a friend near Eaton Centre when she had to go to the bank to do some stuff. So I said I would wait outside. By outside, I mean by the bench IN the mall. So this wasn't outdoors, but it was still in a mall.

I was sitting there minding my business when this middle aged man came up to me and asked if I spoke any Chinese. I replied back in Mandarin. So he started talking to me in Mandarin. He looked pretty lost so I thought well, maybe he's lost and needs direction. 

Well, the story he told me was completely off. He has a condo here at Yonge/Dundas and was going to visit a friend in Ottawa the next day, but realized he has almost no gas left in his car, and needs money. And we're not talking $5. But more like $70. He said he would accompany me to the bank and wait for me to get the money. He would also pay me back, so it would require me to give him my cell number.

So many warning bells going off in my head that I decided to just try and run. But wait, gotta wait for my friend. To kill time, I pretended I had no idea what he was talking about. It's kind of fun playing stupid but then again, you never know what's going on in their heads. Best to just leave.

My friend comes back and sits down on the bench with me. She later told me she didn't say anything because she assumed the guy was my friend, when in fact I had no clue who the heck he was. So while I told the dude I don't have any money on me, and I can't help him, he decides to start yelling at me!

Like what? You want money from me and then you start yelling at me? People these days. This is why I don't just randomly give my hard earned cash away to random strangers. 

Needless to say as my friend and I were walking away, he started walking behind us and yelling at us. I never forgot about that day, even to this day.

Another one was at the KC parking lot with my mom. Some dude approached our car and asked for money because his car ran out of gas and he needs to be out of town for whatever reason. We just drove off.

Really? You need to be somewhere? Gas up ahead of time idiots. Or call CAA for help. Your stories are pathetic. Not enough money for gas? Maybe you shouldn't own a car. 

To anyone out there who has not experienced this yet, this is just a head's up. Especially for the young ladies who have a heart to want to help people. You may want to help them, but in the end their intentions could be something much worse.