Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Belated News!

Hello world, hope you are all enjoying this day and take it all as a blessing!

First off, Happy belated Father's Day to the fathers, fathers to be, and fathers who have passed on. I celebrated with family and gave my dad his gift for the year (which of course was the new Iphone 6). He was overjoyed, yet kept saying I spent too much money on him. When I look back at all these years of him raising me, the price of a phone is very minuscule compared to what he has invested in my life.

The latest funny story involving my dad (in honour of Father's Day) was pretty recent. It's a bit embarrassing but that's alright.

One day my mom caught me plucking my leg hair and started yelling at me to stop doing that. She doesn't know what plucking is, but equates it to shaving. So of course off she goes lecturing about why it shouldn't be done etc. While she was giving her usual speech, my dad overheard all this happening. He then left the house and a while later came back home.

He came to my room, with something in a bag. I took it out, and it was a box of wax strips by Nair. He then said this to me in Mandarin:

"Sooo..what the hell, you pluck your hair, doesn't that take a really long time? Anyways I saw this on TV and found it in the store. Since it was on TV it should work. I don't know how to use it so you will have to call someone to ask how to use it. Ok? This is better. Faster."

I have never laughed so hard in my life. Almost gave myself a hernia.

It might seem ridiculous to some, but to me it's the small things that matter. He didn't have to do it, but he did because he cared. That's what love is, and that's also why I love and care for my family.

Props to the dads out there, especially mine because he is extra special to me!

I also did a minor shopping splurge as well. It came at a time when the GTR Club met up and there was about an hour and a half of time before the crew left for a cruise. I took this time to go in the mall while the guys were outside admiring cars.

I headed straight into the Louis Vuitton store, sort of knew what I was getting and got it! Stay tuned for a reveal.

It was partially a splurge, and also a reward to myself for getting a second job. Then again, I don't know if I should be celebrating a second job. It will be a lot of work, pretty much leaving no time for life. Hopefully I will be able to balance both out. I'm not sure what the plan is right now, but it's a transition period that will get hectic.

Speaking of GTR meets, there have been quite a few cruises already. I'm really glad people are coming out to just spend the morning or afternoon or evening time cruising. There is another one coming up this Sunday with the BMW True North group so that's pretty exciting!

There are some events happening this Sunday. GTR/BMWTN meet, the Strada cruise, and then the Unionville car show, so it will be a busy Sunday for sure. If you are a car fanatic, be sure to hit up one of those (or all if you can) this Sunday!

I'll keep this update a bit short, but stay tuned for more in the next post. Enjoy the day!

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