Friday, March 25, 2005

Random crap #1

parents aren't home. me cleaning up room. not successful. ew. dirtiness. muhahahha.

anyways, school in 4 days or so. oh my goodness. didn't really start hmwk. stupid piano. took up so much time. ahhhhhhhhhhhh *going nuts*

oh darn. today's the day that i get to drive. woohoo? i haven't driven once this yr i don't think. or maybe i wait...ahh can't remember muhahaha. anyways, it'll be interesting....yes...indeed....=D

so much stuff to do today. but yet, my butt is glued to my chair, not letting me go anywhere..haha jk. let's just hope i can finish my english hmwk tonight. and then do some food & nutri stuff. (ughhhh).

i wanna eat. but i lost my appetite..don't know why. don't know how. maybe stress is coming back...hmmm....*sigh*

crap, i should stop blogging more than once a day x__x. wasting precious space =P update later.....

1 comment:

  1. I posted 3 times a day once lol. I think its perfectly normal :P


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