Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Sugar Daddy - My View

I was browsing the Toronto Star's website when I stumbled upon an article titled "Sugar daddy dating: Toronto men bid on first dates online".

Here is the link: Sugar Daddy Dating

Upon reading it, I felt quite disgusted. Disgusted because the founder of Seeking Arrangements, Brandon Wade, has now come up with different ways of "sugar daddying".

What is a sugar daddy? It's when wealthy guys (most of them are above 50) who are married (or not) who seek companionship and pay girls for their company. It can range from dinner dates to trips to having monthly allowances. It sounds pretty awesome right? Well, most of the time, an exchange for sex is also required.

Sugar babies are those who look for sugar daddies to get monthly allowances to pay off their loans and what not, and to "seek companionship". In other words, gold diggers.

People have correlated this sugar exchange as prostitution. I guess to a certain degree, yes. I agree it's no different than prostitution because a girl seeks a guy, keeps him company, probably has sex with them, and then the girls get paid for their company. Those who are involved in this dating game don't think it is, because it's more than just sex. It's like going on a date with someone and paying for their meals, or buying them gifts. Well yeah, you do that initially because you want to get to know the person, and see if you want to have them as a life partner. But to have 5 sugar babies at once, or 5 sugar daddies, that isn't a real relationship. That's prostitution.

WIth the high housing prices in the city, along with ridiculous tax hikes and just overall in general prices going up (and the terrible Canadian dollar), this becomes a main drive into why young girls start looking for sugar daddies to pay off their tuition and bills. They believe it's the easy way out, and if it's easy, then why not? A lot of us like to take the easy way out. It's what I call the lazy way. If you think taking the easy way out will be good for your future, you may want to think again. Once you take the lazy way, you never want to take the hard way out. And that will reflect on your future job prospectives and the way you perform at jobs as well.

According to the Global News and what they have reported, University of Toronto is the number one university in Canada to have the most sugar babies sign up for the year of 2015. Here is the link:

Congrats U of T for being number 1 in prostituting!

With the rise in tuition, it is not a surprise these students are signing up to seek sugar daddies in Toronto. Everything is money driven. And everyone wants to have the easy way out.

Let me tell you something. I didn't graduate long ago. I never had a sugar daddy. I paid for my tuition. I got off my butt to look for jobs and worked 2 jobs in the summer, and worked casually during the school months, in order to pay for my bills and just generally save. I worked a lot of night shifts because I knew the premium pay was there. I found jobs related to my field of study because I was in it for the work experience. The money came second, which I was fortunate that it had pretty good pay for a student. I didn't have a car at that time, so expenses were much lower. I took transit because it was the "easiest" way.

I still managed to graduate, with no loans, and no sugar daddies.

If you ask Generation X and part of Y (the early years), a lot of graduates worked hard to get to where they are today. No sugar daddies were needed. A lot of them knew what hard work meant, and a lot of them had to juggle 2 jobs or more, to make ends meet. Having a sugar daddy was unheard of.

Suddenly now in this generation, sugar daddies and babies are everywhere. Money is the number one drive. Who cares about hurt feelings? As long as you get your bills paid. Right?

Which brings me to another issue of this generation. I don't know how many times I've heard from friends, and people who I don't like, about how difficult it is to find the right person in this day and age. The "one".

Guys complain that the girls they meet are gold diggers, not independent enough, not pretty enough, not skinny enough. They complain these girls are too casual, dress like a skank, or just not smart enough. They don't feel appreciated.

Girls complain that guys just want to get in their pants. They analyze the guy's job, how much money they make, are they good looking, how do they dress, how do they talk, or treat them or their friends, prefer tall versus short, do they buy gifts spontaneously or not. They don't feel appreciated.

I could go on and on. Now not all guys or girls will think like that, but there is a good amount that will display it either right in your face, or sort of "under the carpet" (i.e they try to not say it directly but will give hints indirectly).

The most common trend I can see when both guys and girls complain about each other? They're all superficial points. The most common superficial point is money and sex. We are driven to the point that it seems like only those two points matter in this day and age. Having those sugar daddy websites will not help this population improve on themselves. In fact, it's getting worse now that these sugar daddy websites have popped up. Society is becoming way more disastrous. There is no moral right or wrong anymore, because everyone decides for themselves what's right and wrong; we have thrown away the concept of God and Scripture. We have become our own gods in deciding what's right and wrong. And this is very scary.

So many people complain about their dates gone wrong, and not finding the right person. Because we have thrown away our basics. Our morality. Our values. Girls and guys have one night stands with each other because it's "the norm" and feel if they don't, then maybe they won't have that connection. How ridiculous is that? Even if you do it for fun, do you not have any shame? Do you not value yourself?

I believe that if we throw away our worth and our value, and allow things like sugar daddies to embrace us while we have nearly hit rock bottom, it still doesn't change the fact that you were used for sex and money. Girls want money, guys want sex. And you wonder why this generation is going to garbage.

If we are to raise a generation of kids to believe that taking the easy way out is good, we are setting the next generation up for disaster. It is already a disaster, and it will only get worse. We have to keep persevering for a proper upbringing, and to bring value and worth to a person. The concept of sugar daddies is an easy way out of our daily problems. It's tempting, and that's exactly what the devil does. He tempts. Our weakness is money, and he will continue to use that against us, unless we stand up and fight against the temptation.

Which leads me to: cheating. A lot of those sugar daddies are married. Very few are single and mingling. Yet they go behind their spouse's backs to pay for young adults for companionship. What kind of example is this for the younger generation? That cheating is ok? And you wonder why the younger generation are messed up today. The older ones lead by example, and if this is what the younger generation see, they will think going behind their spouse's backs is normal and cool, as long as you do it in secret.

Divorce is now at an all time high of 50/50. We want to obviously reduce that percentage, but it's going to be hard if we have constant coverage and websites that deal with stuff like sugar daddies. And influencing the younger generation that it's ok to do it, because it pays your bills. It's the most evil type of marketing if you ask me.

A real relationship is about working together, helping each other, supporting each other through thick and thin, having set values and beliefs to pass on to the children, but most importantly, to love each other - through sickness and health, until death do us apart. It seems that the current generation do not know the basic foundation of what a relationship should really consist of. Who do we have to blame? The generation before us, for introducing such an atrocious idea to make life "easier" when in fact, it's becoming a disaster. The same generation who is responsible for raising the next generation is now responsible for creating a disastrous generation of lost souls.

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