Thursday, July 20, 2017

Summer time!!

We are halfway into July and I feel it's already halfway into summer already.

Apologies for the lack of posts. It's been crazy lately with shifts. I also signed up to write an exam so it's been busy trying to study. What did I get myself into?!

I think the weather lately has been good (finally). Then again I'm usually stuck at work so I have no clue what goes on outside in terms of thunderstorms and sunny days. I definitely look forward to taking any advantage of nice, sunny summer days when I'm not working.

What has been new lately besides work and studying? A few things!

Guess who is coming home next week?! The beautiful Chanel bag (yes at last). I ended up choosing the layaway plan for it, hence why it's taking a bit longer than usual. But I'm finally picking it up next week so I'm super excited for it! I believe after this, no more bags. I'm definitely running out of room. It's come to the point where I'm debating if I should clear out my book case and start displaying these bags. Not sure what to do. Anyways, I'm sure I will figure it out eventually.

I saw a joke on Instagram the other day. It went something like this:

Q: Have you heard of the movie "Constipation?"
A: No.
Reply: That's because it hasn't come out yet.

I know. Super lame medical joke but I couldn't stop laughing. It reminded me of a patient who always tells me jokes whenever he sees me at work. Each day he would try to compile some good jokes and tell them to me when he sees me. This time around, when I saw this joke on IG, it reminded me of him and I couldn't help but screenshot it and share it with him. He definitely had a good laugh from that! I ended up sharing it with other patients as well, and the way they looked blank then started laughing, that was the best. Laughter is the best medicine.

How could I forget Canada turns 150 this year? It was a long 4-day celebration around the city, which included that huge duck at Harbourfront. The first night I went, I got lost trying to find this duck. People may laugh and ask how do you miss out on seeing a huge duck?! But I did. The second time I went down with my gf, we got lost again. We were at the wrong park. So finally, after asking directions twice, we finally found the huge duck.

Yes, we finally found you duck.

Now, people were pissed off because the planners spent $120,000 to rent this duck during the duck tour they have going on this month, out of all of us taxpayers. Supposedly it's a replica of the real duck. And we thought replica Chanel bags were bad. But this thing stood out like HELLO I'M YELLOW!

Yet people still flocked to see this duck. They said the 4-day weekend brought the largest crowd ever recorded. Well, yeah it's not everyday you see a gigantic bath toy floating on the waterfront. It looks cute. Plus, since we all paid for it without knowing, might as well check it out.

Fireworks for Canada day were everywhere this year. I was more interested in the fireworks coming from the CN Tower. It's not everyday we get to see that, so I went all the way downtown to see it. And it was pretty cool. It's hard setting off fireworks from atop the Tower. 

The skyline before the fireworks began.

Unfortunately I did not take any pictures of the fireworks, but I did record the entire thing. However, being there was the greatest experience. After the fireworks were done, it was madness trying to get around downtown that night. It was SUPER PACKED. I have never seen so many people out and about during the night. But hey, it's 150. It's a big celebration!

This month is also the 7th year that I've been driving the Genesis Coupe. Over the past 7 years, it has morphed from an unknown car, to the next ricer Civic unfortunately. With the resale value being crap, all the young punks are purchasing it used, and destroying the platform, and just doing stupid things to it to attract unwanted attention. A good handful of the OG owners have left the platform and went onto something different. I haven't really kept in touch with those who I have met all those years ago for meets, except for only a couple of them. Otherwise I have not gone to a meet in years. I don't know any of the new owners in the past few years, but that's ok. Weening myself off of these parking lot meets. 

Oh. Shopping! I bought these gigantic rainbow platform shoes, which I still have yet to pick up. But they look amazing. Bring back the Spice Girls type of thing. They are super light weight. I also bought regular sandal platforms from Vegas to try it out and they are comfortable. I have worn it out lately and the stares I get are hilarious. They see this gigantic Asian woman coming at them and they move out of the way rather quick. I am rather tall for an Asian, about 5'6 to 5'7. These platforms are about 3 inches, so it brings me up to about 5'9 category. I remember a few times short people bumped into me. They said sorry, and had to look up, then quickly walked away. There was a little girl who did the same thing. She looked and walked away quickly. Then there was the time an old lady kept staring at my feet when I walked into Walmart. My parents are pretty observant and laugh about it with me, even though I tower over them with the platforms on. The funniest is watching people stare. I have to make sure I cut my toenails to avoid further embarrassing myself. Anyways, once I get the rainbow ones in, I'll be sure to take pictures of them together. 

This is why I don't understand about myself. I am fine with wearing platforms, but I cannot handle stilettos. Not only are they more elegant and sexier, but I just can't wrap my head around it. I guess I'm afraid of the stem breaking under my weight. But it's definitely the huge arch that some of them have. It will destroy my feet and back. Anyways, platforms for the win baby!

That's all for tonight! I will update you as soon as I get my goodies this weekend and share it with you. Have a good night and stay blessed everyone.

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