Sunday, December 18, 2016

Kitty Flats

Now I feel weird posting this after my previous post. There was no plan to post one after another, because I am random and just going with the flow to whatever is on my mind.

When I went to Vegas and was doing window shopping back in April, I came across this store with a lot of kitty themed items. At first, I thought well that's kind of lame. Who would get that?

But since then, it's been at the back of my mind. I've never stopped thinking about it. I guess I'm one of those crazy cat ladies.

I ended up forgetting the company who makes the flats. And then I ended up forgetting about it all together at one point.

Eventually I found the company. Charlotte Olympia. Prior to my trip, I had no clue. I'm not a shoe person so I don't know what's out there in terms of what's in and what not. I don't wear heels because it takes forever to find proper shoes for my wide and big feet, so shoes were never part of my interests.

I went to the new Nordstrom here in Toronto for the first time and was doing my usual window shopping when....WHAT! KITTY FLATS! I DON'T HAVE TO ORDER IT ONLINE! YAY!

Alright so that was my 5 seconds of happiness right there. Then came the problem of finding my size. A 9.5 women's size. You'd think it would be easy in the right colour combination and what not. But nope, not many women have big feet like mine. Thanks to my family DNA. There are more combinations with regular sizes like 6 or 7. But once you get past 9, it becomes a hunt. And if I'm really unlucky, I'll have to look for men's shoes. But unfortunately in this case, men don't wear kitty flats.

I wanted black. But in my size, they didn't have it, except in a dark navy blue. It looked dark enough so why not?

The sales associate (Lindsay) was very nice and patient, because I kept asking for the different sizes and trying it out, walking around the store and debating with my feet to see which felt more comfortable. I was torn because flats don't really fit my feet very well, unless I found that RIGHT size.

Eventually I made up my mind and got them. It was my first time shopping with them so she told me all that I needed to know about their points program and what not. She included a Christmas card, with a candy cane, as well as a scratch and win card! What! That's so awesome. Never seen that before so that was very nice of her.

Anyways, that's my blabbering. Here is my reveal.

From Nordstrom, with love.

Now that's cute. A disclaimer on the underside of the box!

Special shoe indeed!

Now this is interesting. Dust bag for EACH shoe. Not just for the pair, but for EACH?! I don't buy designer shoes so I have no idea if this is normal or not.


Blue/gold, like Blue Angels.

I don't want to remove the sticker...

How cute!

Looking forward to wearing them in the summer. Along with my cat bag. Need to find a cat dress (haha I kid). Or maybe cat ears.

The shoes are made in Italy (it's a nice place, but I would never ever date their men. No offence), and are velvet, but the sizing is different than what we are used to. On Charlotte's website, they do have conversion sizes, so best bet is to know your exact size before you try it on. I'm told by the SA that sizing can vary and you may need to go down half a size down. To me, it didn't work.

My feet felt like it was trapped in a can of sardines. So I have to stick with my exact US shoe size in order to fit in these. And even then, my heel slightly comes up when walking. However if I go down half a size, I get red pressure spots automatically. If I go up one size, it's too big. You can never win with bigass feet like mine. I never win.

This is the reveal. I won't be able to do a review on the shoes since, well it is winter. My toes would fall off if I attempted to wear this right now. Until then, I'll just try to break them in indoors.

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