Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Cars Cars Cars!!

Happy June! Holy cow it's June already. That's insane O_O

To start off with the blog, I have exciting news: my parts are painted and ready to be installed! WOOO!!!

It's been a long time coming if you know the crappy journey I had to go through for these damn lip and skirts (and bumper).

For those who don't know, I will sum it up. The first time I had bought a used front lip to be painted, gave it to a GenCoupe member for painting, and I never saw it again. That was 2013. In 2014, I got another front lip and side skirts that were new/used. They got painted and installed. I suffered a misshape which damaged my bumper and lip. One of the skirts was a bit warped and was not pinned down properly, and over time it caused strain within the skirt resulting in it cracking in several places.

A douchebag named Andre then took my front lip and side skirts to get "painted"/repaired, and with several phone calls, emails, texts, whatsapp to him regarding the return of my parts, I never saw it again.

Two stolen front lips and a set of skirts in less than 2 years. I'm so lucky.

Anyways, it's been a year and a half since I broke the bumper and just over a year since my parts were stolen and never returned. I figured it's time to fix her up and make her look better than before.

I realize buying new parts are never really worth it in the car market because they will always decrease in value. I figured maybe when the time is right, the right parts will show up. It may have taken a year or two, but eventually the used parts showed up in the local used market. I was just responsible for getting it painted to the colour I wanted. Voila.

After delaying and being lazy, I finally got the parts painted and one part installed. The rest will have to wait until the weather gets a bit warmer so it will stick properly to the paint. Hopefully by the end of this weekend, it will all be done and over with. And I will be happy again.

To the two losers who stole my parts (and most likely sold it off in the market to gain MY money), you can eat horse dung, and I hope your balls rot from flesh eating disease.

Back to more car news:

The GTA GTR club has expanded in the past couple of weeks. People know of people who know of people who have GTRs and boom! The club just grew! It's amazing how small this world really is. So don't screw around with people's minds because eventually it will come bite you in the ass without warning.

This is exciting news as summer is pretty much here (or almost, considering the weather lately has been whack), and a lot of people bring out the cars for shows and cruises. So what's better than having all the GTA owners gather together and have one huge meet and cruise!

Now it all may seem very cool and all, but the cruises itself is a pain in the ass to plan (not that I plan it, but I've seen behind the scenes and yeah, give props to the leader of the cruises!). The toughest part about big cruises is to have everyone stick together. It's almost impossible to do, but you have to have the cooperation of the entire group as well. I.E no burnouts,  no crazy driving, no illegal runs, stuff like that.

Thankfully the maturity of the GTR members have exceeded those of the many clubs and meets that I have went to in the past (however, there is always that one bad apple in each group). So far with all the cruises that we've been on, it's been pretty well planned, no one got into an accident or got pulled over by the cops (well, maybe except that one time when that one random chick in the Porsche flipped her car over because she took a turn wayyyy too fast, and even lied to the cop about her speed). But non-GTRs don't count. XD

Everyone has driven with respect to each other, and has communicated well with each other prior to the cruise and also during with walkie talkies (those things were so cool when I was a kid...who knew it would be so useful some 30 years later!).

The meets and cruises are NOT announced publicly, except for current owners, to keep it exclusive to GTRs.

As cool as Blacklist Rally and Northface Rally are (and hey, we all love to see the Lambos and Ferraris come out to play), the GTRs are underplayed because people have the perception that it's not a supercar, or doesn't cost half a million because it's a Nissan.

But this is the brilliant part. It's a brilliant car! It eats Lambos and Ferraris for breakfast, and costs 1/5th of those! Give it some basic bolt ons and a tune, and you are pretty much set in eating all the cars alive that exist in this world today. The Japanese finally did something right, and that is creating this monster car.

So when you have 15 GTRs show up to a meet, and only GTRs, the parking lot sounds monstrous. It won't sound like a F1 race, but it sounds like a bunch of dinosaurs roaring at each other. There's just something about the sound of a GTR that is so distinct and so monstrous, especially when they all start up at the same time. It's one of those noises that you won't want to miss, and one of those noises that you must hear before you die kind of thing.

Because the group is growing and has grown a lot over the past few weeks, people are excited to bring them out. The amount of cruises and meets were very subtle at first, but has now become a weekly (if not twice or thrice a week) event. We hope to continue this as it brings the GTR community closer (the community itself is not as huge as the Genesis Coupes or the Hondas for example), so people already know each other from before.

Which leaves one simple rule. Banned members are not welcome. People may think "what a stuck up thing to do" but here's the thing. If you have a member who was going around lying to everyone about fixing the cars and never really doing it, or doing it poorly that the person is now having to pay double the price to fix their car, then why should they be allowed in the group? As a leader, wouldn't you want to put some sort of control over those types of behaviours?

Wouldn't you want to help your group? Not put your group in jeopardy with this douchebag. For the sake of all members (current and new), banned members are not welcome to the meets or cruises. Fair and simple.

Strada has already taken off with weekly meets already, but I haven't been and don't plan on attending. Ertefa is supposedly doing one huge event in July, similar to Importfest, but I'm not interested. Those shows just never really appealed to me. As much as I love showing off my ride, I rather just enjoy it for myself. I'm the only one who knew what it was like to go through all this with my car, and I'd rather enjoy it behind closed doors than to share it with a bunch of guys who assume whatever they want to assume. Cool yeah you can assume whatever you like, but I'm just done with all the drama associated with cars and people.

If there is drama in the car scene (and trust me, there's a lot), I rather just sit back and watch it unfold. Not participate in it or egg them on. Just watch.

My last bit is about...purse!!! Right of course, I found another purse I'd like but debating with myself to get it or not. It is from Louis Vuitton, and I know from my post a while ago, I said I'd never buy a LV bag because they are mostly canvas and not leather. However, this one is one of the classics and is cute to wear for casual or nice nights out.

The price is reasonable (well, at this point anything below 3 grand is reasonable), but I am still debating. My priority is that I should get the car fixed up and ready to go before I buy another purse. Or maybe I should wait. I did notice some LV prices have gone down. Now that's weird! Usually it's the opposite way. I'm not sure how long this will last, but probably not very long. It's always a gamble with these purse prices.

Or maybe I should reward myself for working too hard. To the point where I got another job in the medical field. I'm not sure how I will balance two FT and PT jobs, but one thing I know spree!

Not. Yeah we shall see how it goes. I have yet to go in and look at it and try it on. It's one thing to see online and watch videos with other people reviewing it, but it's another thing to actually try the purse on. I remember when I fell in love with the Tivoli PM bag, and kept watching videos after videos about the bag. I went to the LV store to see it in person, and it was not what I expected. It seemed too simple. The hardest part was the zipper. Because of the shape, it was hard to zip and unzip the bag. That to me is the most important part of shopping for a handbag. If you can't open the bag properly, then what's the point of spending all your cash on a bag that won't open or close properly? Doesn't make any sense.

So I didn't buy it. Simple.

I should be good with what I have now. I don't want to entertain the world with my items and end up bankrupting myself.


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