Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Car parts or purse?

So I have been in dilemma lately in regards to what to get. Car parts, or another purse?

I had been looking at front lips, side skirts and a rear diffuser to replace the ones that were not returned to me when I asked multiple times. This is a problem in the car community, or maybe it's just me. When you ask people to help, and instead your parts go missing. Then when you try to trace them down, they either give many excuses or just disappear into thin air. I've had my front lip stolen twice on two different occasions for painting. What are the chances?! It's not like you can just break into their shop or house and take your parts back, since that won't be a very good track record. Yeah, car parts are a waste of money. Especially when they end up in the wrong hands, you end up spending double the amount to replace them. It's probably the reason why all my parts are mostly used parts from other owners. But to find all 3 used, in a timely manner will take some time. And who knows, by the time I find them, it's winter time. And then it's 2016. My goodness!

I've looked around and found brand new pieces to buy. But I am still in dilemma whether I should go ahead with it or not. The only issue is, those parts would have to be removed in winter time if I want to preserve it and not damage it, as it will all be carbon fibre. But do I really want to remove and put back each season? Plus, when it's being removed and put on so many times, I would be afraid it wouldn't tighten as much as before. You see? Dilemma. I would like to put the pieces on once and just leave it. But carbon fibre requires a bit more maintenance. And once it cracks, that's it. There goes my money once again. These parts require way more thinking than purchasing a purse.

Speaking of which, I have thought about another purse to add to the collection. If you had been keeping track of my posts, you probably recalled I wrote a brief post about Chanel and a pending order of a medium classic flap bag back in March (which I already removed). My friend and I had ordered via "someone" (I did know him personally) who said he had connections for a kickass deal. It sounded too good to be true, but he kept insisting it was for certain. And had "updated" me biweekly on the status of the bags. Well, it's almost end of July and I have not seen any pictures of its arrival. I already stopped believing back in May when the arrival dates kept changing. The lack of initiative to pick up the so called bags to deliver to me, basically ignoring every time I asked. Instead he made me feel guilty, or almost like guilt tripping. For what? I ordered bags, that was it haha. This is a business deal; either the item exists or it doesn't.

After persisting for pictures and what not, and not getting straight answers, I have come to the conclusion that the Chanel bags do not exist. If it was only me, I would be fine, but this involved my best friend as well. And when another party is involved, I get way more pissed than usual. You know the saying, never get in between a woman and her purse? (I sort of made it up) but yeah, that's pretty much this situation. It was a complete waste of time on both our parts. I had called up that "connection" friend (who, according to that "someone", supposedly had awesome connections to high end brands) and explained everything to him, and he really had no idea what was going on. This was all new to him. So in conclusion, that "someone" was faking everything. Making false promises on car parts and bags. Lying to everyone. So not only did I get screwed over with car parts, but now bags as well. Yeah, let's just say fancy doing business with you. People like that are sick in their minds, and need psychological help. I hope he seeks the help he needs.

Back to the potential car parts and purse. Now, I could get the parts AND the purse as well, but that would be bad for my wallet (and yes, I do make my own money to buy my own bags and parts). Probably a really bad financial decision too. So I have decided.....




Wait for it.....


+1 for the purse.

Yeah, sorry for the disappointment. I figured the purse would be needed soon for the conference, and I needed something to fit a laptop and a binder, along with my other crap that I usually take. I could easily just bring a laptop case or one of those messenger bags to fit everything, but nah, I'm not a messenger bag type of girl. I rather fit everything into a nice bag with a carry on luggage and not have to worry about a laptop bag. That's more bags to carry! Plus this would be more useful than car parts. At least resale value would still be high versus car parts. See my logic? Maybe? This is partially why I can get indecisive with things because I tend to argue with myself about what's more logical.

The next step is colour. The best colour combo would be black with gold hardware. It's the most elegant look, and makes everything look more professional. Or black with silver hardware. I thought about it, but I don't want to pay for a plain look. If I choose a colour, I better be happy with it and use the bag more than once. Frankly, I need to add some bright colours to my collection. Most of my outfits are dark coloured, so buying a dark coloured bag would just blend in too much. So I didn't choose either of the above colour combination. Instead....I will wait to write a reveal and then you can see for yourself. Hopefully the colour will show up on camera.

The store I contacted did not have the bag in that particular colour, but they found one at another location. I asked to transfer it to their location. So it will be about a couple of days before it arrives and then I can take a look to see if it's up to my liking. Or whether I need to choose another colour. The problem with these bags? They come in too many different colours! I wish they would have a buy one get one free sale. Haha only in my dreams.

So there you have it. My decision at last. Stay tuned for an upcoming bag reveal! (well, that's if I'm happy with the condition of it)

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