Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Pet Peeve - Empty Lot

I'm sure most of you have this pet peeve when you enter an almost empty lot, you park somewhere, and this random car comes up and parks RIGHT BESIDE YOU.

Come on, of all places you could've parked, you HAD to park beside me.

Here's my story:

I was in my folks' car driving to a grocery store, when on the way there, the under tray piece from underneath had cracked and flown off. The grocery store was not too far away so we pulled in to inspect. The parking lot was huge, and there were about 10 cars parked near the front of the store. No big deal. Folks pulled up not too far from the front and parked.

At this point, there are no cars beside us or behind us, but they were around, parked I mean. I got out to inspect underneath to see which side had flown off and how bad the damage was. It was at this point a black Dodge Caravan came into the lot and decided to park beside us. When there were hundreds of other spots out there. He could've parked 2 spots away, but NOPE. He just HAD TO park beside us.

The part that pissed me off the most? As I was inspecting and had my head in the wheel, and trying to not bend over so much, the driver honks. Why? Because I was in the way of his parking spot. Almost like to say "watch where you're going lady! I could've killed you!"

I gave him the most bitch face look I could give anyone who crossed my path, and told him off in Mandarin, calling him a crazy sh*thead and that he was an idiot for not parking elsewhere when there was so many other spots around.

The guy was stunned.

I think his wife was equally as stunned. During this time frame, he did not get out of his van, but the wife did and walked quickly into the store. Finally, after determining which part of the under tray was damaged, my folks and I walked into the store as well. We grabbed whatever we needed then headed back out.

At this point, the driver was no longer in the driver seat. He must've been so terrified to leave his car alone. He probably thought I would destroy his car.

Come on. It's a Dodge Caravan. Why would I touch that. It already has its crappy build quality and issues so it will break down on its own, regardless if I touch it or not.

Soon after we came back to the car, the minivan couple came out as well. Damn. I couldn't do anything to his van (not like I planned to anyways. I'd get my ass kicked). Nothing happened after that, except that I gave them another death stare.

Before, I would've let it slide because I'm just so nice like that. But after you've been taken advantage of many times by people who supposedly "care" for you over the years, you eventually don't trust anyone and aren't nice to anyone anymore. Your mind just gives up and says, screw you all. If you're in the wrong, I'm going to make sure you know you're in the wrong.

It annoys the crap out of me when the other person is clearly in the wrong, but they blame it on the other person. It's retarded. Do they not teach people anymore to accept fault when it's clearly their fault? To not blame others when it's clearly their own fault? The attitude of this society scares the living crap out of me. I wouldn't want to raise kids with society's attitude like that. I rather tie my tubes and sterilize myself than to raise kids in this messed up society.

Hopefully he will learn his lesson to not park beside someone when an entire lot is empty from now on. I doubt it because he's Chinese and Chinese people never really learn their lesson (coming from an Asian background, it is true to some degree).

But seriously. Empty lot. Come on.

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