Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Summer is here?!

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night (depending where you guys are all located)!

Haven't been updating much lately due to weird work hours. Working graveyard shift is the hardest on the body and mind. I'd sleep for 4 hours after an 8 hour night shift, and wake up feeling refreshed. When I keep doing that for days on end, eventually my body sort of gave up. I ended up passing out for most of the day on my 1 day off in between shifts. Hence why I haven't blogged much lately.

Props to all you shift workers out there, no matter what you do (trucking, policing, nursing, doctor, operator, pilots, flight attendants, janitors, 24 hour help desk..I'm sure there are many more out there). It's not easy being away from home at a time when you should be sleeping and with your family beside you.

Moving onto the next one...the weather! What in the world is up with the weather lately?! One day it's nice and sunny and warm. The next day it's gloomy and raining. Then at random, a snowstorm. Welcome to Canada I guess? The weather here is like a woman on PMS: Angry, happy, sad, hungry, depressed, hyper. You can never get one proper mood for more than 2 minutes.

Well, the weather is suppose to get nicer as the week goes by. Which means perfect opportunity to do more car things and car cruises. My laziness has got the best of me. I have not painted the car parts yet. Been too tired and lazy to call up places to find quotes. I guess I should get on that considering it takes time to paint and dry. Then find the time to install the parts on. Right, I should totally get on that.

Car cruises. There are definitely plans to have cruises this summer, one which is coming up very soon. The parking lot meets have started up already. Strada just had their season opener last night and a lot of people showed up, considering they all have to pay an entrance fee. North Face Rally was also on hand, which was the main reason why people showed up. The police was there to monitor and make sure things don't get out of hand. I'm not sure if anyone got ticketed for doing stupid things, but hopefully not.

The Genesis Coupe community have already started their weekly meets in the east and west ends, none of which I was able to attend due to work. I believe the Subaru community have started up as well. There are so many things to do already and summer isn't even here yet. This is exciting! But yeah, as I said, life just gets too busy sometimes.

Summer also means one depressing thing: working non-stop throughout the summer. Yes, for young people, summertime is the perfect opportunity to pick up more shifts and make more money. At the same time, not sacrificing the entire summer just for work but to balance out life as well. It sucks when I see friends off for the summer and going away for vacation or the beach and what not while I'm stuck at work for 95% of the time. However, one great thing about being a shift worker is that you can go on vacation whenever you want. Which means avoid the high seasons if you want to travel!

Of course I will still try to take some days off to spend time with loved ones in the summer. Definitely not sacrificing my entire summer for a big corporation, but I know I still need to live life as well and enjoy the sun while I still can, because I'm relatively pale looking like a vampire.

Oh yes, forgot to mention...

Happy Nurses Week! In Canada, nurses week started this past Monday and goes until Sunday. It's a week to acknowledge all the nurses' hard work in what they do; for all their effort, time, and emotions put in to what they do. Thank you nurses! This is your week to celebrate!

Update with the iPhone 6: I had wrapped the box up for my mom for Mother's Day. She had told me she didn't want anything for Mother's Day, but I told her it was nothing. Just a box of chocolates. I had video recorded her reaction when she found out what it really was, and it was quite cute. I had spent the last few days trying to teach her how to use it and she is pretty much enjoying it! Now mom is way more advanced in technology than I am. Soon she can teach dad too!

Alright my brain is all mush right now. I just want to pass out and sleep again. But before I close, I've started a new Instagram account which you can all follow. It's mostly about cars and bags/accessories. If you're bored and stuff, you can check out my random posts, and follow if you like. I will be updating it with car cruises, photoshoots, random bags and accessories etc. It will be a mix of it all, so everyone can get a dose of their favourite things.


Goodnight everyone! (or good morning, whichever it's actually still pretty bright outside right now)

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