Wednesday, November 02, 2016


Happy November all. Can't believe it's already nearing the end of 2016. Not sure if I should be jumping for joy or crying.

First off, it means we are all getting old. Yup. I still picture my good childhood days, feeling so carefree, hanging with my family, M and friends. These days, it's the hard reality of working crazy hours just to pay bills. The reality of losing family and friends to sickness or unfortunate circumstances.

All those hours of homework and studying results in spending the rest of my life paying bills. Whoopee. At the end of my life, I don't want to be rolling in my grave wondering what other bills I forgot to pay.

Anyways, completely different from what I want to talk about today, which is breast-feeding. In public.

Lately there has been stories about new moms breast feeding their babies in public, and the public being disgusted by it. Then sending these new moms to areas "away" from civilization so they can feed their young. For example, one mom was told to go to the bathroom to breast feed her baby in a restaurant.

Let me tell you, the disgusted public, some breaking news: it's normal. Get over it.

I'm not a mother myself, but I know people who have done the whole motherhood thing, as well as currently in the new motherhood thing. How do you think you got to where you are today?

Yes man. Sucking your mom's boobs to get nourishment and satisfying your damn hunger, so you can grow up to become a productive member of society. If it wasn't for your mother's breasts (or awesome vagina), you wouldn't be here today. So be thankful for your mother's breasts and monster vagina.

It makes me annoyed when people send new mothers to disgusting, filthy places to breast feed their babies. It's almost like it's blasphemy. When did something so natural and God-giving become so shunned from society?

All these guys (mostly guys) are into pornography these days, watching random women get naked and sleep with strangers, while having their boobs bounce up and down and getting sucked by these old men. It's also interesting because it's a lot of the men who are complaining that breast feeding in public is disgusting. Have we come to the point where watching naked porn stars is normal but breast feeding in public isn't? Shouldn't we actually embrace the joy of the bond between a mother and her baby at its most tender moment?

Ohhh! Damn! She flashed a nipple while feeding her baby! Big deal. So many young women these days are exposing their breasts in tight hugging dresses, as well as their butts, they might as well walk around naked. I have seen some ladies go bra-less in their dresses, thinking it looks sexy. So what difference is doing that versus breast feeding? It's a double standard if you ask me. If anything, that is fashion fail. There is nothing sexy about erect nipples showing through a shirt or dress, especially an elegant dress. You want to look classy, not trashy.

I have seen mothers also carry around baby blankets to cover up when they breast feed. That's cool too. I've seen both and hey, both are fine to me. Some women don't like other people staring at their breasts because hey, it's right there. I respect them for that. I've seen family/friend's nipples when they were breast feeding. It doesn't mean I'm a pervert, but it doesn't mean I look at them differently. It's nurturing and beautiful to see that bond.

A baby is hungry. You've got to feed them. They're not like us adults, who can last for a day or more without food. No man, you feed them every couple of hours, if not more frequent. That mother and baby that you see on the subway on her way to visit a friend, news flash: the baby will get hungry, especially if it's a long ride via public transit. Telling a mother to do a pit stop to breast feed somewhere private and in the dark is pitiful and disgusting. She will never get to her destination. Until one has gone through motherhood or someone who understands what compassion means, no one will understand the hardships of motherhood.

People think stay at home moms is the easiest job in the world, while the husbands go to work and stay long hours. Guess what. Stay at home moms are goddesses. They are superwomen. I really have no clue how they do it. I can barely take 2 hours babysitting. But these awesome women do it 24/7. They are the moms, the chefs, the nurses, the doctor, the engineers, the non-stop workhorse that keep a family going. Much respect to the hard working moms out there. Breast feeding in public should be the least of their worries.

I rather have a mother feed her baby versus having the baby cry for 5 hours being hungry and annoying. A baby's cry is something that will be engraved forever in your head.

So to all the people who think breast feeding is disgusting, you should look at yourselves in the mirror to see what's really disgusting. You should all be ashamed for giving these new mothers disgusting looks, crude comments, and disgusting behaviour towards them.

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