Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Las Vegas + BSB

Holyyyy moly. It's been crazy busy lately with training staff, working like crazy, then going off to Vegas to take a break from work (and of course I get messages/phone calls while I'm away about scheduling or a problem with a machine). I better get use to this.

After all the chaos at work, I was able to finally take a few days off and fly to Vegas with my bestie. We had purchased Backstreet Boys concert tickets last October, so it's been a long 8 months of anticipating!

A short recap: The Backstreet Boys have taken residency in Las Vegas starting March 2017, and they have extended it to next February 2018. In between they will still be traveling to other places for tours and recording studios. So be sure to grab your tickets!

This would be my 4th time going to Vegas, yet I always manage to get lost when I'm there. I still rely on signs because there's no way I can memorize the map of all the hotels and their shops.

The day we landed, we still had the entire day to explore and walk around, which is what we did. I've always wanted to see inside of the Aria resort so we went there first. My oh my, what a sight.

Day time view of Aria

Night time view of Aria

I really love the Vegas night lights, because it just looks so pretty. I could stare at it all week and never get bored. 

We had 2 buffets that were included in the package we bought, so we took advantage of that and went to Aria's buffet. We already had done Bellagio's buffet last year so we figured let's try something out. According to reviews online, Aria and Bellagio has the best buffets.

Inside shot of Aria's buffet.

I don't know if it's just me being a picky eater, but I didn't find Aria's buffet THAT impressive. The presentation was nice, and the layout is pretty. But the taste of the food was still okay. It either tasted too bland, or there was too much MSG in it. I didn't get to try the desserts but they had a good selection as well. Overall, I would still prefer Bellagio over Aria when it comes to buffet. The second buffet we chose was at Monte Carlo, and that was good. At least there was more taste in their food. Selections were not as much as Bellagio or Aria though.

Can't say no to gelato. Especially chocolate chip gelato. Yum!

We attempted to walk the entire Strip the days we were there but it was just way too hot. The highest it peaked at was about 42 degrees C. It was impossible to walk for more than 5 minutes outside without having your entire shirt drenched with sweat. I should've worn a bikini and walked the Strip. 

We ended up taking long breaks in-between our walks because we were way too hot and exhausted from the heat. I ended up getting a nose bleed after a shower (it happens once in a while). That and allergies. I popped allergy pills twice a day because my allergies were not liking this Vegas weather.

It was best to walk at night when the weather was a bit better. 35 degrees at night wasn't that much better but at least the sun was gone.


Took this shot of the Aria right before I tripped over a curb and nearly fell into a bush.

There were no crazy stories of being drunk or anything. I had a can of beer for a night in the hotel room and that was it. Alcohol and I don't mix very well. I don't need to bring home a story of puking my guts out in Vegas. I'm too old for drunk stories like that.

As for gambling, we didn't get a chance at all. Plus we aren't into stuff like that. If anything, we spent so much on food and souvenirs that we didn't have much left to gamble anyways. I lied. We still had plenty but chose to not gamble.

There was one lady who had her little banjo on the Strip. She was begging for change while she sang. And I remember a few words she sang: I hate Donald Trump. Donald Trump has too many hoes. 

People bursted out laughing and gave her change. That was probably one of the funniest songs I've heard. Bless that woman.

The third night was the night of the Backstreet Boys concert. I remembered we took so long to get ready. We also went to buy Vegas BSB t-shirts to wear to the concert. We tried to put on a bit of make up. Feel all girly girly. And soon, we were ready to go!

Planet Hollywood's Axis Theatre is where they're taking up residency. It holds up to 4,600 seats, which at this concert was pretty much full capacity. It was wonderful to see all these beautiful ladies (and some men) all grown up, and yet still attend this concert in support of the BSB. My my how we've grown up.

Just part of the audience.

When the Boys hit the stage, it was like 1997 all over again, with screaming women everywhere. They sang their hit songs as well as songs from their other latest albums. I have to say, I am impressed that they continue to sing very well, and do choreography dance in sync with the back up dancers. The greatest thing that I really appreciate about BSB is that they will sing live. Of all the concerts I have been to (4 concerts now), they have not lip-synced once. They've been trying to get rid of the "boy band" image for years and tried to tell people that they were aiming for a more vocal group, like Boyz II Men. They sing acapella as much as they can. As a fan, I appreciate it. 

When you think about it, you pay loads of money to see your favourite singer live in concert. I would be pretty disappointed if they lip-synced the entire 2 hours. But they don't and they continue to wow the fans. It is also the return of the 'chair dance' from 'As Long As You Love Me', so get your cameras ready. They did an amazing job with that choreography by the way. 

Overall, it was an amazing concert. It makes you feel so young again. AJ also brought his daughter to the concert and showed her off to us all. It was cute to see that these Boys have all grown up and are all now married with kids. Amazing.

The following day was our last day in Vegas so we took a taxi to the Fashion Mall, just north of the Strip (past Treasure Island). It was way too hot to walk from one end of the Strip to the other in 42C weather. We didn't get a chance to check out everything at the mall because it was massive, but it was nice to take a break from the humid weather.

This is where I found these massive platform shoes from Forever 21 and decided to buy it because they weren't available in Canada. Feeling a bit like the Spice Girls now. Soon after I fell asleep on a bench in the mall. Then we finished up by heading back down the Strip. 

All in all, it was an awesome trip. I love Vegas and would definitely go back in a heart beat. I would do it for the night lights and shows, definitely not the gambling though. I have yet to attend a night club. Don't know man, just not into that scene anymore. But one thing's for sure: I will be back.

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