Wednesday, February 01, 2017

It's February!

What in the world. It's February already?! Where did the time go?! We can never have enough hours in a day.

It's also my birthday week. I've been keeping myself busy with work (yay for time and a half on working on my birthday!), as well as partying it up with friends on my days off. I think I have about 4-5 dinners/hangouts planned for this week alone. Not bad for turning 3 decades old. Another 20 years till menopause. So I can hardly wait!

First celebration I went to RaceSim 1 with the GTA GTR club, located just west of downtown Toronto (on behalf of There are 5 stations where 5 people can race simultaneously and kick each other's butts. The first time you get to do practice laps. Let's just say maybe I was wearing the wrong type of shoes to drive, but I really couldn't brake properly. Oops #1.

Second time we got to race was like a qualifying lap. Again, I was slowly improving but not really. This was the lap where I drove straight into the rest of the racers at a tight corner that everyone was trying to master. I destroyed their dreams by plowing into their asses. The replay was hilarious. You can probably see it somewhere on IG.

Third time it was the race. We had 5 teams, with 2 drivers per team. In between, you have to stop in the pits to switch drivers and they continue the race. So on and so forth. That was the craziest lap. 

Our team didn't win but that's ok. It was all fun and games anyways! Overall it was a cool experience, to drive virtual cars around the track.

The following day I had a gathering at Joey's, where I got caked in the face by a friend as revenge for what I did to him years ago at his birthday. Yes, years ago we had a group of people cake his face, as well as spray sticky webs on him. Pretty fun times. But he never forgot. And of course I was not expecting that at my birthday dinner until I got cake all over my face!

The next few ones are not due yet but will be in the upcoming week. Pretty excited with Winterlicious happening as well!

Alright the next topic is not Trump related (I'm sick and tired of reading all the protests and Trump stuff hitting the news lately) and it's not a topic I like talking about, because it creates so much stupid drama. But here I'll talk about it.

I will talk about it freely, and I don't really care what people think, but it's first hand experience.

Northface Rally. If you're a car fanatic, you've probably heard of this team of cars, based in Toronto, and have a huge following. It's a car club where all the nice, exotic cars go on cruises, photoshoots, you name it.

On the outside, it all looks cool and flashy. But wait till you get to meet the people. It will blow your mind away.

First off, they're not very educated. But yet how do they make money to buy nice cars? Take the easy way. Insurance scams of course. Illegal money. Now I'm not saying ALL of the members are like that. But you just have to be careful of who you meet and what they tell you. To them it's all about the status and flashiness. They have to have the most followers, the most people contributing to toy drives or food banks. The ones that involve the police to "escort" them to their next party.

And so what? You gain popularity and then what? You still got no class.

There was an issue with one guy who owns a GTR but never comes out to the GTR meets. Instead he goes to the NFR meets. Long story short but he had won a mini photo contest and was promised to have delivery of a 1:18 die cast model car as a prize. The host had forgotten at one point, and so this member decided to make a public post about said host being a scammer and not following up on the delivery. Then left the group. He never attempted to reach out to the host privately before beginning a public rant.

Host tried to call him, text him, message him to see when the next available time he can personally deliver the car. But too bad, member was "too busy". Yet to this day he still butchers host about the forgotten die-cast, and continues to post public rants about him. The die-cast was donated to someone who can appreciate it.

Ok seriously. You buy a $100,000 car and you start bitching and whining over a $15 die cast car? What a cheap ass. Grow the hell up. This is why the image of NFR is sh*t because of people like him. This is why the car community is sh*t because of people like him. Because they bitch and whine over stupid sh*t. CRY ME A RIVER SHEESH.

Another issue was having members let go from the club, because they don't own said vehicle anymore, nor do they come out to meets, nor do they have anything positive to contribute to the group. So when they find out they're no longer part of the club, what do they do? Of course, they start posting in public about WAH WAH WAH they got kicked out of the group for "no reason". The reasons are listed above idiot. Learn to read.

The ladies who worship groups like NFR are idiots as well. All they care about is their own images in the world of "modelling" (I call that because it seems like every girl in the world wants to be a model these days. Easy money? Really?). I still love cars, but it's not worth my effort to try and meet these people to see the cars. I can watch it on Youtube and satisfy my hunger.

All in all, these exotic rally groups are just a bunch of whiners. They whine about everything. You own a 100K + car and you still bitch and whine about the stupidest things. Grow the f*ck up. Maybe that's why you'll never find a girlfriend or wife. Some girls actually have class and know who is a gentleman and who's an asshole. Unfortunately most of those fall under the asshole category. Stay away.

Back to real world issues now.

On Sunday, a gunman entered a Quebec City mosque and killed 6 people, with 19 others injured. The gunman is a 27 year old student at Laval University, who is not a Muslim. The reason for the attack remains unclear, although the gunman was labeled as antisocial, as well as having a "passion" for guns.

This comes shortly after Trump's infamous banning of immigrants into USA from Muslim-populated states like Iran, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia and Sudan. Shortly after hearing the shootings at the mosque, the press released a statement saying this is the very reason why they needed to have this ban.

Ok wait. First of all, the gunman was NOT Muslim. So how does this help the situation of banning immigrants? It doesn't make any sense. They saw it as Muslims attacking other people. But it was the complete opposite.

I have a feeling the gunman was influenced by the politics in the USA, and having seen that "ban" on Muslims, that it was time to "eliminate" them or that's what he probably believed.

For them to make a national statement like that, using Quebec City as an example of what they're trying to set in the USA, is absurd. Probably the stupidest thing I've heard, aside from the NFR issue above. They are on the same boat of idiocy.

Then I read about this boycotting Uber thing. I had no idea why people were deleting their Uber accounts because I couldn't care less, plus I don't use Uber because I don't like the idea of storing my Visa number on an app/phone that could get stolen any minute. But the issue was, when people found out about the immigration ban, they decided to stage a protest at JFK airport. Now you can imagine all the traffic and what not outside. The city taxis decided to halt service for an hour to stage their protest as well in regards to the ban, because a large amount of them are also immigrants and do not agree with this ban.

Uber on the other hand, decided to drop surge pricing during that time to allow travellers to and from the airport. People saw that as disrespectful, and also a way of "making more cash" or taking advantage of people. People think Uber should've also stopped service and protested as well. So now people are using some hash tag to delete Uber from mobile devices because Uber was disrespectful. People are taking screenshots of their phones and posting it on social media to show they are deleting the Uber app.


I'm sorry but if I had a long ass flight coming back home, I want to go home. I don't want to stay and protest. So you're telling me those people who don't want to protest, can't go home? I'm going to be the selfish asshole now and say screw you all. I'll call a damn Uber if I have to. I'll call whoever I can if I have to somehow get home from a long day.

These days people just protest over whatever they can protest about. I should protest the absurd pricing of Chanel bags because come on, IT'S IDIOTIC! I should protest too about the city waters because it's making my hair go white too early. PROTEST! Or maybe how everything is just so damn expensive these day! PROTEST! Or how come there are so many stupid people around me. PROTEST! BETTER EDUCATION AND MANNERS!

There are some things that are worth protesting about. But there are some that you just...smack your head and wonder what people are thinking sometimes. You just sit and stare at them in awe, like are we part of the same species? Really?

I used to be angry about workplace issues but the nation's attitude and the amount of protesting these days just drive me absolutely nuts and more angry. Did you see the protests shortly after Trump's inauguration? People were destroying public properties and stores. I don't get how that is solving the problem.  If people decide to damage their own country, you'll still be paying the damages via taxes. You'll still be damaging YOUR country/state's image. And people will have no sympathy for you.

There is just too much stupid these days. Might as well raise the next generations as stupids. Before they had Baby Boomers and Generation X/Y. Now it's Generation Stupid.

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