Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Wishing everyone out there a happy, safe, Merry Christmas!

For those who work today, thank you for sacrificing and serving your time. It is tough to balance work and holiday time with family, but hopefully there will be time for you to see and be with your family when you are done. So thank you.

I want to thank all those for their continuous prayers, well wishes, support and encouragement during this time, as it's the first Christmas without M. Family and friends have brought in stuffed orange cat plushies, flowers, drawings and pictures in remembrance of him. We have a mini shrine created for him and all the small gifts that were brought to him. It was very emotional for me, and if he were here, I'm sure he would really be super happy. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.

God bless everyone out there and stay safe.

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