Wednesday, January 17, 2018

New Year Thoughts

I was reading the news (of course, when I'm bored I start reading), and came across several stories that bogged my mind.

The first is this thing with people doing this "Tide Pod Challenge", a Youtube challenge where young adults eat laundry detergent gel pods for fame. The warning label on the pods say to "keep away from small children". I didn't know a 16 year old was considered a small child, but considering they're eating something poisonous, you might as well call them idiots.

This is the "new fad" of 2018. Eating laundry detergent. Are you serious? What's the next challenge? Who can down a cup of antifreeze the fastest?

I have watched a clip of these idiot teens biting down into the pods and of course, the pod erupts in their mouths and they try to spit it out. I'm not sure what the goal of this challenge is, except to break the pod with your teeth. Otherwise, it's probably the dumbest idea. Somebody out there, at least start spreading something good or helpful. Not stupid things like this.

This really shows how our society is really like: going downhill. It makes me fear raising kids in this culture. I would like my future kids to get married to smart people, not idiots who eat washing machine pods for fun. There is already a generation of idiots; we don't need more to populate Earth.

Honestly. I don't know what these teens are thinking. And yet you want respect from everyone? Maybe start growing up and realize the difference between food and a Tide pod.

Click here to see what the next generation of leaders will look like.

The other one that hit the news pretty big this week was the attack on a 11 year old girl wearing a hijab. A man came up to this girl while she was going to school and assaulted her by cutting off her hijab. Not once, but twice.

The girl and her family called police, and got the TDSB involved. It hit nationwide news, and everyone was searching for the culprit behind this assault. That this isn't what Canada is about.

You're right. It isn't what Canada is about because the attack never happened.

I'm not sure why a 11 year old girl would lie to the police, to the school, and to the public about this made up story. I mean great, she didn't get injured. But seriously, why would you say something like this?!

This is equivalent to calling 911 for fun and hanging up the phone when they start asking you if you need fire, ambulance or police. Or having someone arrested for raping you when it never happened. How is this situation any different?

My folks taught me at a very young age, to never call 911 unless my life was in trouble, or I needed to save someone's life and needed help. But to never cal 911 for fun and hang up, because we could get into serious trouble. And go to jail. Yes, instilling fear actually works people. Don't be afraid to threaten or scare your kids because it actually works and they won't even try it. So where were the parents and their teaching of telling their kids to NOT LIE TO THE POLICE ABOUT SOMETHING SERIOUS LIKE SOMEONE ATTACKING THEM?

If an 18 year old did this, they would get arrested for wasting the police's time. Or 30. Or  60. This girl is lucky the police isn't arresting her parents or her for wasting their time and resources chasing after false leads.

Now there is that issue of well, what happens if someone wearing a hijab did get attacked, but are now afraid to report the crime because of what this girl did? In the world of forensics, if there is proof that it happened, they will find it and yes, the culprit will get convicted. I don't think anyone should be afraid of reporting something that happened to them.

She faked the assault.

The other one to hit the news was a University of Guelph professor who was accused of making snark remarks to one of his students and his aid. The student suffered from severe anxiety and was chewing gum in class. The student had raised his hand to ask the professor a question, and that's when the snark remarks began.

Why is he chewing gum? It helps him to relax because of his anxiety. He mentions he has an aid beside him. The professor then calls him the 'handler' and tells him that he 'needed to control' the student.

Obviously the student was very upset about this and left the class, along with the aid. Soon after, other students in the class protested about how the professor handled the situation, which prompted one female student to stand up and basically rip apart the professor. Along with a standing ovation, she really stood her ground. Soon after, students started filtering out of his class.

The power of social media. I tell you, you have to be very careful what you say in this day and age. One wrong move, and your future is on the line. This is a prime example of this. The professor can think he's all badass and tough, but one wrong word, and you're out the door.

Professor thinks he's tough.

Now, one of the more depressing news this week was the 5 year old girl who was struck and killed by a vehicle in motion, right outside her school.

Camila was being picked up by her dad after school. The car was parked in the drop off/pick up area of the school, and they were both getting into their car when a SUV in motion (nobody was in the driver's seat) began rolling towards their car and pinned them both against their car.

Both were taken to hospital, but unfortunately Camila's condition was too critical that she passed away a couple of hours after the accident.

We also found out that little Camila had battled cancer when she was 3. This was her second chance at life and now it was taken away too soon.

Rest in peace Camila.

Camila Torcato

Another tragedy this past week was the shooting of an innocent bystander, a 15 year old boy named Alfred Wong.

He was riding along in the car with his parents, approaching an intersection when there was a gunfire outside. Alfred was hit by the stray bullets intended for someone else. They had just come back from a family outing when they were caught in the crossfire.

He was on life support and was not expected to live. How do you deal with that? That you're just minding your own business with your family and then suddenly now you're making the decision to continue life support or not.

Supposedly the shooting was gang related. Investigations are currently underway. People in gangs are heartless. They really don't care about the feelings of other people when it comes to hurting innocent bystanders. They don't care to stand up and admit it was their fault for ending innocent lives. Of course, because they're idiots. Only idiots and cowards join gangs.

Rest in peace Alfred.

Alfred Wong

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