Saturday, March 19, 2016

Steelcase Tires Review

Since it is still March, and it is Fraud Awareness Month, I will continue with this review of Steelcase Tires.

Steelcase Tires & Mags is exactly what you think it is. They sell tires. Steelcase Tires

A brief overview of how I got in contact with them:

Back in early 2015, I was suppose to purchase a set of tires from a person we shall call A (how convenient because his name begins with an "A"). A had initially told me he had an old set of G35 tires that he had kept and didn't need them anymore. The summer tires that I had were going bald so I needed a set. At that point it didn't have to be brand new, but just something so I could use when it came to swapping out the tires. At this point, I had the understanding that I would get A's old G35 tires. This was in March 2015.

By the way, I am not making this up. I do have the text message conversations but for the sake of potential tampering, I will not post it up.

As the days went by, I get a message saying A is on his way to Buffalo to pick up the tires. That was April 2, 2015. It confused me because I asked him what happened to the G35 tires, and why Buffalo. He then told me they were old/bald and not good. Ok...but couldn't you have consulted me beforehand that you were now doing a plan B? Which then he told me he had to go out of his way to get it for me. Ok, well that's not my problem.

The explanation was that he would help tune a club member's GTR and in exchange, that member had a set of tires that he wasn't using (he had apparently gotten newer ones so didn't need these ones) and it would be a direct swap. I asked how much it would be. Instead, A kept insisting it wasn't required because it was a direct swap. And he got offended that I would have to pay. Almost like someone saying "you can't appreciate the finer things in life". Well, it's not about that. This is a business deal nonetheless, not a vacation. Told me to save my money.

He had taken these new tires and my rims to Steelcase Tires for them to mount. That's the first time I heard of them. So from that point on, I had the understanding that 1) the tires were picked up from Buffalo and 2) they were picked up by A and then driven to Steelcase tires for them to mount my rims to tires. Are we on the same page with this? Ok good.

April 17, 2015 is when I saw the tires/rims. At that point he still refused my cash and I offered to treat him for dinner at least for helping. In between we kept touch here and there, and I had also asked for my front lip/side skirts back because A had them. He had offered to help take them to a shop to get it repaired and repainted. After months and weeks of excuses of not meeting up (i.e my grandpa fell on his face again, my mom's in emergency, my grandma can't breathe, I've been admitted to the hospital, I'm in Chicago, I'm in Montreal, I'm in New Jersey, my whole family is in emerg because they're all constipated etc.), I figured I wasn't getting any of my items back. That was my last straw, and that was end of June 2015.

I heard nothing but silence from him for months. It wasn't until I started moving on with my life that he suddenly reappeared. In mid September, I get a mail from A's mother (really? mother? Whatever happened to dealing with problems face to face like adults, without involving each other's parents? Are we grade schoolers or something? *rolls eyes*), asking about the tires.

What really confused me? The mail had said the tires were still outstanding. They weren't paid for. And now the shop is coming after me supposedly. I was also being threatened that my car would be impounded, until the tires were paid.

So let me get this straight. The tires were NOT from Buffalo? They were from Steelcase Tires. "Purchased" from Steelcase Tires in April 2015. The mother was smart enough to send me a copy of the invoice. Very smart actually, because it had the exact date, with the customer information and the price. None of which was mine. I was basically lied to. And now I have to pay the price for someone else's lies? No thanks.

I was really confused. I got an email from A later on saying the tires were from Steelcase Tires, and because I was not dating him at the time, the tires were not a gift. Not only that, he had typed out "regardless what I paid" (still have a copy of this email). It's hilarious, because on the invoice, someone had handwritten "A's girlfriend" on the invoice.  We weren't together in April 2015, so who's A's girlfriend? Obviously It wasn't me.

It gets better. I get a call from Richard Boake at the end of October 2015, who runs Steelcase Tires with his dad. I've never met the dude before. Don't even know how he looks like and don't care, although Google really helped so now I know. Never been to the store before. Don't even know where the hell the store is located. Richard is asking me about these tires. I had explained to him that I was told these tires were a direct swap from Buffalo with another GTR member, according to A. Richard says well, no the tires are from Steelcase. He had gave it to A, and it was ok to take them first without paying. But now someone needs to pay up.

To put it simply, A had lied to both Richard and I. What he told Richard is not what he told me and vice versa.

Ok fine, I can understand a shop needs to get paid for their items. But here is where it all falls apart.

1) How is it MY responsibility that a shop owner DECIDES to give a SET OF TIRES to a customer they "trust" and not accept any upfront deposit or payment right away? A normal shop would have done that. If full payment is not done within that day, then you go after their ass. You don't chase them 6 months later down the road. That delay in time is very suspicious and shady.

2) The invoice never had any of my information. My signature wasn't there. There was NOTHING on this invoice to indicate my name or information regarding this "purchase". If they ever decide to have the shop change the invoice information to my name, that itself is a crime. That is forgery. If they do that, their asses will get sent to jail. As I said before, the mother already mailed me a copy. So legally, they can't change it.

3) I have all the texts and screenshots from my conversations with A and Richard. When I compare the two, both their stories don't really match. Hence why I feel like I'm being scammed by both of them. One email said they were paid for, and one text said it wasn't. This is why I said the stories are inconsistent.

4) My experience and "story" is exactly the same. It never changed, and it never will change.

5) The fact that I was not present when A and Richard interacted at the shop, it is NOT my responsibility to pay. I have confirmation with law enforcement as well regarding this matter. I had no knowledge of their meeting or interactions, because I was told they were from Buffalo, not Steelcase. If I had told A or Richard that I am interested in buying tires, and I sent A to pick them up for me, then yes, that would be my responsibility to pay. But that interaction NEVER happened. So therefore, I am not responsible. The only two people responsible and who should be fighting it out would be A and Richard.

After the initial phone call and conversation, Richard had texted me again to follow up what A had to say. This is ridiculous, as I am now the middle person communicating between A and Richard. Besides, I had cut off all communication with A. If you want your money, talk to A, not me. How the hell do I know what interaction you guys had? I don't know anything.

The most unprofessional thing about Richard and Steelcase Tires? The fact that when I told him it wasn't my fault that he decided to let go of a set of tires to his long time customer, and trusted him that he would get paid. That's when he got pissed at me. What did he say? Here, I type word for word:

"I don't give a shit anymore. I'm taking you both to small claims court. I don't care about your problems. You have the tires on your car and you are now aware that he hasn't paid for them. I have never encountered a less empathetic person in my life. Your willing I let a 3rd party go down for tires that are on your car because your boy friend lied to you. Real class act both of you are."

Honey, you obviously have not met someone empathetic or don't know what empathy is. Are you getting that confused with sympathy? Because they are two totally different things. And just to clear things up, my job requires me to be empathetic. I deal with life and death in a blink of an eye, so don't be telling me I ain't empathetic. You obviously aren't empathetic nor have any feelings except anger, playing the "I'm not guilty" game.

Small claims court? With what case? The judge would laugh at you both for wasting his time because I had no clue what was going on behind my back; whatever agreement was agreed upon, it was between A and Richard, not me, plus I have all the evidence I need on my side. I have the original conversation with A, and a copy of that invoice without my information on it. When they look at the text exchanges between Richard and I, they would be able to tell who the real douchebag is. Case closed. Money and time wasted.

Class? Really? What do you know about class? You obviously have no class considering that last message you sent me, nor how to talk to people properly. Bitch please, once you find the definition of class and act like you have class, you can come talk to me properly.

Would I recommend people to go to Steelcase Tires & Mags to get tires? No. I haven't even been to the shop before, and I still wouldn't recommend people to go. The fact that I have to deal with an unprofessional individual, who was butt hurt because the truth hurts, tells me he can't handle reality. It is also very unprofessional how he used vulgar language to someone he's never even met before, even if a potential customer. So please steer clear of this individual and this shop as a whole. Especially when they don't take responsibility for their own actions, and start blaming other people for their wrongdoing. I don't care if this individual is the best race car driver in Canada or is involved with fundraising foundations, he crossed the line with me. I stand firm in my view that Steelcase Tires is not professional, and will rip you off. Save your money and go elsewhere.

Again, how is it my problem that he let go of a set of tires without taking a deposit or full payment upfront? REMIND ME AGAIN? Only hooligans would do that. Real professional shops wouldn't. I don't care how good of a customer they are in the past. There are still shop rules to follow.

The 2 culprits to avoid:



I would recommend Tires23 (located in Mississauga) or Simply Tire (North York), as both have great reviews and both offer packages for different cars/clubs around the city.

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