Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Pet Peeves - Driving?

We all have pet peeves. If you say you don't, you are lying to yourself (and me, but then again I can't read your mind).

I think most of my pet peeves relate to driving because I drive quite a bit. When you are so passionate about driving but have to share roads with people who just want to get from point A to B, or who are terrified to drive, then it becomes a nightmare and a slalom trying to dodge the cars. And maybe whatever comes flying out of them.

So here is my list.

1) Left lane hoggers. You know, cars that go waaaay below the speed limit. Both on highway and local roads. If you're a new driver or are scared to drive in traffic, stick to the right lane please. I BEG OF YOU!!!!! It's not only safer but it also prevents people from swerving around you like a pylon on a closed course. You only take the left lane to pass traffic, otherwise stick to the right. 

2) Tailgaters. Seriously, what difference does it make if you're 3 car lengths behind me or actually sniffing my butt with your disgusting car? NO DIFFERENCE! You ain't going anywhere buddy. So you can sniff my butt all you want. But when traffic ahead suddenly brakes and I do too, your mouth will be up my....rear-end. And then now we have the car version of the human centipede. The car centipede. But seriously, unless you're in bumper to bumper rush hour traffic, you shouldn't be closer than 3 car lengths from the car in front. Unless you want to become a centipede with the stranger in front of you.

3) Non-Signalers. Those who change lanes without signaling. I already said above. I CAN'T READ YOUR MIND. SO PLEASE SIGNAL WHEN YOU WANT TO MERGE IN. Cars come with signals for a reason! They are not decorations to make your car look pretty. They do have a purpose. I don't know how many times I've been cut off by people who don't signal to merge in. Just because the lane up front is ending, doesn't mean you don't have to put on your signals. You're still crossing the line. SO SIGNAL DAMNIT. Which brings me to...

4) Lack of thank you. What in the world is wrong with people these days. When I first learned how to drive 11 years ago, if I had to merge into traffic, I'd give a thank you to the person letting me in. Just a hand wave. Like HELLO HOW ARE YOU? Not a finger or thumb's up. But an actual hand wave. I still do it because it's the courteous thing to do and that's what I learned from my parents. These days, don't expect anything from the car that will be merging in. Maybe a 4 way signal. But most people don't know what that is except that the car broke down. Otherwise nothing. No wonder people are so bitter. Something as small as a thank you goes a long way and can make a person's day. I remember a van let me merge in so I stuck my hand out to say thank you. Like a hand wave. What does he do? Tailgates me! Like dude I didn't give you the middle finger so I don't know why he would tailgate me for 2km. Even when we try to say thanks, we still get bombarded with stupidity.

5) Distracted driving. This includes anything other than driving itself. Eating, talking on the cell phone, texting, playing with your phone, playing with your music player, drinking, putting make up on, putting lipstick on, picking your nose, kissing your girlfriend, playing with your boobs. You get the idea. I don't know yet again how many times I've almost been side swiped by distracted drivers. When I pass them I see them with their heads down focusing on their phones or staring at their crotch because it's somehow more interesting than hitting the car in front of them. 

6) People who drive like they are in the Nascar race. Don't get me wrong, I like driving fast but not to the point where I'm weaving in and out of traffic. You just never know who will decide to suddenly cut into your lane. Lo and behold your car has just kissed ass with that car. 

7) Backseat drivers. Holy cow. This one drives me out the roof. My mom does it to me all the time and it drives me nuts. But she is my mom afterall. She is suppose to be annoying. But the part that drives me nuts is when your friend or friends ask you for a ride somewhere, say to a party. And they start telling you what to do. Watch out for passengers. Oh slow down it's a red light. This lane ends so might want to change. YOU WANT A RIDE OR YOU WANT TO WALK?! The most annoying is when that person or people haven't talked to you in ages and then out of the blue asks for a ride because you're going to the same party. Excuse me, you want a ride, please respect the person driving you. Let the driver drive for goodness sakes. The driver has a way bigger responsibility now because of an extra life in the car. So the last thing they want is to be told how to drive. You're a backseat driver? Take the bus, walk or drive yourself. 

8) People who throw cigarettes out the window. Not only is smoking bad for you, but to have the guts to just throw it out the window. Hello you aren't the only one on the road. What happens if it lands in the car behind you (say a person driving a convertible)? It's just gross. I don't want your saliva all over my car thanks. And I don't want carcinogens touching my car or I. Keep your nasty waste in your car, then when you park and get out, throw it in the nearest ash tray. Manners anyone?

9) People who spit while they're idling their cars. Similar to the above except this is NAAASTYYYYYY. I don't want to drive my car over your nasty phlegm. Tires cost money and so do rims. If you have expensive Christian Louboutin shoes, you think you want to step in someone's phlegm on the ground? Yeah neither does my car. So keep your phlegm in your throat please until you see a washroom and then you can hack all you want.

10) Cars who don't turn into their designated lanes. This one is annoying as hell too and can be dangerous if people are not paying attention. Those that turn RIGHT onto a major road should only be turning to the RIGHT lane. NOT THE LEFT OR MIDDLE. Cars that turn left should be entering the LEFT LANE, NOT RIGHT. Easiest thing I can think of is RIGHT RIGHT. LEFT LEFT. Now when two cars turn at the same time (one left, and one right) and heading the same direction, that's where it gets all tricky. Especially if you're not paying attention. Cars turning right (unless it's a red light) will have the right of way. Cars turning left will always have to make sure there are no further traffic before turning. There have been cases where both sides have collided because each car did not drive into their designated lanes. It happens. So to prevent further collisions and rising insurance rates, please turn into your damn lane. Thanks.

11) Cars who try to merge and then BRAKE in the merging lane. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?? The point of merging is to accelerate and then merge in. Not brake. This is just so dangerous on the highway. I've seen it happen, and it's just nuts. I've seen a car driving on the far left lane going 100km/h and then decided, oh crap my exit is HERE! *decides to brake in the middle of the highway on the far left lane, and try to change 3 or 4 lanes over to exit*. The dude actually came to a complete stop on the highway on the far left lane. He is lucky there were no other cars behind him otherwise it would've been catastrophic.

12) People who drive with their DRLs on at night. It's pitch black and I'm driving behind a car with no lights on. Unless you're stalking someone and going on stealth mode, I don't see why people should have no lights on at night. Problem with people is that they forget to switch their headlight mode to "ON" instead of "OFF". And people are not taught that DRLs are not headlights.

13) People who drive with their high beams on in the fog. It drives me nuts! They actually make it worse to see because the light disperses everywhere in the fog. It blinds everyone. So no, high beams do not work "better" in the fog. Drive cautiously with headlights on (and fog lights if you have it) and it's already good enough. I've driven on Taunton Road from one end of the city to the next, in heavy fog, with little to no street lights. That was probably the scariest drive of my life. But the amount of people driving with their high beams on is ridiculous. It just makes it harder to drive.

14) People who signal right (or left) but go the complete opposite way. They should go back to kindergarten to re-learn which way is left and which way is right. My young nieces are barely in kindergarten and they know the difference between left and right. I'm not sure how those people ended up getting their licenses but it's ridiculous.

15) People who run red lights. As a left turn car, it is freaking frustrating. The light is clearly red, and the dude or lady is blowing past the red while I'm still trying to get out of the intersection and out of people's way. Yet it's always the left turn car's fault if they hit anyone. STUPID I tell you.

16) People who can't make up their minds where they want to go. They slow down...and brake...in the middle of a stretch of road with traffic behind them. Then they start accelerating again, and change lanes, but change back. You get the idea. If you're lost, pull over somewhere and ask someone. I'm not a big fan of GPS because it has led me off my trail several times. The best map is still my brain. I look up the address beforehand and memorize the roads. Thank God for the creation of the brain because it is one amazing machine that still beats a GPS.

17) Having car parts not returned. This one is not a driving pet peeve but it's a general pet peeve. The most annoying part is when I'm told new parts were bought so therefore the old parts are gone. Who buys parts without that person's permission? Common sense much? It's not about being nice or whatever. It's about asking the person for permission. If permission is not granted, then why buy new parts for that person when they never asked for it.

18) Broken promises and lies. When you are promised things and given false hope, and being strung along for the ride. If stuff is too good to be true, then it's not worth your time or money. Save yourself grief and stick to your gut instinct.

So there you have it, my top pet peeves mostly related to driving.

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