Sunday, April 09, 2017

Fake Chanel Earrings

I know there are people out there who are willing to shed out all their savings on an authentic item, and there are people who will pay very cheap prices for fake items. That's cool, whatever floats your boat (even though there have been links of fake bags/luxury items linked to terrorism and trafficking. One huge reason why NOT to buy fake items).

Then there are those who pay almost luxury prices, thinking they got a luxury item, but it turns out it was fake. So you got duped.

I got these Chanel CC stud earrings a while ago from a douchebag who, for whatever reason, thought he could buy people's friendship by buying expensive items for them. I had a feeling they were fake because 1) he didn't have a job 2) thus he had no income 3) he's an idiot.

I decided to see how long they would last. This is a good lesson for those out there who don't want to pay full price for an authentic item, but rather take the cheap way out. Seriously, just save your money. It's not worth buying a cheap item, because it WILL break on you. You will end up spending more in the long run if you keep on buying the same cheap piece of crap. Save up and buy the authentic piece from a boutique.

When you first look at it, it looks pretty. It's all shiny and what not. From what I've read, Chanel does use Swarovski crystals for some of their jewelry. When you first see it, you wouldn't think anything of it, except to say wow, CC!

It also comes with an authentic looking Chanel box. See below.

Just to see how long this thing would last, I would only wear this on occasion. It's not something to be worn daily. I can probably count on one hand the amount of times I've worn this, before I started noticing things:

1) The crystals have come off one by one. I remember I just wiped gently to shine it and DOINK! A crystal just came off so easily.
2) The stopper at the back fell apart. I've owned many earrings over the years, and this is the first time I've had a stopper completely fall apart.
3) The 'authentic' tag at the back fell off, for both earrings.
4) If you look eye level to look at how the crystals protrude, you can see they are not even. Some crystals are fit nicely, but some are completely engrained into the metal. Then there are some that are crooked.

Now, what's funny is that all the stuff that fell off or apart happened INSIDE the box. I hadn't even worn it yet. They started falling apart as I was taking them out of the box!

It was hard to capture, but you can see some missing crystals on the left one, as well as the right earring. The 'authentic' plates are placed at the front.

Says 'Made in France'. My ass.

This shows how the stopper is suppose to look normally.

This is the stopper that completely fell apart in 3 separate places.

Generally speaking, Chanel earrings are a bit heavy because of all the materials they use to generate a beautiful piece of art. These earrings felt very, very light and cheap. Like plastic. The back was not in any way beautiful but looked like a bunch of plastic had melted together and dried very quickly. So it was not smooth. It was hard to capture on camera, so I did not include it in the pictures. 

The crystals should be much more evenly placed, not have one low and one high. The inconsistency in this shows that from far away, it looks fine, but up close you can see the terrible workmanship. 

I don't have any other pair of Chanel earrings to compare, but after owning a couple of Chanel handbags, I can say the quality has been nothing but perfect. I've read some of the recent ones have had some bad runs, but I was fortunate enough to have two great handbags that are still in almost perfect condition and not falling apart like these earrings. 

Safe to say, these will be destroyed and gone to the garbage. 

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