Thursday, May 21, 2020

Checking in - COVID progress

As the title states, we are right in the middle of the COVID pandemic. Lots of things are still shut down, but they have began phase 1 of opening the economy. I wish I had blogged earlier on prior to the announcement of the pandemic but things were just quite chaotic. 

When SARS was here in 2003, I was still in high school. Being new to this role and then suddenly having to deal with a pandemic like COVID while others around me survived through SARS was challenging to say the least. I felt like a child compared to everyone else. I almost felt lost especially during the pandemic plan. It sounds easy by word of mouth but when you sit down with a team to talk about the logistics behind the planning, it was a lot more complicated than I thought. However, this was the time to not complain, and just deal with it. There was no time to absorb, but to just jump into this unknown and just fight it. Save as many people as possible. Try to prevent spread amongst the most vulnerable population. Just do it. 

I have never been so stressed in my life. Prior to the pandemic I was struggling to lose weight. During this pandemic, I've lost weight just because of the stress. Surprisingly it was 8 pounds! I have initiated the intermittent fasting (16/8) and I had lost 2 pounds during that duration but since the pandemic, it added on an extra 6 pounds. Hopefully I can continue this for my own benefit. I think the hardest part about IF is the eating. My biggest fail is snacking. So it's trying to cut out all the sweets from the diet. It wasn't so bad in the beginning but it's a struggle now during the pandemic when stress levels are high, and all I want to do is snack in order to keep going. Anyways, that's something I need to work on, that's for sure.

I hope everyone out there is surviving through this pandemic. I know it must be tough for those who have lost jobs, lost loved ones from the terrible virus or other conditions, or just mentally trying to survive this pandemic. It is tough, and I wish there was a short term solution to fix it all. I know the government implementing these restrictions probably seem too "controlling" and not within our rights as citizens of our countries. However, know that they aren't doing this on purpose and are really trying to limit the spread. I don't believe those protests about trying to reopen the economy. Not only are they putting themselves at risk, but they just don't see the big picture. We are quite thankful the hospitals are not as bad as what Italy was experiencing, because of the early restrictions our unit had taken way before the pandemic was declared. But we are still not safe from it and I don't know if we ever will be. I don't know if this will go away like SARS. I don't know if there will ever be a vaccine. All I know is that if we continue to do our due diligence in following instructions, then yes, we can have a chance at beating this together. We are all in this together. So please, do your best and try to stay home as much as possible. Call your loved ones and keep each other sane and comfortable. 

Just a FYI, no I do not have the COVID as the title seems. I just ran out of ideas to label the title. I wish I could type more, but it's been another crazy week and I've been falling asleep every time I arrive home. I think I've been running on pure adrenaline all week and all day that finally when I can shower and relax, I just complete crash for hours. It's a nice feeling to finally sleep. 

Stay safe everyone. We will get through this. Please tell all your family, all your friends, your loved ones...tell them all that you love them. And actually mean it. Do this every day if you can. Because with all that I see everyday, you just never know what will happen. So do me a favour and do this for you and your loved ones. 

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