Saturday, June 13, 2015

Date Fail #2

This story happened about 2 years ago as well. Again, names will not be disclosed.

It was beginning of August when a friend of mine tried to set me up with her boyfriend's friend. They both tell me he's a nice guy, he's very shy but he will open up once he gets to know you. That's a pretty normal response in getting to know people.

So, during one sunny weekend, they planned a double date. I drove to my friend's house to meet her and there was where I met the date. We took one car and went to a summer festival in Oakville. They were right. He was pretty shy. I felt like I was doing an interview grilling him with questions. Eventually as the night went along, he was more open to talking and having a good time. At night we all went roller skating. I suck at skating/roller skating so to be skating in that arena in the dark was a nightmare. The date was concerned and literally held my hand the entire night. I still fell and bruised my thigh (and I got the picture to prove it even to this day!) on the rink. That's what happens when you get too confident, skate too fast, and face plant to the ground at lightning speed.

The night ended off with good byes from everyone. Eventually the date asked for my number and that was it.

Over the next few days I would get a text to see how I was doing. Primarily my bruised thigh because it looked like someone really beat me up. It was nice that he was concerned for my well-being. I laughed it off saying it'll be fine. Just takes a few days to heal and I'll be good. Except I won't be roller skating again.

A few days before the first "date" by ourselves, I get a message from my girl friend saying my date really admired me. And was speaking praise, and wanted to marry me and be with me forever.

Wait. What?

I just met you. But that kind of creeped me out. Now I didn't feel too comfortable going out alone with him. But once again, I figured this is my friend's friend so I don't want to disappoint. So let's just do this date for goodness sakes.

The date comes to pick me up from home. As I approached the car, he came out of the car to open the door for me. Aw how nice. Except he really got in my face to give me a peck on the cheek. Something that I'm not used to, and certainly not on a first date for me. So it really threw me off. I think I almost fell backwards from shock.

The ride to the restaurant was scary. I'm not sure if it was the perfume I was wearing or if I was really intimidating but he just seemed so SCARED to drive. Changing lanes into cars, freaking out when a lane merges, cutting people off without knowing. And then the frequent "oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh". Please don't crash, is what I kept saying to myself in my head. I've never met someone who was so scared to drive a girl before. I guess I do give off that vibe.

So now we are approaching a strip of restaurants. I don't remember exactly how the conversation went, but it was basically I didn't really book a restaurant...I just chose three and...I'll leave you to figure out which restaurant to go to! Umm..sure? I guess? So I chose one. We head there to have dinner, and after ordering the food, it was some awkward silence, and some awkward topics. During the meal, it was dead quiet. I remember him apologizing for being so quiet, because he was enjoying his food too much. Yup, great to know.

We walk down the street to get some ice cream. Then after some more chitter chatter I was dropped off at home, and he was already looking forward to a second date. I said....well I don't remember what I said. But the vibe I got was that I wasn't keen on doing a second date.

Fast forward about a week or two. During each day he would text and use a lame pick up line. It really wasn't going anywhere so I told him to stop with the lameness. The message was not received because I still ended up with bombarding pick up lines from him on a daily basis. Eventually he got mad at me for ignoring him and started accusing me of everything (can't remember the specifics anymore). And then I blew up at him after that, for being a douche bag.

Eventually we stopped talking. But when I saw my friend, she would tell me he really admired me. He really hoped things would work out. I was like an angel sent to him. But now he was depressed and wanted to join the army to move on with life.

We did eventually have small chat about a year later, but then lost touch as the years went by. I heard he is doing well, so I wish him the best in his endeavours and also in serving our country.

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