Sunday, May 15, 2016

Jerks & Idiots

This post is dedicated to the jerks and idiots out there who don't have anything better to do except to bring embarrassment and shame to others who they don't even know.

I'm sure most of us know someone or have dealt with someone who does this on a daily basis. Now you may think "well, what makes you any different? You're bashing people you don't even know!"

The difference is I'm raising the issue because it's happened to me, it's happened to some of my friends, and also to people who I barely know. It's unacceptable because the people causing a sh*t storm are those in their adult years, not teenage years. What has the world gone to, that adults are not behaving like adults, but instead are acting like 5 year olds?

Let me give you an example.

We all know someone who's a pathological liar (whether it's an extreme form, or getting there). The first instinct is to run far away. However, when you are sucked into their lies initially, you don't know they are lying, until you start analyzing their actions and every move, along with the stories they start telling you. Then that's when you put two and two together.

This one pathological liar that I know has ruined many people's lives, both girls and guys. Initially girls don't see that. They see this sweet, loving, honest, caring person who pampers them with gifts. What they don't know is this pathological liar is going behind their backs and sleeping with other girls. He two times the girls and lies to each one in order to get what he wants. Not only is he a pathological liar, but he's a narcissist.

He has also ruined guys' lives by stealing (mostly car) parts from them, or money. Lying to them about it, and not manning up to his mistakes. He will take this money that he makes off of guys and pretty much spends it on these side chicks and prostitutes.

When a girl finds out about his actions and basically breaks things off and tries to move on, he starts spreading rumours about her to random strangers. Making her look like the bad person.

When she goes on and tries to warn others about him, she is suddenly now the world's enemy. And is basically told, "well you dated him so it's your fault."

Ok, so what does that have to do with the situation that he's a pathological liar?

The other day, there was a discussion about how this jerk was posting online about trying to help the Infiniti/Nissan guys, and that these VQ guys don't believe the "liar" part of him, no matter how many times people have tried to warn them to not do any business with him.

Instead they gave him a chance and let him back into the group. Meanwhile he is banned from pretty much all the car groups you can think of: GTA Motorheads, GTR local group AND international group, the Genesis Coupe community groups from Ontario, Canada and the international groups. If that's not a huge red flag, then I don't know what is.

Instead the idiots at VQ Nation or North or whatever they're called, has allowed this jerk back into the group and continue to "help" people with their cars. The admins have said that they are a group who doesn't follow suit to what other groups do (by banning people) and unless he has screwed over people in THEIR group, then he is still allowed to post.

The worst thing is while this is going on, the admin of the group decides to call out the lady who had warned him about this liar. She wasn't the only one who warned him, but there were about 8 other guys who also pitched in about this pathological liar. And who does this so-called admin Mike Relaxx call out? The girl of course.

How? By saying crap like "well, you dated him didn't you?" Please fill me in, what does that have to do with the bad behaviour of this individual?

And then goes on by saying he doesn't give a sh*t about what he's done to other people, because they deserved it, as long as it doesn't happen to him or his group members. This ladies and gentlemen, is a narcissistic behaviour right here. Would you want someone like this to be the admin of your group? I wouldn't.

So from this standpoint, it's going to take a blown motor from his group to finally realize that other people were right, and he was wrong. Narcissists don't like to be wrong. They like to be right all the time of course.

I don't care if you run the "best Infiniti/Nissan group" in this country (actually, it's far from it. Quantity does not mean quality), but you act like a little bitch when it comes to serious situations in life when someone could actually get ruined by this pathological liar.

Another example. When a video was posted regarding one of the Infiniti/Nissan members driving like an idiot on public roads, and discussion was made to call them out for their driving habits, the video gets deleted, and of course Mike is all like "We don't bash people on this forum, just mind your own business".

No Mike, there is a PROBLEM with one of your members and how they drive, by endangering OTHERS in PUBLIC. The point was to raise that issue, and instead of dealing with it like a real man should, you start blaming other people for calling your members out for it. I'm sorry, but that's a bitch move. You are not a real admin, nor a real man. You deal with real life problems like a little bitch.

I know younger people who can deal with real life situations way better than this 40 or 50 year old man can. It's gotten to the point where I see these adults as useless and idiots because they deal with real life situations like a kid. Immature idiots of course. And you expect us younger generation to give you respect? Look at yourself first. No one ain't giving you respect when you act like a kid.

The latest one is when a member posted a picture of his girlfriend cleaning his Infiniti. However, his girlfriend is barely wearing anything past down her waist. And now it's a public post. Someone then posted and said how is this appropriate? Why would you want 1500 other guys to see your girlfriend's ass on a public post?

Maturity level from the boyfriend's perspective: None.

So you would think the admin would be nice enough to remove the post. Instead, he comments and basically says it's all good, we all need to calm down and relax and enjoy the post.

I'm sorry, but I wouldn't want that person as an admin. I would lose respect for both that boyfriend and the admin for not dealing with it appropriately. First off, if you post a pic of your girlfriend in that state without her knowing, you're an ass and need your balls chopped off. If you posted the pic with your girlfriend's consent, then she's a big hoe for seeking attention from blue balled boys. Thirdly, the admin is married. This just sends a wrong message to the rest of the group who looks up to the admin as a positive influence.

It sucks when someone is trying to be nice and trying to warn others about an individual, but then get blasted about the past. That's why it's called the past. Mistakes have been made yes, and we all learn from it (or so we hope). The hurt people should just stop being nice to all the assholes out there. Watch them get hurt. Enjoy it and have some popcorn. And when they all start coming up to you to cry for help and regretted not listening to you, you can shake your head and walk away.

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