Sunday, March 15, 2020


2020! What.

Lots and lots of stuff have happened since my last post. Funny, it seems like I write the exact same introduction year after year...

But seriously. Lots have happened.

That dream job that I've always strived for...well...GUESS WHO IT WENT TO? Yours truly. All that hard work paid off. However I can say it's killing my brain because of all the stress. I get a taste of management and what it's really about. All I can say is tough work. The amount of things you have to remember is insane. I don't know how managers deal with so many issues in just 1 hour but I give them huge credit for doing what they do. Now of course these are managers who actually put their heart and soul into their jobs, not the ones that just sit there and nod their heads and not do anything. I'm not sure if that is truly what I want to do but definitely trying to strive towards it.

You're probably wondering if I'm still using the iPhone 6S that I've had for the past 4 years. I've a XR! Ok Ok before you start laughing, it's only because I really wanted the blue. The new 11 does not have blue so I had to downgrade to the XR so to speak. I did buy my mom the 11, so if anything she is much more technologically advanced than I am.

This past winter season, I did not put the sweet Porshaaaa on trickle charger. I figured let's try this out. Last season I had the bad luck of taking it out on the first day, then having the ignition switch die on me. This time around, I told myself I would drive it in between good days of winter (at this point you just hope and pray the weather plays nice). Thankfully this past winter it has been quite mild, not too extreme so I was able to take her out once to twice a week around the neighbourhood to warm up before storing her back. However, this part is tedious. This was my first time doing this but I had to type in a schedule to remind me when I took her out and for how long. This became my guide for the entire winter and literally became my second job. Monitoring how often it was driven, and then monitoring a break in the weather. If I knew there was a huge storm coming, I would monitor the days before and compare the weather for those days, choosing a mild day (or sunny day with higher temperatures). It's probably much easier to just store the car but the prep work that goes into it takes some time as well. Either way, I've tried both and they both work.

Fox Run Rally. Right. So we had our very first rally run last summer, where we went to Ottawa for 3 days and participated in Race the Runway, simulator, amongst other shenanigans. Most of the cars were GTRs (by the GTA GTR Club), with a few other sports cars in between like mine, and a BMW Alpina. It was very successful. All the members had a great time and we are looking forward to this summer. Let's hope this whole coronavirus will pass by summer time.

Speaking of coronavirus (or COVID-19), it has been insane in the groceries lately. Toilet papers gone. Pasta and pasta sauce gone. Canned goods. Sanitizers. Lysol wipes. Everyone is going cuckoo over this. Those who hoard such things, SHAME ON YOU. Seriously. Unless you have 40 children's ass to wipe, there is no reason for you to start hoarding it all for yourself. Such selfishness. Same with the wipes. People are hoping to sell them online but now Amazon and Kijiji have banned such sales online so those people are now stuck with all those supplies. For what? A profit? It's ridiculous. Key thing is: STAY HOME. ESPECIALLY if you're sick.

People have these misconceptions that the virus is an airborne virus. The virus does not stay in the air and float around like your mother's underwear when it goes missing. The virus is similar to a flu (key is SIMILAR, NOT THE SAME) where when one coughs, those droplets go into the air, but drop after a certain distance. The droplets fall on tables, floors, equipments, you name it. Your cell phone. Geez. That itself is a petri dish for disaster. And they can live on surfaces from hours to days. Handwash is key, as well as disinfecting all surfaces.

Those Lysol/Accel wipes is best handled with GLOVES. OMG I don't know how many times I've seen people handle it with bare hands. The amount of damage they could do to the skin (let alone having those chemicals absorbed through your skin into your body) over time can be deadly. Whether it's COPD of the lungs or getting severe dermatitis, it's important to use and disgard them appropriately.

While everyone is hoarding ridiculous items, I have gotten myself menstrual pads because when a girl bleeds, toilet paper is useless in those situations. I have gotten cookies because at least I can snack on those during the day. It's kind of hard for me to snack on pasta. Thankfully we have enough toilet paper from before so there was no need to buy anymore. However, in about 3 weeks, that may change. The amount of times I take a crap in one day, I could probably go through a roll.

In sad news....I really wanted a bag from Louis Vuitton. I was eyeing it since last month and wanted to purchase it the last weekend before March (so close!!). When I returned to the site the following Monday, I kicked myself. Prices went up by $100. COME ON REALLY LOUIS??? I read there was going to be a price hike but I didn't know it would be that soon. Sucks balls. At least now I don't have to rush and get it. But still, it completely sucks.

I cleaned my room. And found many gift cards that I had not used yet. That is better than eating ice cream. Of course I had to go through the tedious work of checking each and every card to see if they had a balance. That took pretty long but now I finally figured them out. So yeah, clean up your rooms frequently so your dentures or balls don't go missing.

Ok, time to take a crap. Bless this toilet paper.

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