Monday, February 22, 2016


Lately I've encountered people wondering where I have been, since they haven't seen me much at work. This varies between coworkers and patients. Truth is, I have been at work almost everyday. The tricky part is, I'm everywhere in the Casper the ghost.

Some people can get offended when people assume wrong about them, but I try to see it as a fun way to open the conversation, especially when I haven't seen them for some time. 

A lot of people assumed I was off for vacation the past few months. A "hey, haven't seen you for so long! Where have you been?? On vacation?!" opening conversation. In reality, I was off for a bit due to M's passing, then I got really sick from the lack of sleep from his passing. I had taken time off for personal reasons and a mini vacation, but then returned back to work. 

My answer to the vacation part is straight forward for most part: yes, but before that I was off for personal reasons. Some of them know of M's passing and how it's been affecting me, so they know the pain of what it's like to lose a loved one/furry pet. Especially when one grows up with pets. There were a few times people asked why I looked sad, and I tell them about M. That would open up a conversation about pets in general, and they would also talk about their own experiences with pets, and what it's like to lose a beloved pet. 

I remember one lovely lady who was listening into my conversation with another coworker about M's passing. This was in the beginning when it was still very fresh, and I did not know how to cope, except to talk about M. As she listened, it brought back memories of when she had a cat. We started talking about the good memories, and how smart cats are. It was a fulfilling conversation. She was really funny too, always made us laugh with her good humour. Unfortunately, she has passed on so there won't be anymore fun cat stories to share, but God bless her soul.

The other assumption that happened the other day was if I was on maternity leave. I nearly died laughing. The man meant no harm; he probably thought well, for a woman my age, I ought to be popping out babies. But in reality, that did not happen. There was no mat leave. I answered by saying I wasn't married yet. And the look on his face was O_O "My goodness, I'm so sorry! I feel so embarrassed! I didn't know!" I had to really calm him down, that it was an honest mistake haha. But he only asked because he hadn't seen me for quite some time. 

My bestie and I work in the same program, and we look very different. Yet for some reason, people still get us mixed up. I am probably double her height, so that would be a dead giveaway. The bestie is getting married this year and a lot of people are aware. The other day, I was working with someone who I haven't seen in a while. She asked "so you're the one getting married". I gave her this funny look and replied "I am?! Not that I'm aware!" She asked if I was getting married to C and I said ohhhh right, I'm B but you're thinking of A! She felt quite bad about getting us mixed up, but hey I don't blame her. There are too many staff members to remember!

I remember going to the dealership to get a battery exchanged, and that thing is damn heavy. Totally didn't realize how heavy it was, and considering my back is not that strong, I couldn't lift it. I had asked the service guy if he could bring the new one to the trunk, and he had no problem with that. At this point, I was wearing the Chanel WOC under my winter jacket and the flap was opened. It didn't occur to me that with my jacket over the open WOC, it made my belly look big. The service man was nice enough to bring out the battery into my car, and then he asked "Are you expecting soon?" I gave him a puzzled look and said no.....

I think he felt really embarrassed. It's almost like asking a bigger lady if they're pregnant when they're not. They're just...big. In this case, it was my bag causing that pregnant look. It took me a few minutes to realize why he thought that, when I looked down at myself and said...DAMN YOU WOC!!! DAMN YOU CHANEL! YOU DECEIVING LITTLE BAG!

So what's the point of this? Don't take things too personally when people assume wrong things about you. Even if you are getting the same questions asked over and over, that's when you start thinking of creative ways to open the conversation. You never know, maybe that person is having a rough day. The last thing you want to do is to yell at them for assuming the wrong thing about you. And you know what? Laugh. Laughter is the best medicine. 

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