Monday, October 30, 2017

Chanel Earrings

I was bored at home and was surfing the net (what a deadly thing to do). I came across these cute pair of earrings from Chanel's website. It's part of their current collection, so I figured they should have some available. It's a grey star, with a grey/black stud at the top. Hard to describe but it was super cute.

Last week I decided to check it out in store.

Yorkdale's Chanel is currently undergoing an expansion so you won't be able to walk in from Holt Renfrew. Instead you have to walk all the way into the mall and enter from the mall entrance. Not sure how long this has been going on for but I haven't been to the mall in a while, and this was new to me.

Since it was a weekend, it was super busy. Not surprised at all. All the SAs were busy helping customers with bags and what not. So I patiently waited until someone was free. By this time, a couple of people were also in the same boat as I am. Security eventually sealed off the entrance because it was getting busy inside, so of course there was a line up forming outside of Chanel. Good thing I made it in earlier.

Eventually one of the SAs became free and I snatched him for help. I asked about these particular pair of earrings and he went to check their stock. Unfortunately for me, they did not have any in stock anymore. And when they mean not in stock, it's basically sold out. Jewelry tends to sell out very fast apparently. I didn't know.

I was disappointed.

However, the SA did show me the entire collection of what they have in store in case anything peaked my interest. So here I was, looking for anything that might make me change my mind. And it did.

Normally that does not happen with me when I shop. I'm like a dude, where it's I know what I want beforehand, I go in and buy it and then leave to go home. Shopping around to see if anything peaks my interest is not my cup of tea. But this was very rare.

I asked about this new pair that I saw and he showed them to me, allowed me to check it out in the mirror to see how it would look like. I really liked them. Unfortunately for me though, these were the last pair. Bummer. However, he did say people were not allowed to try them on in store, so they were never worn. There are no refunds on jewelry, so they are final sale. But I knew they would match me, because they're blue.

The other one that caught my eye was the exact same pair, except in a different colour. I asked about those ones, and he checked. They were also the last pair left. I said what the heck, I'll take them both.

And so I did.

My first pair of Chanel earrings. The other pair has gone to a long time friend of mine for her birthday (waiting for a scream, and a "I will kill you" comment) so I did not do a photo shoot since I didn't want to ruin the packaging. They're the same design, just different colour.

So here it is:

Forgot to take a picture with the ribbon neatly on. Oops.

Here they are! They're actually blue but the lighting was a bit bright. They're massive as well. They do hang below the earlobe.

You can see the blue a bit better now, with the blue Chanel bag below.

One obvious thing I did observe is the level of the crystals. If you read my previous post a while ago about fake Chanel earrings, I mentioned the crystals were not aligned (some were higher than others, and they came off very easily). You would have to see it at eye level or use a magnifying glass. These ones are perfectly aligned. They are also super shiny.

They are also heavy. Unlike the fakes I received, they were super light and felt cheap. This one you can tell the quality is way better. So you will know when you end up losing an earring because the weight of it will hold your earlobe down a bit. Nonetheless, I have worn it once already and they are awesome. Not super heavy, but enough to know that you're wearing a pair of earrings.

I'm happy to say that this first pair of Chanel earrings was a success. The fake ones I received are long gone in the garbage, already destroyed. This is what I call quality. 

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