Saturday, August 26, 2017

Rocket Dog Platforms

I didn't realize that so much time has passed since I last mentioned about me picking up my shoes.

So here it is!

Originally I had picked up a pair when I was in Vegas. I saw them at Forever 21 and thought, maybe I could rock these. Just maybe. The size was the issue. My feet are exactly 9.2. So a size 9 would be too small, but a 10 would be too big. A 9.5 is what I usually go for but they didn't offer half sizes in these shoes. It's only a 9 or 10. I chose the 10, although it was a huge debate as to get a 9 or not. They both fit fine, although the 10 offered a bit more room.

However, I find the straps are a bit tad big. I'm not sure if it's because Americans have thicker feet or what. On some reviews, I read it's best to go up a size with this company. In a way I sort of regret not getting a size smaller. But to be honest when I was in the store, they both felt the same at that time. It isn't until later on when I broke into them that I debated with myself again.

Anyways, this brings me to checking out their website. I have never heard of Rocket Dog until I purchased my first pair. I have never seen these shoes sold in Canada before.

I browse through the sites and noticed they have a lot of various platform sandals and shoes. It was like 1998 all over again with Spice Girls!

Then I came upon these platforms: Rainbow platforms to be exact. It's about 3 inches in height. Unfortunately there is no local store that carry these platforms so I had to order directly off the website. Which brings me to another problem: I had trouble shipping it to Canada.

I'm not sure why but every time it asked for a billing and shipping address, it wouldn't proceed further because it didn't recognize Canada as international, although they do offer shipping to international places. I'm not sure if I was just too tired that day but I spent a good hour and a half trying to figure it out and I couldn't. No matter what I did, it wouldn't work.

The great thing about it is they accept Paypal payments. Then I shipped it to a friend's place in the USA. The next problem was finding time to go over and pick them up!

After almost 2 months (and close to the return/exchange policy deadline), I was able to finally pick them up. I kept saying to myself these better be worth it. It better be worth the trip there and back!

So here are some pictures! Prepare for some rainbow!

The box was a bit wrinkled when I opened it but aside from that, the most important thing is that the product did not get damaged from shipment.

Oh. My. Rainbow.

The underside of it. Little hearts! Considering how cheap the soles are made, these will be destroyed after about 1-2 wears.

Instead of the Rocket Dog logo, they have ESRD on it. I believe it's a collaboration.

The two dogs I currently own. Bottom one is from Vegas.

The straps on the Rainbow I found were a bit loose. It comes with 3 holes already, but even at the tightest, the top strap still does not hold my foot down as secure as I want. It was a bit dangerous because one slip and there goes the ankle.

I was able to go to a shoe repair store to get a fourth hole punctured. Now that I wear them, they are nice and secure so I don't have to worry about my foot slipping out. I have no yet worn these in public, so it will be interesting to see what happens. 

Pros: light-weight, very colourful, comfortable to wear, gives you a good height boost.

Cons: upper strap is a bit loose (best to get another hole puncture), the soles are cheap and will get destroyed quick (but they are still wearable). There have been reviews on other sandals that the straps have actually come out of the shoe, resulting in injuries. Nothing on these ones yet. Fingers crossed.

One of my nieces love them so much she always tries them on when she visits me. And of course I always tell her to be careful since her feet do not fit properly in these. She tells me if I don't want them in the future, to give it to her to wear! Yes little one, if your feet grow to the size of mine, of course you can!

I have gotten a few stares while wearing the pair from Vegas, but I think it was people's reactions when they saw a tall Asian lady that towered over them. Because you know, usually Asian women are petite/short. So of course they would freak out when they see this Godzilla walking towards them. I have been told I'm tall enough (about 5'6-5'7) so these would make me about 5'10. 

There is still time to start wearing these, so I'll give another review once I start wearing them properly outdoors! Stay tuned and have a lovely week!

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