Sunday, October 11, 2015

PSA: Fraudster

This is a public service announcement post about a fraudster in the GTA car community.

I met this guy back in August 2014.

He seemed nice and all at first, buying me stuff I didn't ask him to buy, as a way to show he cares. But no one buys expensive things when you first meet. People thought it was strange that it was happening but they said "as long as you're happy".

I guess at first I was, because it was sort of nice to get showered with stuff, but it was not in my character for people to shower me with random gifts. So it was awkward.

Then I saw the real side of him. The pathological liar and manipulator.

Not only did he lie and try to scam 4 of my friends whom he barely knew, but he was lying to them about everything. When you lie to my friends, especially those that I have known for a very long time, you basically lie to me. And I don't like that. I'm a loyal friend who will call you out when I find out. Seemed like he was trying to destroy my friendships.

He had my front lip and side skirts as he offered to get it fixed and repainted. The front lip and side skirts were bought by me and paid for. It has been over 6 months now and I still have neither. I have asked for it back via FB, Whatsapp, text, and calling over the months but each time it was:
1) I'm in Jersey
2) I'm in Chicago
3) my grandpa fell on the ground and I gotta send him to ER
4) I'm not feeling well
5) I'm at the doctor's
6) my grandma can't breathe
7) I sent my mom to the ER because she isn't feeling well
8) I overslept

As you can tell, a variety of excuses. My favourite is the medical ones because it's like the entire family has taken over the Emergency Department in one day.

Then when I asked again, he said he threw them out and bought me new ones. WHO THE HELL BUYS NEW PARTS FOR SOMEONE WHO NEVER ASKED FOR THEM? This is not a matter of trying to be nice to someone. This is now making that person pay for parts that they never asked for, on top of paying for paint. This is the part that got me very mad, because if other people don't know about it, they will get screwed over.

And then of course a month later he says they are my original parts. So which is true? You end up not believing anything.

In the car community, he is active in the GTR forums (Battalion30Five etc), VQ Nation (G35/37) and GTA Motorheads (variety), and was trying to get into the Genesis community. He will also pretend to have access to good prices in anything else, like purses. Beware of him if you decide to do business with him. Whether buying parts, ECU tuning, motor build etc. Doesn't matter what he tells you or if he appears knowledgeable in everything. Once you give your money to him, you will either 1) not see it again 2) not see your parts 3) not see either again forever, or for a very long time.

If he has worked on your car before (and for free), you will be ok for a while, but then your car will start breaking down one by one. Ultimately in the end, you will be the one having to pay for all the parts and damages on the car. He will start making excuses to not fix it, or delay in fixing it, and you will have no choice except to go to an independent shop, and spend an arm and a leg (maybe a kidney, and part of your liver) fixing the problems he caused.

People have dealt with him before, whether in person or online, and found that he was lying about everything. Unfortunately a lot of people have also lost money because of him and are continuously pursuing to get money back. This isn't just $50 he owes to people, but rather in the thousands.

He makes fake promises on building your motor, getting you the best parts in town, all for a reasonable price. In reality, he doesn't have it. If he demands a payment or deposit upfront, don't pay him. A receipt is never issued, so you won't have proof he took your money. And that's the thing, if he has gained your trust, he won't issue a receipt. Because you trust that he will get the parts in. But don't trust anybody in business. Any transaction that is done, you demand a receipt.

He doesn't have any social skills. He buys things to impress people with money he doesn't have. You can't buy friendship or love with material things. This is not a proper way to make friends. Considering a lot of people have been scammed by him, you can tell he does this for a living. A mastermind in manipulation, lying and making lots of excuses.

LADIES: BEWARE! He will try to act all nice to you, buy you all the nice things in life (pretends that he buys them but in reality, it's his mother's money he uses), and once he gains your trust and you invite him into your life, you are basically screwed because YOU will be the one paying for all living expenses, because he doesn't work. By the way, if you date him, you will not be the only girl that he has on his side. He's a chronic liar and a cheater.

The best part is if he can't handle you, he will get his mom to do it for him. So instead of dealing with him, you will be dealing with his mother. This is a guy who is mid 30's, telling his mom to clean up after him. Unless you want to go that route, I suggest you not start any business with him.

When things are too good to be true, believe your gut feeling that things won't be right.

You're welcome.

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