Friday, May 06, 2016

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is coming up this Sunday and I just wanted to do an appreciation post for all the moms (and moms to be) out there, along with the moms who are no longer with us but are still in our hearts.

Recently, there was a video circulating about a company looking to hire a candidate that met all the basic requirements, plus more. They posted ads in newspapers and online as well, and got responses right away. The interview was conducted via a webcam, where the company "CEO" would do the interview.

He starts stating the basic requirements (good typing skills, good with programs, punctual, the basics). He then starts to add the hidden requirements: you will need to work overtime almost everyday with no extra pay, no breaks in between work, no assistance or help etc. Of course, potential candidates were baffled and questioned the CEO regarding these outlandish requests for this job. Eventually the guy reveals that this was all a set up. And the real job? Well, they were describing what moms do on a daily basis.

Overworked. Underpaid (or, not paid at all). Being pooped on, peed on, vomited on, bitten, scratched or hair being pulled. No sleep. Always cooking, yet not eating well.

The life of a mom. Thank you mom. No words or actions can thank you enough for what you've done all these years.

You know, it takes years to finally realize how much moms (and dads) really mean so much to us in our lives. Sometimes it takes some distance away from them to finally realize how much they mean to us. Then there are times when daughters or sons get married, and that's when they realize how much their parents mean to them. And sadly sometimes it takes a death of a mom or dad to finally realize what they missed out on all these years.

We don't want to get to the point of having to lose a loved one to realize what love is. Take all the opportunity you have now to appreciate what you have. It's hard yes, once you have your own family to take care of, they become priority. But in between, always try and give them a phone call to see how they're doing. You may not be able to see them on a daily basis anymore, but don't forget that they are a phone call away.

Moms are the greatest superheros (errr..heroine?). They invest their time, patience, kindness, generosity, money, priority....basically their entire life, for their family. They are so overworked, and yet don't get enough thank yous. Appreciation comes with time, but it can be taught at an early age. It is important to teach the younglings what appreciation is.

Although moms can get annoying at times (especially when we hit our teenage years or our young adulthood), they do it for the best interest of their kids. They can see what kids can't see: an outsider's perspective. They can only protect so much, but if the kid goes astray, the mom still never gives up. The love of moms is something so special. A child can go haywire at any age, but a mom will always be there for them no matter what. Because that's what a mother's love is.

This mother's day, don't forget to celebrate with mom. Call her up, go see her. Take her out for lunch or dinner. Spend the day with her. Make her feel appreciated. You may think all those years, and this one day only?! Well, Mother's Day should be a daily thing, not just a one day thing. It is extra special on this day yes, to honour all moms out there. Most important is the appreciation. Make mom feel appreciated on a daily basis.

My back story: My mom has been there through the thick and thins of my life, and although I drive her nuts with my indecisiveness and dumb choices in life, she never left my side. She nags, because that's what moms do, but I know she cares for me.

I had debated for a while (yes debated with myself again) as to what to get her on this special day. Something that she can use for a long time. I knew she liked purses but she would kill me if I ever got her a luxury bag. She had already told me "Don't be stupid. Save your money". Of course, the response of pretty much all the moms! She's picky with her stuff, so it was stressful trying to find the right one, and I really couldn't find one that she might like.

Then I thought about phones. She, just like me, does not have data on her phone, and doesn't have much use for it. I pay the phone bills (along with dad's) but you know companies these days. If you want to upgrade your phone, you would have to buy the data plan in order to get the better phones at a great discount. Either that, or buy the phone at cost, which is exactly what I have to do.

Now my folks are very simple people. They don't have the craziest tech gadgets. But I knew it was time for an upgrade. Mom had been complaining her Samsung phone was acting weird and would do weird things like delete her contacts, but the next day it would reappear. The phone is almost 5 years old, so it is time for an upgrade. I've had my fair share of Samsung phones, and let's just say my S4 died in less than a year of using it. My iPhone 4 still works like a charm. It's been 5 years, I'm the third owner and still using it to this day.

This gave me an idea. They both have iPads that they use to watch their shows on and take pictures, but that's pretty much it. They don't game or anything. They're pretty much used to the Apple platform, but they still get confused with the Samsung platform. Simplicity is key, and familiarity. That's when I decided I will get her the iPhone.

Which one, is the question. At this point I had no idea what phones were out there. So after the 5, now they have the new SE, then 6, 6S and then 6 Plus. Originally I had planned for the SE, but the screen might be a bit small. I really like the size of the 6, but the Plus is way too big. The 6 would be a perfect size to read and see things.

Problem is, these phones sell like hot cakes. They were literally flying off the shelves everywhere. And with Mother's Day almost here, I scrambled to find a store to see if there were any available and a lot of places were out of stock. If I ordered online from Apple, the earliest date I could get it would be end of May. That would be way too late.

Thankfully there was a friend who knew what my plan was, and knew a place that was having a Mother's Day promotion. But once again, the store was selling out very quick. I contacted the store and begged them to put 2 on hold, and even offered to give a deposit to secure it. The lady was nice and said she would hold it for me if I appeared on the same day. Coming off a night shift, I was pretty much wired.

After getting a pretty sweet deal on the 2 iPhone 6's, along with cases and a strong screen protector, I am set to present this to mom. Dad would have to wait till next month, but his is set as well. They both deserve the best, and although there are not enough words to say thank you, I can only do so much to show my appreciation for what they have done for me.

Thank you mom (and dad). Love you both very much. Your surprise awaits you.

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