Saturday, June 13, 2015

Date Fail #3

Third time's a charm! Well maybe. This story happened right before I graduated university. It's crazy how it felt like it was only yesterday.

I was basically minding my own business, prepping for a mini graduation trip to Vegas, when I get a message from a girl friend from high school. We used to hang out a lot back in the day but due to busy student life, we never really got to hang out. She said she has this friend who wanted to meet me.

Uhhhh. Ok how did he even "know about" me? "Oh he found your profile on my Facebook friends list". He was going through her list looking at profiles and somehow he landed on mine. I don't know, maybe something about my face really awed him. I kid.

So after that, he kept bugging her that he wanted to meet me. Okkkk a little bit creepy? Then again, Facebook is for stalking. She tells me oh he's a nice guy. I went to school with him all these years and he's really nice. She suggested we all meet up at a mall to go shopping. It's a funny thing because I actually needed to go shop and buy some stuff for my trip. So I asked one of my trip buddies to come along.

My guy friend picked me up and drove us to the mall to meet up with the 2 girl friends and the potential date. So it was a 5 person trip. We got there and didn't see anyone there, so we chilled for a bit. At last the 3 showed up. First handshakes and introductions went well. Then the next thing you know, the girls grab my guy friend away and walk fast away from me and this new date to go shopping. Awkward much?

So now I'm left to walk with this date, feeling a bit awkward from all this. He was basically shoved into my face. The conversations were normal I guess, nothing significantly weird from what I can recall. We basically followed the group to whatever stores. They decided to do a dress up game. Pick an outfit and go change into it, and we all show off to see how ridiculous it looks on us. It was fun for a while. But it's really weird to be coming out of change rooms to this dude you've only met a couple hours ago and giving him a fashion show.

The last store we hit, I figured now it's time to bail. While I was changing into another outrageous outfit that the girls had picked for me, I texted my guy friend and said LISTEN, WE NEED A PLAN TO GET OUT OF HERE.

So of course we are having this text message conversation while I'm half dressed. Multitasking for the win. At last after my last fashion show, my friend tells them his mom needed the car and he needs to come home asap. I said I'd go as well, but I don't remember what reason I gave. They were fine with it and we said our goodbyes and probably did some number exchanges as well. As we got into the car, I gave my friend a big hug and said THANKS FOR SAVING ME! We both laughed as we went home.

Over the next week or so, we texted back and forth, and he really wanted to go for another date, but I said it won't be a good idea. He kept pushing for just a coffee, something simple. Nothing more. I don't remember specifics about what I said to him, but I probably said something mean that hurt him. Lo and behold I am blocked. And then he moved to the West Coast. The girl friend never asked about it again, nor did she set up another date.

At least I managed to get what I needed for my trip to Vegas!

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