Saturday, August 12, 2017

Hot Damn!

This sucks to say but it feels like we are already halfway into summer. And I haven't even taken a break yet.

It's been a few weeks since I last blogged and a lot has happened lately, but nothing too exciting. Pretty boring stuff, mostly work related as usual. Any topics to fly off the top of my head right now? Let's see...

I signed myself up for this speciality national exam. Oh great, wish me the best. I really hope I pass. I've been told it's intense and it requires a lot of studying. Knowing me, I need to start months in advance to help me remember things. I look back at those days as a student and man oh man. I ended up cramming everything to the last minute. However, this is one I can't do because there's so much old and new information to absorb. There's medications to memorize, new and old, as well as side effects and interactions. Thankfully I have until mid November, but still, it's been stressful lately trying to figure out how to study for this exam. It's too bad there isn't one of those prep books. Most information is based off of current studies in medicine, which makes it even harder. But I'll try. If it's meant to be, then it's meant to be.

Ho hum! Did anyone read about those 3 police officers who were accused of sexually assaulting a parking enforcer officer during a party? The 3 have been acquitted because the judge felt that it was difficult to find the 3 guilty based on the plantiff's inability to recall accurate details about the event.

In media, they make it seem like it's the girl's fault because she was "slutty" and came onto the men, and was highly intoxicated. The men have said at times that the girl was the one who wanted to have an orgy.

Overall, I don't really know what to think, except this: they're all at least in their 30's. I'll play devil's advocate. If you're at that age that you can't control how much you drink, then that's a huge problem. One of the officers was so drunk, he kept puking all night, including at the hotel lobby. Men or women, if you do that in your 30's, something is really wrong with your brain.

She was also the only one in a group of men she didn't even know, partying with them and going to a strip club to continue the party. Then of course the officers lied to the hosts at the strip club, claiming they're directors or members from a porno company.

I'm going to say both the men and woman are guilty in behaving like irresponsible adults. If you had responsible adults, they'd be looking out for one another. And two, there's a Chinese saying that having one girl within a group of guys is so "casual". In other words, the girl is cheap.

I feel bad that she had to be humiliated in front of friends, family, and coworkers that she had to go through that ordeal. However, at age 36, you should know how much your limit of drinking is, as well as partying with guys you don't even know. Same with the guys. They're at the age where it's family man syndrome. Not 18 year olds drinking for the first time and seeing who can survive without puking first.

Now that I got that off my chest, onto the next random topic.

This one is for the ladies (or men) out there. I recently had this experience where I took out my classic flap bag to an evening out. I was there with the SO, as well as another couple. I'm not close to the couple but have hung out enough to say that they're really great people to be around.

We talked about random topics and then the topic of handbags came into place. SO listed the price of my handbag. Now, I did tell him how much I spent, but not really. In reality, it was a very different price.

And of course they're like...what?! That's nuts!

Now, handbag prices are not everyone's cup of tea. Most, if not all my close friends do not like handbags and they have very different priorities obviously. So I don't really talk about handbags to my friends, except for maybe one or two. Otherwise the rest of the time it's never brought up into any conversations.

Some ladies see that there's no point spending so much on a handbag, that they would rather just buy any average handbag and it still works the same, as well as lasts forever. That's fine too!

My problem here is having the topic of how much I spend on handbags, and using that as a conversation topic at dinner time. Not only is it inappropriate, but it also does not make me look like a reasonable person. Or that I'm high maintenance.

Do I talk about how much he spends on car parts to my friends? No. So the topic of spending money on expensive handbags shouldn't be part of dinner conversation either. It shows respect for your SO or friend as well. Lesson learned. I mean, if they're really that curious, just look online. All the prices are already listed. It's not like it's hidden.

And that's the other pet peeve I have. It's when people ask me how much I've spent on bags. I don't feel comfortable telling people so a lot of times I say I forget. Considering I'm a pretty forgetful person, it usually works out. But seriously, if they're really that curious, go online and look. It's not that difficult. Part of me thinks people just ask for the heck of it. They just want to hear it, and then blast you for wasting money on something so material and useless. This is part of the reason why nobody knows exactly how much I spent, except myself. I keep a record of it as well, in case reselling ever comes in the future.

So if you ever notice your SO or friends volunteering information about handbag prices, please slap them and say that's inappropriate. It's almost like telling friends how much you masturbate at home. It's really something you don't share with friends or people in general.

The last thing I want to be known as is stuck up, which I am not and I refuse to be in that category.

It's also wedding season! This year it's cooled down with weddings. Attending wedding 2/2 this year. I guess all the friends that needed to be married are all now married. By the time I get married, my friends will be grandparents. Weddings are definitely fun though. I don't mind attending as a guest. I remember helping with my brother's wedding over a decade ago and it was a nightmare. Just so much stuff to do and plan, and then worry whether the vendor or flower people will mess up or something. Or if the weather will hold up. There's just so much stuff that isn't in your control. But as a guest, it's awesome. Party all night.

I can finally pick up my awesome shoes this weekend! It's been a long time coming. I still have a couple of weeks to return it if it's the wrong size. Frankly, I have been freaking out about the sizing. I really hope it's the right size. It would be a huge disappointment if it was the wrong size. This is why I hate heels because they aren't true to size. Running shoes rule because at least they are true to size. But heels are so different because it depends on the manufacturer. I could be a size 8 with one, and then a 9.5 in another. Or a 9. Or 10. Like come on man, why don't everyone just create it true to size all across all manufacturers?!

My leadership program is also winding down in the next few weeks. Can't believe it was almost a year ago when I learned I got accepted into it, and now it's winding down. It's been stressful. There's so much to think about and also trying to write reports in ways that are acceptable in the leadership field. I'm really glad it's almost over. I just want to graduate from it!

Alright, brain has stopped functioning. Will update soon!

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