Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Our thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by the Manchester Arena tragedy. Stay strong everyone.

It hurts to see so many young people get hurt/killed by this senseless act. Sometimes I just don't get it. Adults fight each other, great. If you're going to commit suicide, just go kill yourself only please? Why go bomb random places where innocent people are? Are you really that selfish? Especially at a concert with young kids/teenagers. They haven't had the chance to really live out their lives and now it's cut short because someone decided well, I'm going to kill myself today but I'm going to take a bunch of strangers' lives with me.

I don't know how this is considered a God-fearing thing to do, or a "success" in God's eyes. But it really is a cowardly and selfish act.

In the 10 Commandments, we see "Thou shall not murder". You commit suicide, that's murder. You murder yourself. Now you commit suicide and take others with you. That's still murder. Two wrongs don't make a right. It never will.

These people who are doing suicide bombings are NOT and I repeat, NOT following the Gospel properly. They are militant extremists who base everything according to their opinion that human sacrifice will get them to 'heaven', while twisting the words of God around.

It is really sad to see this happening around the world, especially something as innocent as a concert. United we stand Manchester.

For those extremists out there, please do everyone a favour and stab yourself in the eye or shoot yourself in the head. The world will be a better place without your weird life analogy.

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