Thursday, December 20, 2018


Holy it's winter. Where has time flown?!

Let's just say it's been a freaking whirlwind few months. Winter tires are on. Christmas gifts are almost done. Kittens are slowly growing. Eye lash extensions are done. Crazy work hours are almost done.

And got my dream car.

Speaking of cars, I recently found out about this whole new hashtag/hobby thing that people are doing these days: TOtakeovers. Or #totakeovers.

You may have heard in the news lately that a group of street racers closed down a public intersection and started doing donuts. Police eventually showed up and caught these racers in the act, while trying to chase down a BMW that had fled the scene after doing the last donuts in the intersection. The people who follow this group have applauded the news crew for giving them the popularity that they all want on Instagram.

Let me just tell you that car enthusiasts do not do stupid sh!t like that on public roads. Not only is it dumb, but also dangerous as there are other cars on the roads in very close proximity to where these people are doing dumb donuts in the middle of the intersection.

Correct me if I'm wrong but parking lot meets were the sh!t back in the day. It was so calm, and you actually got to meet new people and hang out. How the hell will you meet new friends while doing donuts on public roads, tire smoke is that even pleasant?! Worst is, these assholes who are involved in this entire activity don't think anything is wrong with it. It's more exciting than parking lot meets. And the whole attitude of "F the police" and "thanks for the shoutout CityTV!" really shows their immaturity level, which can't really be measured on a scale because it's damn idiotic.

This really gives the true car enthusiasts the biggest disadvantages with any car related activities because of these assholes. The police see a nice car, good luck because you're getting pulled over along with the Honda Civic that decided to tag along as well.

If you search the hashtag on Instagram, you will see the idiotic videos that have been circulating around the internet. Apparently this all started from the car culture in LA, where ricers would close down an intersection and tear it apart by doing donuts.

Oh right, leads me to another point: learn to do donuts. Most of those donuts are damn amateur. Hitting someone while doing a donut is very amateur and stupid. Driving in circles around someone (or another car) is NOT considered a donut. It's just called, driving in circles like an idiot.

What's scary is...this happens during the cooler months. Maybe the hype picked up after the summer had ended, who knows. But the videos that were circulating earlier seemed to be within the past few weeks when temperatures had dipped. Idiots I tell you, because there's no way you can control hockey pucks on cars in these temperatures.

Things may all be fun and dandy now, but when someone gets seriously injured or killed, is it really all that funny? I really think most of these idiotic guys don't really give two craps about anyone except themselves, because this is the type of society that we currently live in: a sense of self entitlement. It's sad how things have become.

I'm ready to go back to chilling on people's driveways with cars.

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