Sunday, May 01, 2016

More Pet Peeves

Everyday when I drive home or if I'm out and about, I always encounter something that annoys me. I'm a pretty chillaxed person, but there are just some things that I see that blow my mind in a bad way. And you think...etiquette. Do they not know any manners?!

1) People who cross the roads while talking on the phone. This annoys me to the core. First of all, you are crossing the road with potential weapons of mass destruction. What is more important than your own safety? Your conversation with a girl friend about the latest gossip? What you had for breakfast? How your crap looked like that morning? PAY ATTENTION! I don't know how many times those pedestrians give drivers the dirty look when they almost get hit or something. Or they over exaggerate it by jumping high into the sky, then start giving the middle finger. 

Don't blame us drivers that you, a pedestrian, decided to change your mind last minute and step onto the road while I'm trying to make a right turn. Because you were too into your conversation with whoever it is on the other end of the phone. Absolute carelessness about your own life. Yes, ok drivers have to give pedestrians the right of way (depending on the situation), but as a pedestrian, you still have responsibilities to PAY ATTENTION!

2) People who talk on the phone while walking on the sidewalk. Yeah I've been guilty of this a few times, except I walk fast. When people start checking out what's on Facebook or IG, or just texting/talking on the phone and not paying attention to where they're going, yeah it gets on my nerves. They start walking super slow and become an obstacle on the sidewalk. I end up dodging them as if I'm driving in a Formula 1 race. If you're going to text or talk to someone, please stand on the side or stop somewhere. Don't be doing all that crap in the middle of rush hour, while walking in the middle of the sidewalk. 

3) People who cut their nails in public. Ok gross. If you know your nails are super long and need a trimming, do it before you go out please. The last thing anyone needs is for your gross nails to be flying into someone's face or food. Who knows how much bacteria is under those fingernails (dead skin especially, since we all scratch ourselves. Location is where I don't want to know), and who knows if you scrub/wash your hands after you pick your nose or scratch yourselves. Complete GROSS!

4) People who pick their nose and eat their boogers. Yes, this happens. Yes I've seen it happen. I Just no. Please.

5) People who smoke while walking. Yeah ok it's a free country and whatever. But seriously, have you no consideration with people walking behind you? The worst is when they blow a huge puff of air and everything gets absorbed into my face and nose. When that happens, I duck. Yeah I might look ridiculous in public, but I don't care. I don't want to die from second hand smoke. Or I just cough really loud until people think I'm dying. You want me to do a huge fart in front of your face? I could do that too. Please. You want to smoke, ok fine, please go stand off to the side and do that.

6) People who run, then suddenly walk at a cross walk. You know, those people who see the numbers counting down and calculating they don't have enough time to cross, so you see them run towards the road. Then suddenly when they are on the road, they start taking their sweet ass time to cross the road. Meanwhile you're in the left lane trying to turn, and the opposite side of traffic is clear. Except you have to wait for these slow asses to cross. And now the traffic light is yellow. AND THEY ARE STILL CROSSING THE DAMN ROAD. Yeah you know who you are. Annoying asses. Next time I'll just run you over. 1000 points bitches.

7) People who talk in public really loud. I don't know whether they are just loud in general, or they do that to get strangers' attention to say how awful their life is, or how nasty that person is. Either way, tone it down. I do not want to know about your bedroom antics or how so and so is a complete slob. I'm just there trying to drink my hot chocolate in peace. I don't need to hear about your drama, thanks.

8) Which brings me to talking on the phone really loud in public. Yes, I sometimes do that if the person can't hear me or if it's really noisy. But I end up telling them I'll call you back later, or get up and go somewhere quiet to talk properly if you really have to. However, if it's relatively a quiet area and you're still talking so damn loud, either you need to get your hearing checked, or you need a phone that projects sound to the highest degree. The worst is at the library. When there are signs clearly stating NO TALKING ON PHONE! in the study area, and you hear this one phone ring, and this person joyfully talking, they will get a bunch of death stares. 

9) People who gossip, either at work or school or family etc. Ok great, I get that you like to talk crap about other people, because your own life sucks but how is that my problem and why am I dragged into your world of hate? I'm sorry your life sucks, I'm sorry you're not getting laid by your husband (probably because you too chubby or you're just a bitch...wait, who would want to marry you in the first place?!), I'm just sorry your life sucks. But good luck in life regardless. It is no wonder people hate you because of your attitude towards others. I find it is because nothing is going well in their lives that they start gossiping about other people. They get a high off of that, and feel better about themselves. Well, that's where I stick my middle finger up in your face.

10) People who smell like body odour. At work, or public. I'm not saying you need to dump an entire perfume bottle on your entire body, but damn man, at least shower?! At work, there is always that one person who will smell like BO. You can do great make up on your face, but yet don't have time to shower or smell decent. I can see where the priorities are at. 

11) People who are constantly on their phones while you're trying to talk in person. Yes, we all have done this at least once with friends or loved ones. What drives me up the wall is when you're talking to them, and they're all like "uh huh" while staring at their phones. Then they say "it's ok, keep going, I can multitask". When you finish your story, they go "huh...interesting...wait what did you say?"

Those are the ones where you want to take the phone out of their hands and just throw it on the damn floor. 

12) Chicks who walk with heels that are way out of their comfort zone. Actually, this one makes me laugh because it's like they're trying to be sexy, but they look like tall ducks trying to waddle their way through the crowds. I get they are trying, but come on. If I knew I walked like that, I wouldn't want to step out the door. Practice walking at home with them first, if you really want to walk in those heels. 

13) People who try to squeeze themselves into clothes that are 5x smaller than they are. Yup, we've all seen that at least once. I get you're trying to have the motivation to be skinnier, but that's not the best way to motivate yourself. You just look like an overcooked muffin top, with syrup leaking all over the place. Just, no. 

Those are my latest pet peeves. With summer around the corner, I'll be sure to keep my eyes out on more pet peeves.

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