Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Happy New Year!

I am a few days late but Happy New Year all!

It has been hectic these past few weeks. I did not realize I ended up working pretty much everyday except Christmas Day and New Year's Day. Otherwise it's just working like a dog.

I came home just before the countdown, and this is the weird thing. I couldn't find one proper channel that broadcasted Toronto's fireworks. Except CP24. With their dinky little corner screen. There was no full screen! Come on, really?! Can't even broadcast your own city's New Year's Eve event on FULL SCREEN TV. LAME SAUCE MAN!

The ones where I kept landing on was the broadcast from New York City. And Buffalo. Of all places.

But hey, it was better than Toronto?!

I had turned on the TV just as Mariah Carey was hitting the stage. I told my folks, that's the lady that sings very high! So of course mom gets excited and wants to record her to send to her brother halfway across the world.

It started off well, but then I noticed something. Her lips were not really matching the song. I was disappointed. Someone as talented as Mariah Carey lip syncing?! At the most anticipated event on NYE?! 

Then things started to get worse. Emotions came on, with no vocals. And she was just blabbering away. I was so confused. Then realized oh damn. Something's wrong. That was the most painful 2 minutes or so to be broadcasted with millions of viewers watching. Awkward to the point that I felt bad for her.

Then We Belong Together came on and once again, she lip synced. Except near the end she just completely gave up lip syncing. Then walked off stage at one point. 

Now it's been told that there was a technical glitch. That the techs did not turn on the earpiece or vocals and so she had no idea when her cue was to sing. Considering how loud and how close the speakers were to her, it makes sense for singers to be equipped with ear pieces to prevent them from going completely deaf, but also to allow them to hear the vocals more closely so they know when to sing.

Was it awkward? Totally. I felt bad for her. 

Then I started searching her songs in the past. When she sang live in the early 1990's, at her prime. I didn't really see ear pieces in her earlier performances (unless I'm completely blind), but that woman could improv anything, without the latest technologies we have these days. She could pull off performances after performances. 

I'm not sure what happened nowadays. But I guess it's almost like you've passed your prime, and you just want to retire now. In a way, you just stop giving a damn I guess.

Anyways, that was a weird NYE.

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