Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Date Fail #1

My good friends know all about my crazy date stories and tell me I should write a novel about my experiences. I figured I'll select some of the odd ones and talk about it. Identities will be with-held as I don't want to get my butt sued. Because you know, everyone these days like to sue each other for no apparent reason.

This story happened about 2 years ago. Someone I knew kept telling me she wanted me to meet her nephew. He was a bit older but she figures he needs to get out more, because all he does is game all day. I don't remember how many times I said no, but she kept pushing. Please? He really needs to meet people.

Ok fine, just for you I said. So she gives me his number. By the way, he's expecting your call! Oh great lovely, that makes me feel way better. Talk about stress. After pondering for who knows how long, I finally text the guy and tell him who I am. I get a reply back pretty fast.

So after some texting back and forth, we finally agreed to meet up somewhere. We couldn't decide where because 1) I'm indecisive and 2) He's home so often that he probably doesn't even know where the nearest McD is. He finally decides on a restaurant in a mall, so I said sure let's meet there.

I arrived first to the mall, on time, and went straight to the restaurant. Except something looked odd. The restaurant was closed. And I don't mean it was closed for the day or for the time being. But it was CLOSED DOWN. Like, the place didn't pay their rent fees and got kicked out.

Great. I saw a guy look at the front sign as well, and thought it was my date. I had no idea how the guy looked like, but from his facial expression, he was not expecting a date from anyone. So I gave the date a call and said, look the restaurant you chose is closed down. Shut down. Nada. No more. He freaks, like oh my gosh I'm so sorry. Totally didn't know because the website said it was still open.

Ok now we have to choose another place. I suggest one off the highway so it would be easier for him to find. So we decided to meet there instead. Of course he was already late, and arrived to the back up restaurant before me (since I was still having to drive back down). So finally we meet.

The most awkward handshake ever.

We go into the restaurant and we sort of talk. But it was mostly a meal of silence.

The most awkward dinner ever. Of silence.

I think we both knew that the person responsible for getting us together was trying to set us up, and we both met each other against our wills.

Needless to say, we said our goodbyes and never talked again. Hate to say it but I don't even remember the guy's name.

The next day the friend comes up to me and asks how'd it go?! I said....ok.....awkward....silence. And since then, she has never introduced me to her relatives again.

Some lessons learned:

1) Be on time. Being punctual really plays a huge factor. It's like going in for an interview. If you are late for your job interview, do you think the boss wants to hire you?

2) Be sure the restaurant or event you are going to actually exists.

3) Some periods of silence is fine if you're eating. But if you're staring at each other for 2 hours not talking much, then it's already a disaster.

4) Try to be out-going. Yes you may be shy, but nothing is more of a turn off if you sit there silent most of the night.

5) Silence is not always golden.

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