Monday, July 27, 2015

It has arrived....!

Dun dun duuuuuuuuun!

So the bag has officially arrived. Shout-out to Amanda the SA for helping me find one in the colour I want. Unfortunately I was not able to catch her while I went to pick up the bag, but Richard was able to help me retrieve it.

So here's the thing. I took my sweet time doing inspections on all aspects of the bag. I was probably in the store for a good 45 minutes inspecting and debating with myself before I finally made a decision. The bag was in great condition (i.e no leather peeling, no scratched hardware, no ripped nylon inside etc) but one thing that did bug me was a tiny piece of stitching had stuck out at the bottom. And that the zippers were a bit tough to open and close. But that issue was solved with some wax (yes, they use wax to help glide the zipper more smoothly).

I had a few choices. Either I stick with this and buy it, or I ask another location to ship me another one. Thing is, I'm not sure if it's a high end store thing or not, but if they see one store already has a bag of that model in that particular colour, they won't ship it out from the Bloor flagship store to another store. So this one was already shipped from the flagship store because the Yorkdale location didn't have it. Now that Yorkdale has it, the Bloor location won't ship a second one unless the first one was sold. I'm not sure if it's that reason, or maybe they will wonder why they have to ship 2 of the same colours in less than a week to the same store. Either way, it was my choice to wait or just buy it.

I am also told this particular colour is limited in this size (as of today, there are only 3 in Canada. Not sure how true that is). I'm pretty sure it's just their tactic move on selling their items because this particular bag is one of their most popular lines. But I can understand maybe why the colour is not a popular choice, because people go for the more neutral look, like Cameo or Nero. So the colour I picked is obviously not a popular one. Plus, the one at the flagship location was a floor model. The one that was shipped to Yorkdale was not, as everything was still wrapped.

Here I go, back to inspection. I managed to push the stitch back into the crease at the bottom so it's no longer an eye sore. It was not ripped or broken. Just a small loose loop. The bag won't break because of it, but it's hard to find the perfect "handmade" bag and not find any flaws. Maybe some guy's hand shook while stitching and made one stitch loose. No bag is perfect. It can be almost perfect but not perfect. After the stitching part, the top zippers were lined with wax. And then it became a lot easier to open and close via the zippers.

I am happy to say I accepted the bag and is now in my possession. However, my wallet hates me right now and is not talking to me, and probably won't talk to me for the next while. Below are a few reveal shots. I'll do a more in-depth un-boxing post and take better up-close pictures in the next post. So stay tuned!

                             Chilling in the trunk. Thought it would be too big but just made it.

                                                        A shot next to her neighbours.

                                                             Revealed! Well, sort of.

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