Sunday, March 05, 2017

March Madness

Well, there goes another week of working 65 hours! I wish I could tell you how my week went, but in reality, I really can't remember because everything is literally a blur.

Everyday is almost like a repeat of the day before. There's so many cases and variations of each other, it's hard to distinguish one event in one day. Cheers to one day off, and then another 9 straight days of working non-stop again.

I do remember one event this week: the dude that I posted about previously (the one who drove with his door open in the parking lot) was working the same shift as I was. Yikes. Thankfully I was done my shift and giving report. And you know, when you give report to your colleague, you must really focus on giving proper report. No off topics, no distractions, nothing. So I gave the longest report that I could, just so I could avoid talking to him.

It was also the same day that my bestie gave me a belated birthday gift. It was a big bag, and I don't like getting attention from people, but it was hard to hide that from colleagues as I walked past them to go home. "What's that?!" I have no clue because I haven't opened it yet!

I got home, and I read the card and laughed because we like to laugh at each other's corny jokes. Then I opened it. I could not believe my eyes.

A pair of Charlotte Olympia black velvet kitty flats. OH. MY. GOODNESS.

This girl is crazy! I told her why?! It's way too much money.

She really liked them and ended up getting me a pair, because I had returned my previous blue pairs. I hadn't really talked much about it previously, but I did return those pairs shortly after buying them because 1) they were the wrong size and 2) I ended up using the money to pay for my car repairs.

She had come with me initially when I first bought the blue pair of kitty flats, and she knew my size already. So she secretly ordered them online when she found out I had returned my pair. THIS GIRL! I almost yelled at her for spending too much money on me. Surprising me is very rare since I catch onto things very quickly, but this was totally unexpected. Thank you girlfriend!

My next step is to find a dress with kitties all over it. It's so far been pretty difficult because it's hard to not try and find something too corny looking. Once I find one, my kitty wardrobe would be complete.

Alright, sleep time finally!

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