Sunday, October 18, 2015

Fall Cruises 2015

I know I mentioned I wasn't going to attend any more car club meets in parking lots and what not, because of my bad experiences with weird people.

However, going on a car cruise with your loved ones especially during the fall season is a must.

I like colourful things. And that includes pretty leaves. When you drive through a scenic route with leaves changing colours, it's the most beautiful thing to witness (aside from seeing a bride walk down the aisle).

This fall, I had the honour to go on 3 different cruises with others who are passionate about fast cars. The latest one I was shot gun so I did my best to take some scenic pictures, and also some shots of cars. The route took us through and around Caledon, and we were able to get some leaves transitioning into the fall colours. Ooo so pretty!

So then we entered the Forks of the Credit. A small town with some twisty roads. Unfortunately people take advantage of it and speed through, so there are speed traps there.

We ended the cruise with a brief photo shoot session. And of course, stopping local traffic just because we are more awesome than the Blue Jays (or any Toronto team as a matter of fact).

Looking forward to seeing what 2016 will bring us!

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