Monday, June 15, 2015

Date Fail #4

Ha! And you thought that was it. Nope, here's another one.

This happened about 6 years ago during my consolidation year.

While having my placement, I met a doctor who was about 7-8 years older than I was, but at that time he appeared to be in the late 20's. The staff had noticed he seemed to have a thing for me, from the way he joked with me and talked with me. It made me blush, because well, stuff like this don't happen in real life. Only on Grey's Anatomy.

One day after work he suggested we hang out and go for dinner. So I said sure. It's like one of those things you add to your list of things to do before you die: go on a date with a doctor. But really, I thought he was funny and gentle to talk to, and smart. So I figured I'd give him a chance to get to know him better.

We got to the place and settled on the top floor of the restaurant where it looks out into downtown. Couldn't really see much because it was a bit dark. But otherwise we ordered our food. Our conversation however, was...all over the place. He would say something, and I would either acknowledge or look at him with a weird face, like wtf did you just say? Totally did not understand a word. It was like we were having conversations with a wall. There was no feedback or acknowledgement of anything that was said. I really couldn't figure out if something was wrong with me for not understanding our conversations or whether his way of talking was just way too confusing for my brain. P.S it had nothing to do with medicine.

It went on for pretty much most of dinner. The awkward conversations and lack of acknowledgement of what was said when I spoke of something. We could never talk about one thing before moving onto the next thing.

So we walk to the subway stop, where we both had to take the train northbound. But before that, he was talking to me about something and then he stopped walking for a bit, so it made me stop in my tracks. It was silent so I looked at him. And his face was RIGHT THERE. Oh, he was trying to kiss me. I leaned backwards and gave him the longest stare. Awkward.

We continue walking to the subway, got on, and maybe had another random conversation about something. As his stop approached and he got off, he gave me a peck on the cheek.

I believe that was the last time I saw him.

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