Sunday, September 30, 2018

A dress

After watching Crazy Rich Asians (best rom-com movie in a really long time), I was inspired by this dress that I saw...on Neiman Marcus.

Unfortunately Canada does not have Neiman Marcus but thankfully USA is just nearby. Yay for online shopping!

I don't exactly remember how I stumbled across the dress. But all I do know is that I was looking for a dress to wear for the upcoming Christmas party. Yes, Christmas is what, 3 months away now?! Gosh!

I wasn't completely desperate in finding a dress. It was one of those moments, that if I found something then that's awesome. If not, then I'll just wear whatever I have at home. No big deal.

After spending days and nights going through a bunch of dresses from different companies, I stumbled across one beautiful dress. It was in emerald green, with a mesh top alined with beautiful mini flowers everywhere. It was very princess-y, almost like the Princess and the Frog type of thing. Lame I know. And then it reminded me of the Crazy Rich Asians dresses.

The price was high for a gown. I mean, you could buy a wedding gown. But then I found out why: the dress was mostly in silk. Ahhh shoot! Silk is a bitch to take care of. It was a debate. If I liked it, then I'll keep it but if not, then I'll just return and get a refund on it. The hardest thing about buying clothes online is the sizing. I based it on dress sizes I wear here, and was crossing my fingers that this would fit.

There is an option online where you can estimate the size based on what size you wear from other companies. For example, I used FCUK to try and estimate the dress size. It gave me a size 10. WTF? I'm usually a size 6. I ordered the last size 6 that was available on the site and just crossed my fingers. There were only 2 or 3 sizes left in total, so I was really fortunate to get it.

When it arrived in the mail, I was super excited. Tried it on, and it fit great! Only problem is, this dress seemed like it was for girls that were over 6 feet tall. The amount of hemming I need to do would be astronomical. Even with my 3 inch platforms that I could wear with it, I would still need to hem it. It was also a lot more poofier than I thought it would be.

Either way, it's such an elegant gown. I have temporarily stored it away until I find a place that could hem it but I do believe I have found my Christmas party dress, as well as perhaps using it as a future wedding gown party dress.

Now, I don't know much about fashion, but all I know is that it's by Marchesa Notte. Marchesa was established in 2004 by Georgina Chapman and Keren Craig. Chapman was married to the now disgraced Harvey Weinstein, the man accused of sexually assaulting and raping many actresses in Hollywood. Weinstein had funded his now ex-wife's fashion company back in the day, and without him, Marchesa wouldn't have taken off.

You would've seen Marchesa dresses worn by A list actresses on the red carpets of award shows and the Met Gala. Marchesa was also in Crazy Rich Asians, worn by Constantine Wu when she was attending the wedding at the church. Unfortunately after Weinstein was arrested, actresses shunned Marchesa from the red carpet and boycotted the dresses. It was found that Weinstein forced all the actresses that he hired for his movies to wear Marchesa Notte for red carpet events, otherwise he would not pay them.

Once Chapman divorced Weinstein, she continued with Marchesa in expanding it to wedding gowns and evening gowns. Actresses have now started wearing Marchesa again, as a sign to Chapman that girl power is still there.

Anyways, I found that to be an interesting read and the history behind the brand. Not saying I support Weinstein for raping all these women. But the fact that she made the decision to divorce the man whom she though she knew and married, and had a kid with. She left the ex behind and stood up for all these women. And for that, we stand by her side as well.

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