Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Random Post Again..

Soooooooo..who is bored and wants to read some random things? Me!

Ok let's start off with some fashion stuff. Some random stuff I was looking up online. I happened to look at Christian Louboutin shoes because they have that cool black and red concept going on. I usually like to wear black (because it makes me look skinnier) and maybe some colour accents so it doesn't look like I'm going to funerals all the time. So I thought, well it would be cool to get a pair of shoes that have black and red on them. Louboutin's came to mind. Of course the price is a bit ridiculous for a pair of heels. Second is, they don't have any style that I like. Some platforms are cool, but I can never pull off the pumps look, because my feet just won't fit in those pointy heels. Thirdly, I will probably trip and fall on my face wearing heels that high. As cool as they look, they probably don't fit my profile.

I don't know how many of you check out the Purse Form, but that place is purse heaven for all the ladies (and maybe some men) out there. I go there to research bags before I buy, especially if it's a premium designer handbag. So props to TPF for being such an informative website. Then there are times when I get bored, I'll surf the forum for random topics being discussed. I still look at Chanel here and there, but knowing the ridiculous price increase, I can only daydream about it. In the meantime, I have plenty of other bags to decide over at home.

The next thing is health care related. One thing that comes to mind is, when you are checking to see if a patient's fistula (or their life line) has finished clotting, make sure you stand off to the side of the patient, and not in front of them. Because blood will come squirting in your face. Not that it happened to my face, but my scrubs got splattered with blood. A fistula is like an artery (even though it's a big vein); every time the heart pumps, blood will squirt out. The first time that it happened to me all these years. So definitely everyday you learn something new. It was definitely a scary moment for everyone. But thankfully the patient was ok.

So this week, I have eaten at Pho about 4 times with 4 different group of friends. I always order the exact same item and the exact same size. It's pretty sad. It shows that I'm not very adventurous with pho food. But damn, that MSG is so good. I know after this, I have to boycott Pho for the next year. Yeah, who am I kidding. I admit, I have a pho-king problem.

Did you know that Hamilton is home to over 100 waterfalls and cascades? If you didn't, you should go do some exploring and hiking. You don't need to travel thousands of miles to see a beautiful view. You can get it locally. But fair warning: wear comfortable clothes, running shoes, bring water, and be prepared to do a lot of hiking and climbing over rocks. But it's so worth it!

I was driving near a mall a while ago, had my windows halfway down, listening to music (not blasting it, but when I listen to songs I like, I tend to go to LALA land), minding my own business when this black Civic sedan pulls up in my blind spot. We are both waiting at a red light by the way. So as I'm quietly jamming to my music, I hear a couple of guy voices. I thought, well I don't remember this song having guys just randomly talking in the background. But I just ignore it. Then the voices got louder. I swear for the life of me, I was mad at my music for messing up. Then I realized it was the guys in the Civic trying to talk to me. Right. So I lowered my music, and look over. They are like, Heyyyyyyyy how's it going? You have a nice ride! I said thanks. Then the driver asks for my number. I looked at the traffic light and said, it's a green light, bye! No offence but 1) I don't give out my number to complete strangers 2) especially at a traffic light and 3) sorry but you look very jailbait to me.

Who gets foot/leg cramps on a daily basis?! I do! Well, maybe not daily but enough to drive me nuts. This is due to cold weather, sleeping in a funny position, or wearing heels that are too high for me or I've been in heels for too long. Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night by bad leg cramps? Yeah it's the most painful thing ever. I've woken up in tears because of it. I blame my stupid stubborn childhood, for not drinking enough milk and not getting enough calcium. Turned to juice and pop, and it just makes everything worse. Sugary drinks and carbonated drinks = no good lah. So yes, I also get bad foot cramps while I drive, hence why I would be terrified to drive stick shift for a very long time. If you ever see me drive with a foot in my lap, it's probably because I'm trying to get rid of my foot cramp. It's not because I have a foot fetish. Then again, safest bet is to just pull over and get rid of the cramp.

Dating and relationships pfft. The topic was briefly brought up lately, and it really set me off in a bad way. Probably due to my past experiences, and people pretending to be your friends when they really aren't. They just talk false things behind your back to other people to make themselves look better. Those people are obviously trapped in high school forever and have some self confidence issues that they blame the entire world for their problems. The older we get, the more immature people get so it seems. Or maybe I'm just looking in the wrong area. Yeah, that's probably it.

CNE is opening this Friday! Who's excited to go?! I know it's the same every year, and admission gets more expensive as the years go by. But I think it's all about the vibe. It's something you can look forward to, to spend time with your family, friends, go on a nice date or something (and if it goes unwell, you can run into the crowds and get lost), and try some funky foods. This year, they have introduced some sort of dessert and poutine mixed together?! I don't know man. Poutine is already freaking awesome by itself. But mixed with some sweet stuff, I don't know. I think foods should either remain sweet or salty, but not a mix of both. I'm not a fan of tasting two different tastes: makes me nauseous. But anyways, I don't go because of the food, but because it's nice to spend a day with people who you care about and vice versa.

Countdown till vacation begins! I can't wait. At the same time it's nerve wrecking because I need to finish my project. To finish the project it's best to take a few days off to work on it, but it's impossible because I work almost everyday. This sucks. The life of a procrastinator.

The more I look at my car, the more I appreciate her. Actually, the more I appreciate God for creating us and giving us the gift of intelligence to make such beauties like cars. I mean there are times that yes, the coupe does make me mad, but it stems from all the experiences of modding her. Otherwise, she ain't that bad at all. She doesn't argue, talk or fight, she sighs by opening the blow off valve, she farts via the exhaust and doesn't care what people think, she's so pretty she turns heads wherever we go but is already taken by me. Yes, now if I can find the guy version of that, it would be awesome. Except the farting part.

Speaking of which, a good friend is in the early stages of creating a car group that will hopefully be enlightening to those who are Christ followers or seeking to know Christ. We shall call it CFC. It's in the early stages of development, and I have met those who are interested. I am proud of what they have come up with, but they definitely thank God for making it possible. Stay tuned as it is in very early stages of development.

Recently I decided to prank my parents. This was after going to the Taste of the Danforth for some food with a friend. We waited in line for this wrap that everyone said is sooo good. Except the line up was sooooo long. By the time I got to the front, I was close to passing out. Probably due to heat, having not eaten for a while, dehydrated, and being in a huge crowd. So anyways, after that near passing out ordeal, my friend saw a painting studio that offered free painting for the night. You basically have to try and copy the painting of whatever painting was displayed. The artist would be there to help guide you on paint strokes and blending. So she dragged me to go paint that flower. This is nerve wrecking, especially when you have crowds passing by and looking. It's intimidating. At the end of the night, my painting looked like a 4 year old did it.

With the prank, I decided to show my mom and ask her how she thought of it. Her reply was that it was very ... nice. And colourful. So I offered random information: I bought it from the Danforth, it was $50, in support of the local artists. That's when she freaked out. $50?! You got jipped! Are you crazy! What a waste of money! Mommy knows how much painting costs and $50 is too much for that! It looks like a child painted it! I had this all on video, so I was trying not to laugh. Eventually I couldn't stop laughing, so I told her I didn't pay for anything. It was free. And I drew it. That's when she said she would hang the painting on the kitchen wall. I said no, I don't want the nieces to see it, and then get embarrassed when they find out auntie painted it. So she said she would put it up in the basement, where no one sees. Thanks mom!

The next day, I asked my dad the same question about the painting. My mom decided to be on this, so we pretended I paid money for it. Except dad went straight to being honest to saying it looked like a child painted it. And it was not worth $50. He wouldn't pay more than $2 for it. My parents are awesome.

Anyways I think that will be it for tonight. Time to have some cereal.

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