Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Summer 2018!

Wow we have entered into summer. A lot has happened since I last blogged (I mean, what life isn't busy?!)

Last month I went on a Scandinavian cruise to visit Norway, Germany (Berlin), Estonia (Tallinn), Russia (St Petersburg), Finland (Helsinki) and Sweden (Stockholm). All thanks to Princess Cruises, it was a wonderful trip. If you happen to get the chance to go on a cruise there, the countries are beautiful. I will try to get some pictures uploaded for you to see in the next post.

I've also had 2 babies recently. Not real babies. Fur babies to be exact. This happened a couple of days after I arrived back from my trip. I hadn't really told people my plan was to adopt a kitty, but it was to help a coworker whose cat had given birth to a litter of kitties. And he begged me to take one. It was really hard to say no. But I said yes, sure why not.

The other kitty was suppose to go to a friend of mine, who lives on the other side of the city. I ended up taking the 2 kitties with me so I could meet up with my friend the following day to give her the kitty. I got lost coming back home because this is what happens when I listen to other people's direction without physically looking at a map beforehand. So I ended up way north of Ontario when I was suppose to go south.

So here I am, lost in Ontario somewhere, with 2 kitties who kept meowing for 30 mins non stop, probably wondering where they are being taken. Halfway through, they stopped meowing. I looked and saw them both laying beside each other, hugging each other...sleeping. It was the cutest thing I've seen in the longest time.

I finally got home and basically said, your grandchildren are home! They saw, and said: this is too cute...but it will be tough to split them up. Let's keep them both.

And so, that's how I ended up with 2 kitties instead of one. I believe they are both sisters but they're still young and still need an appointment with the vet to confirm. They are just shy of 3 months old so they are still super tiny.

Aren't they adorable? :)

They have kept me super busy the past month. But it's been a joy to see them grow slowly (although I wish they could stay small forever). I'm happy that they've found their forever home.

About a week in, I broke down as all the memories from M came flooding back and I kept asking myself...am I doing the right thing? Am I really ready for this? For the next 15-20 years? Am I betraying M? It was a lot of ifs. I ended up praying about it. I believe they can help me heal, but it doesn't mean M's memory will be gone forever. Although I still take many photos and videos of them, my main screensaver is still M. It doesn't mean I love them less or one more over the other: it just means they're all in my heart forever and will remain there forever. This is just a reminder of why I love kitties.

While all this madness is happening, I saw a bag and bought it. Yeah, bad I know. I had time to browse the net one day and went on Fendi's website and BOOM! I saw IT! I contacted my Fendi SA and thankfully they had one in stock, brand new never opened, and one display model. So I booked an appointment to go in and see it.

I brought my BFF with me for moral support (maybe perhaps she would try to convince me NOT to buy it but it didn't work). After seeing the display model and trying it on and contemplating for about 5 mins, I decided this was coming home with me. And so it did!

My SA asked me why I didn't bring my mom? (she remembered I bought her a Fendi bag for Mother's Day). Perhaps my mom would be interested in getting another bag? I told her my mom didn't know I was there shopping LOL.

I came home, took some pictures and videos and ended up using the bag once for now. I'm still not used to the soft leather all around and am terrified of scratching the hardware and leather. It is a beautiful bag for sure.

Stick around for the next post to see a reveal and details about the bag. I promise you this time it won't be a 2-3 month wait for the next post ;)

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