Monday, May 30, 2016

Ramblings Etc.

This will once again be a random ramblings post about what has happened the past week. Get ready for it whoop whoop!

I'm not sure if it's me or what, but lately at work it's been crazy hellish busy. All the bad stuff at work seemed to be falling on my head. I don't mean getting in trouble, but in terms of critical issues, I've been the one dealing with it for some reason. The adrenaline kicks in to try and get to the bottom of the issue and make sure things go smoothly. By the end of the week, I'm pretty much exhausted. Never been so happy to see my bed for 8 hours or less.

Another topic to speak about: jealousy.

We parked at one of those lots where you pay for parking. The lot wasn't full, but it was our first time visiting the town that weekend. Parked beside a white sedan (for the life of me I'm trying to remember if it was a Mazda 6 or a Ford Fusion/Taurus because I honestly can't remember). The person who drove it was a mid 20's to early 30's Caucasian male with a Caucasian girlfriend in tow. 

As we were getting our parking ticket, we noticed the male giving us the "HMPH!" attitude, as though to say "Show off, driving such a nice car". We didn't think much of it. It's not like he even talked to us.

We came back from our meal to the lot, ready to get in the car when I noticed this dent that I haven't seen before, on the door panel. Upon further inspection, it had gone down past the paint. We didn't notice any other colour there except white. We knew that white trash had purposely opened his door into the car and gave it a dent. 

Wish I had the plate, otherwise I'd hunt him down and cook him for dinner. Just kidding. I'm not from China so it wouldn't happen. But I would probably still do something terrible that I'll regret in life.

Well, there was not much we could do at that point. Just know that there are some really jealous people out there that will vandalize your property if they feel like it and know they won't get caught. However, there are eyes in the sky. 1) Cameras and 2) God. You think you can escape from your vandalization, but in reality, you will get punished sir. Enjoy your life right now, but you will eventually get what's coming to you.

It reminds me of the time when I parked in a shopping mall underground lot. I was taking a mini nap in the car when all of a sudden BOOM!! It woke me up. There was a Chinese man putting his daughter in the backseat and was opening his driver side door when he actually full blown slammed his door into mine. I gave him the bitch face look, and well he just stared at me like "what did I do wrong?", got in his Honda CR-V and drove off.

Now I could've went after him and caused some damage, but he had his young daughter in the back. I didn't want her to witness any illegal things that I was planning on doing, nor did I plan on eliminating her from identifying me. So I just let it be.

Hilarious. I'm making this sound like some 007 mission to eliminate people I don't like. I can tell you I am far from 007.

Going back to all this, I'm sure many of you have made some minor dings on people's cars, whether intentional or not, and probably didn't cause damage, so you drive off. For those who do it unintentionally, please assess both cars before you leave. Leave your info on the dash if it's really bad, or wait for the other party to come back and explain what happened. 

For those who do it on purpose, you can go eat a pile of horse dung and get butt raped by a horse. I hope one day you will suffer 100 times more than the harm you've caused other people. 

After almost 2 years of running a damaged bumper, I'm finally getting my new bumper painted, along with a front lip and side skirts that I bought just this past spring. All 4 parts have been sent in for painting. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, so they say. Originally I just wanted to not do anything and just leave it because modding right now brings a lot of pain and bad memories.

However, considering these parts are different than the past and I had to shell out more cash again to get parts, I might as well just do it and get it over with. Make her look nice again, and perhaps I can actually enjoy driving her.

For the douchebags that have stolen my front lips, side skirts, and stock tires/rims, I hope you both die a slow and painful death that involves getting your balls chopped into squares. You know who you are.

Genny is slowly coming back to a different girl. Countdown to her final look. Can't wait to shoot some pictures.

This week has been scorching hot hot hot. Sometimes I wish the snow was back, but when I think about my 3 hour trek home in summer tires in the snow, I take it back. Thankfully I wasn't out in the sun much but it wasn't too bad. At least there was still some wind to take away the humidity to some degree. Either way, this is just the beginning!

Being unwell does suck. For the first time in a while, I had to call in sick due to menstrual cramps. Who knew?! It all started off by going to the mall. I thought I had my painkillers with me in my purse, but I actually forgot it on the table at home. If I had it with me it might've been better, but every month is always different.

We weren't at the mall for too long before my symptoms started to flare up, until I was barely able to walk straight. I thought I could pull through since I encouraged my folks to come to the mall and walk around. The plan was for me to sit or lay somewhere on a bench while my folks went shopping but they wouldn't agree to that, so we drove home. 

By the time I got home, it got pretty bad. The pain was just too much. It doesn't help with the bloating too. Took a painkiller and it took some time for it to kick in but it did. Eventually I passed out, but I knew I wouldn't be in good shape to perform 100% at work so I called in. I've pretty much passed out for most of the day and I still feel tired.

Being a woman sucks. Then again, I don't know if I want a penis to hang out of me forever. 

People think that it's just a fake thing, that girls act all bitchy because they have an excuse to, and that the whole PMS thing is not real. Ok, maybe some girls do fake it, and use it as a way to get things their way. However in my situation, I don't have anything to gain. I'm not looking for pity, or money, or freebies. I just want to get better and go to work so people don't have to keep worrying for me. 

It's hard when your body is fatigued (I mean it's understandable). The average blood loss in a given period cycle is 10mL to 35mL. It doesn't sound like a lot, but when you are a woman and having periods every month, it seems like a lot! If someone is suffering from menorrhagia (blood loss of greater than 80mL per cycle), that's when it gets pretty serious. I wish I knew how much I was losing but it's difficult to calculate exactly how much. I'm probably borderline menorrhagia, so that explains why I feel tired for 4-5 days straight, and then I feel better after it all ends. 

So in conclusion, appreciate your lady.

Tailgaters. How much I hate them. The worst are those SUV and pick up truck drivers who think they are driving a Formula 1 car, but in reality, their ride is slow as heck. There are tailgaters who will drive up everyone's ass, or there are tailgaters who only drive up to those who look fast, but leave everyone else alone. Either way, it's a dangerous practice.

I have many stories to tell, but the ones that really stuck out to me was when there was a Land Rover somewhere behind me. I had just made a turn and was doing the limit, when suddenly the Rover came from behind me, changed lanes, and then cut me off while approaching a red light. This is the weird thing though. He didn't have to cut me off because the lane that he was in, there was no car in front of him. Technically he could've stayed there because at the red light, there was no car in front of either of us. But instead, he decided to cut me off on purpose. What did I do? I stayed behind him because I didn't really care much at that point to cut people off.

The light turns green. I usually leave about a 2 second window before I start honking at people to go. The light was clearly green, it was more than 2 seconds, and so I honked. He didn't really budge. So that's when I made sure there were no cars behind, and cut into the next lane to blast past him. Somehow that made him really angry, and now I had this Rover behind my ass. Come on. The light is green. You get mad because someone behind honked because you weren't paying attention? Don't get mad at me. Get mad at your DNA for being too slow to react to light.

After trying to catch up to me, I lost him at the next set of lights. Sorry, but I just don't want to deal with people like those drivers. You instigate something, I will fight back. People can tell me to just leave it be, but seriously if you weren't there, then you had no idea why I acted the way I did. 

The other time I was on the highway, the infamous DVP, going northbound. At that time there was still traffic, and at some point there was stop and go traffic. The traffic was moving from where I was. The fastest you can really go at that point is probably like 60km/h, maybe 70 if you're lucky. Suddenly, the traffic ahead of me stopped. I had a bad habit at that time of not leaving enough space in front of me (and that's most of our mentality, in heavy traffic you tend to stick close to the car in front since you're not going anywhere anyways). I stopped in time, but had to direct my car towards the shoulder/guardrail in order to prevent crashing into the car in front. The car behind me stopped as well. But the car behind him did not stop.

That's when I heard metal crunching behind me. It's scary when you see it in your rearview mirror. The car did not end up crashing into me thankfully, as he left enough space. But his car and the car after him were not so lucky.

You may think it will never happen to you, but you just never know. One sudden wrong move and it could all be over. Thankfully the occupants were ok, just minor injuries and whiplash, but this really emphasizes the importance of leaving enough gap with the car in front of you. If the person behind you doesn't, and ends up smashing into you, it is their fault regardless for not leaving enough space. You can do whatever it takes to be the better driver, but you can't control how others decide to drive. In this case, it's the person who didn't leave enough gap that will be fined/charged with careless driving.

My rant of the week. Now go out and enjoy the weather!

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