Tuesday, May 03, 2005

a bunch of randomness

first off......


minus 36 days till i die.....i mean ARCT piano exam
ok, now for my random thoughts...

Karla Homolka, who took part in the sex slayings of 2 teen girls back in 1992, and also confessed to the slaying of her own sister (Tammy, 15), is being released this July. Her ex, Paul Bernardo, is serving a life sentence for the 2 murders. My thought? I was about 6 or so when i first heard of the murders. Looking at the picture of the couple made me sick to my stomach. I had hope that both would serve a life sentence, and would never be released. But look now. Karla. Free. What has society turned to? The courts heard that Karla and Paul murdered Tammy but yet they were not formally charged with her murder, just the 2 murders of the teens. What the heck is up with that? Not enough evidence? Dude, they took videos of the rape. Isn't that enough evidence? And now she's being set free. To some, it won't matter because, hey, she is human and humans make mistakes. Hopefully being in jail for 12 years or so will teach them a lesson, but you never know if they might commit a murder again. The judge should lock both up for life.

Recently i read the article on Cory Newton, a registered sex offender, in the Toronto Star. What the heck, sodomizing young boys for his own pleasure. For 12 years, he committed sex acts with young boys. What did the courts do? They released him. Once he was on parole, he committed more sex acts with young boys, befriending them, then ditching them once they hit puberty and finally, moves on to younger boys. Seriously, Canada should start learning from America. I know for a fact that most people don't want pedophiles walking the streets, especially in your own neighbourhood (but of course, you wouldn't know until it's too late). But hey, Canada's getting more stupid when it comes to jailing murderers, sex offenders, pedophiles, list goes on. They should think twice before releasing someone who committed a serious act. They should think thrice before releasing a repeated offender. 

Now, on with Shakespeare. I hate Shakespeare. Never learned anything while reading his books. and i never will. Presentation tomorrow on 2 pages, and i literally have to translate every line. like what the heck.

Prom. Well, certainly this year has been interesting. Wait, that really doesn't match but whatever. With all the shuffling around, people getting angry at one another...Let's just hope n pray that things work out on prom night. It's suppose to be our "special night" but of course if things don't work out as planned, then so be it. One thing that i hate is: dressing up and walking in heels. Oh right, and trying too hard to look nice. Perhaps, even smell nice.

Oh right, drove from downtown to home on Sunday, with my G1. sooo illegal? well not really. at least mom was beside me, but yelling at me x__x. Was i really that scary of a driver? well..maybe the occassional running stop signs, abrupt stops, abrupt turns, turning too fast, swerving, speeding (wow went over by 40 km/h), and backing out the driveway...i didn't realize i put the car into reverse; car's moving, and me, not knowing what the heck just happened =D. Ok i guess i AM a scary driver. I'm gonna fail my G2 =P

hmm just got a phone call from some random guy. on my cell. I'm like...hmm..don't recognize the #, so i say...hello?! he's like...who is this? (in some mean tone) i'm like..uh you got the wrong number...*hangs up* RUDE BASTARD! because you called me twice, i'm gonna broadcast your number: 647-290-2752 (prank callers, remember to hide your number ok?). I know, i'm mean, but i'm in no mood to feel sorry for that guy. I've already had tons of wrong numbers calling me. But this was probably the worst one.

Should i trade in iPod mini for a PSP? HMMMMMMmmmm......

Oh crap i can't believe exams are next month. CAN YOU ALL BELIEVE IT?!?! OUR LAST EXAMS FOR HIGH SCHOOL!!! WHOOOOPEEEE!!! psh it's not like i'll miss them anyways, but i'll definately miss each and every single person that i've met all 4 yrs *SNIFF* damnit i'm close to tears..must think happy happy....

Friday: House of Wax. Starring: Elisha Cuthbert, Paris Hilton, that Chad guy, and some no name people =D who's in? 
Took a walk last week after dinner. played bball wif Alley and Monkey. oo fun times =D yes girls win 15-3!! TSK TSK mike! jk jk. dropped my phone while playing, and darn it's all scratched up =( but it still works =) yay go Samsung!
Well, this should be plenty. 2 quizzes, 1 prez and 1 test left as of this week x__x time to keep up the marks! 
cheers ya'll =)

1 comment:


    LOL!! Don't worry about your ARTC, you will do GREEEAAAT! Perhaps you can teach me piano in the summer, or play at my funeral once I commit suicide after finding out that I didn't get accepted to Western, or that I dropped chem when I got accepted to forensic. AHHH!!!!

    Oh cruel cruel world!! How dost I find thee will to carry on, with mine soul being whisked away into the barren lands of the elysian plains. Or my mine mind being tormented by the devil's tune into committing such crimes as "dropping chemistry."

    LOL!!! A little Shakespearen language for you there. Hell!! I do suck in eng!! HAHAHAHA~~~


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