Sunday, April 01, 2018

April 1st!

You know what that means...

First off, I bought a Lamborghini Aventador in baby blue. It's been my ultimate dream to own such a machine. Paperworks have been done, but the dealership at Pfaff still needs to do final checks and what not before I pick it up. I request to also get tints done there so that also explains the delay in delivery.

Plan is to have it delivered to the house. I requested that they put a big bow on the roof, because I like to spoil myself like that. The plan is to do a delivery video/photo session and pose with it before I take the bow off.

This has been a wicked dream come true so I'll be sure to share it with you once delivery occurs!

In other news...

Happy Easter to all! May we also celebrate that it's the day Christ rose from the dead. Amen to that! May you all celebrate with family and friends on this awesome weekend.

The data collection was compiled and now the final presentation is done! It has been printed and ready to go. I'm pretty excited and scared at the same time. I've noticed no one from Canada has a poster presentation at this conference so I keep telling myself, behave. Don't screw up. YA REPRESENTING THE CANADIANS YO! DON'T SCREW UP!!!!!! Yeah, no pressure. Just keep it cool.

I went to Niagara yesterday to check out the games and eateries at Clifton Hills. I tried the Zombie 3D game and that was pretty neat. It was similar to a game I played a couple years ago at Wonderland, on a ride and shot zombies at a screen. The only difference here is that it's in a theatre like setting, so you're not on a ride, but the seats move with whatever is going on, on the screen. There are seats that don't move if you request. Most likely they'll just turn off the seat motion during the game. Anyways that was cool.

The second was a haunted house. It's somewhere in the middle of the busy street. But the decorations are behind cages. Nothing pops out at you like the ones at Wonderland. Yet I was still trying not to piss my pants from being too scared. The problem was that it was completely pitch black. Couldn't see anything so you will have to hold onto the walls and feel the walls. The attendant says it takes about 10-11 minutes to complete the house but I finished in about 2-3 minutes because I cheated: I used a flashlight.

There was another vampire one but didn't get to check it out, since I thought it would be similar to the other haunted house one.

Then there was another 3D ride. This was located inside one of the arcades. Nothing scary about it. You just shoot lasers at targets that are on each figurine inside. This one was one that takes you inside on a cart. I was lazy and wanted to sit so this is a good one if you want a break from walking inside attractions.

The arcades was a hit/miss opportunity. Some of the arcades inside were a bit messed up as it ate my coins and didn't return them, yet didn't give an opportunity to play a game. I didn't bother trying to complain to get some reimbursement for the coins since I didn't pay too much for them. But just a head's up if you decide to check it out.

Also checked out the Grand Buffet inside Fallsview Casino. First time there at the buffet. Of course I get carded again trying to get inside the casino. The buffet is $30 a person, but if you have a player's card, I believe you get some sort of discount. If you play a lot there with the card, you do get some coupon that gives you free lunch or dinner buffet. I don't have either so I paid the $30.

The food selection was alright. The taste was alright too, nothing too crazy. Desserts was good. Otherwise I don't think it's worth $30 for the buffet. I think maybe they're trying to be like Vegas with the food and stuff, but it's not THAT impressive. It's convenient for the casino goers who want to have a lunch or dinner but don't want to go far.

After that it was time to go home!

I've been looking for a pair of Chanel shoes which aren't sold in Canada. It's a bummer as I've called Canadian boutiques and they pretty much said the same: if there isn't a price listed on the website, it means the Canadian market didn't pick it up. Which SUCKSSSSSSSS. I guess I'll have to try USA and see whether they do have it or not. If they do then great. Problem is, the damn currency exchange. Our dollar always sucks. So while I oogle over them and dream about them, I will really have to think whether they're worth it.

I've had a couple of weird dreams lately. The first is I dreamt my brother bought a used Ferrari Maranello. So weird. Because my brother doesn't really care much about cars. I would go and visit him and see the nieces. At the same time, I would take the keys and drive the car around. I almost curbed it in my dream while trying to park on his street. Almost had a heart attack, and then I woke up. I woke up wanting a Ferrari.

The second dream was that I had almost missed my flight. The flight was 720am. I was still at home at 7am packing. But for some reason the online announcement said oh nevermind, the boarding time would be 9am. Yet the flight was suppose to be 720?! I'm not sure what happened there, but all I remember is taking my time to pack my things. And then I woke up thinking I missed my flight. Thankfully it's not the time yet.

Alright, that's about it for now. Going to take another afternoon nap. Be lazy. Cheers!

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