Monday, May 30, 2016

Ramblings Etc.

This will once again be a random ramblings post about what has happened the past week. Get ready for it whoop whoop!

I'm not sure if it's me or what, but lately at work it's been crazy hellish busy. All the bad stuff at work seemed to be falling on my head. I don't mean getting in trouble, but in terms of critical issues, I've been the one dealing with it for some reason. The adrenaline kicks in to try and get to the bottom of the issue and make sure things go smoothly. By the end of the week, I'm pretty much exhausted. Never been so happy to see my bed for 8 hours or less.

Another topic to speak about: jealousy.

We parked at one of those lots where you pay for parking. The lot wasn't full, but it was our first time visiting the town that weekend. Parked beside a white sedan (for the life of me I'm trying to remember if it was a Mazda 6 or a Ford Fusion/Taurus because I honestly can't remember). The person who drove it was a mid 20's to early 30's Caucasian male with a Caucasian girlfriend in tow. 

As we were getting our parking ticket, we noticed the male giving us the "HMPH!" attitude, as though to say "Show off, driving such a nice car". We didn't think much of it. It's not like he even talked to us.

We came back from our meal to the lot, ready to get in the car when I noticed this dent that I haven't seen before, on the door panel. Upon further inspection, it had gone down past the paint. We didn't notice any other colour there except white. We knew that white trash had purposely opened his door into the car and gave it a dent. 

Wish I had the plate, otherwise I'd hunt him down and cook him for dinner. Just kidding. I'm not from China so it wouldn't happen. But I would probably still do something terrible that I'll regret in life.

Well, there was not much we could do at that point. Just know that there are some really jealous people out there that will vandalize your property if they feel like it and know they won't get caught. However, there are eyes in the sky. 1) Cameras and 2) God. You think you can escape from your vandalization, but in reality, you will get punished sir. Enjoy your life right now, but you will eventually get what's coming to you.

It reminds me of the time when I parked in a shopping mall underground lot. I was taking a mini nap in the car when all of a sudden BOOM!! It woke me up. There was a Chinese man putting his daughter in the backseat and was opening his driver side door when he actually full blown slammed his door into mine. I gave him the bitch face look, and well he just stared at me like "what did I do wrong?", got in his Honda CR-V and drove off.

Now I could've went after him and caused some damage, but he had his young daughter in the back. I didn't want her to witness any illegal things that I was planning on doing, nor did I plan on eliminating her from identifying me. So I just let it be.

Hilarious. I'm making this sound like some 007 mission to eliminate people I don't like. I can tell you I am far from 007.

Going back to all this, I'm sure many of you have made some minor dings on people's cars, whether intentional or not, and probably didn't cause damage, so you drive off. For those who do it unintentionally, please assess both cars before you leave. Leave your info on the dash if it's really bad, or wait for the other party to come back and explain what happened. 

For those who do it on purpose, you can go eat a pile of horse dung and get butt raped by a horse. I hope one day you will suffer 100 times more than the harm you've caused other people. 

After almost 2 years of running a damaged bumper, I'm finally getting my new bumper painted, along with a front lip and side skirts that I bought just this past spring. All 4 parts have been sent in for painting. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, so they say. Originally I just wanted to not do anything and just leave it because modding right now brings a lot of pain and bad memories.

However, considering these parts are different than the past and I had to shell out more cash again to get parts, I might as well just do it and get it over with. Make her look nice again, and perhaps I can actually enjoy driving her.

For the douchebags that have stolen my front lips, side skirts, and stock tires/rims, I hope you both die a slow and painful death that involves getting your balls chopped into squares. You know who you are.

Genny is slowly coming back to a different girl. Countdown to her final look. Can't wait to shoot some pictures.

This week has been scorching hot hot hot. Sometimes I wish the snow was back, but when I think about my 3 hour trek home in summer tires in the snow, I take it back. Thankfully I wasn't out in the sun much but it wasn't too bad. At least there was still some wind to take away the humidity to some degree. Either way, this is just the beginning!

Being unwell does suck. For the first time in a while, I had to call in sick due to menstrual cramps. Who knew?! It all started off by going to the mall. I thought I had my painkillers with me in my purse, but I actually forgot it on the table at home. If I had it with me it might've been better, but every month is always different.

We weren't at the mall for too long before my symptoms started to flare up, until I was barely able to walk straight. I thought I could pull through since I encouraged my folks to come to the mall and walk around. The plan was for me to sit or lay somewhere on a bench while my folks went shopping but they wouldn't agree to that, so we drove home. 

By the time I got home, it got pretty bad. The pain was just too much. It doesn't help with the bloating too. Took a painkiller and it took some time for it to kick in but it did. Eventually I passed out, but I knew I wouldn't be in good shape to perform 100% at work so I called in. I've pretty much passed out for most of the day and I still feel tired.

Being a woman sucks. Then again, I don't know if I want a penis to hang out of me forever. 

People think that it's just a fake thing, that girls act all bitchy because they have an excuse to, and that the whole PMS thing is not real. Ok, maybe some girls do fake it, and use it as a way to get things their way. However in my situation, I don't have anything to gain. I'm not looking for pity, or money, or freebies. I just want to get better and go to work so people don't have to keep worrying for me. 

It's hard when your body is fatigued (I mean it's understandable). The average blood loss in a given period cycle is 10mL to 35mL. It doesn't sound like a lot, but when you are a woman and having periods every month, it seems like a lot! If someone is suffering from menorrhagia (blood loss of greater than 80mL per cycle), that's when it gets pretty serious. I wish I knew how much I was losing but it's difficult to calculate exactly how much. I'm probably borderline menorrhagia, so that explains why I feel tired for 4-5 days straight, and then I feel better after it all ends. 

So in conclusion, appreciate your lady.

Tailgaters. How much I hate them. The worst are those SUV and pick up truck drivers who think they are driving a Formula 1 car, but in reality, their ride is slow as heck. There are tailgaters who will drive up everyone's ass, or there are tailgaters who only drive up to those who look fast, but leave everyone else alone. Either way, it's a dangerous practice.

I have many stories to tell, but the ones that really stuck out to me was when there was a Land Rover somewhere behind me. I had just made a turn and was doing the limit, when suddenly the Rover came from behind me, changed lanes, and then cut me off while approaching a red light. This is the weird thing though. He didn't have to cut me off because the lane that he was in, there was no car in front of him. Technically he could've stayed there because at the red light, there was no car in front of either of us. But instead, he decided to cut me off on purpose. What did I do? I stayed behind him because I didn't really care much at that point to cut people off.

The light turns green. I usually leave about a 2 second window before I start honking at people to go. The light was clearly green, it was more than 2 seconds, and so I honked. He didn't really budge. So that's when I made sure there were no cars behind, and cut into the next lane to blast past him. Somehow that made him really angry, and now I had this Rover behind my ass. Come on. The light is green. You get mad because someone behind honked because you weren't paying attention? Don't get mad at me. Get mad at your DNA for being too slow to react to light.

After trying to catch up to me, I lost him at the next set of lights. Sorry, but I just don't want to deal with people like those drivers. You instigate something, I will fight back. People can tell me to just leave it be, but seriously if you weren't there, then you had no idea why I acted the way I did. 

The other time I was on the highway, the infamous DVP, going northbound. At that time there was still traffic, and at some point there was stop and go traffic. The traffic was moving from where I was. The fastest you can really go at that point is probably like 60km/h, maybe 70 if you're lucky. Suddenly, the traffic ahead of me stopped. I had a bad habit at that time of not leaving enough space in front of me (and that's most of our mentality, in heavy traffic you tend to stick close to the car in front since you're not going anywhere anyways). I stopped in time, but had to direct my car towards the shoulder/guardrail in order to prevent crashing into the car in front. The car behind me stopped as well. But the car behind him did not stop.

That's when I heard metal crunching behind me. It's scary when you see it in your rearview mirror. The car did not end up crashing into me thankfully, as he left enough space. But his car and the car after him were not so lucky.

You may think it will never happen to you, but you just never know. One sudden wrong move and it could all be over. Thankfully the occupants were ok, just minor injuries and whiplash, but this really emphasizes the importance of leaving enough gap with the car in front of you. If the person behind you doesn't, and ends up smashing into you, it is their fault regardless for not leaving enough space. You can do whatever it takes to be the better driver, but you can't control how others decide to drive. In this case, it's the person who didn't leave enough gap that will be fined/charged with careless driving.

My rant of the week. Now go out and enjoy the weather!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Cruising into Summer

It's end of May, and finally....we are blessed with nice weather. Today's weather is 28 degrees, with humidity it will feel like 31C. Craziness. Last week it was chilly like December and today it's suddenly summer. Welcome to Canada.

It will be the first summer without M. People probably think I'm totally over it because I try to post topics not related to M, but I think that's part of coping as well. If I keep posting about M, I know it will be harder to move on. The only reason why I brought M up now is a couple days ago, I took a nap and had dreams about M. Vivid dreams. It was shortly after he passed, and no matter what I did or where I went, there was always a reminder of him. And I would burst into tears and cry.

I had to ask my folks if they could hear me yell or cry in my sleep but they said they didn't hear anything. But it all felt so real. I could feel the tears rolling down my face, and the sadness through my yelling. That's why I had to ask. Because it felt so real.

I still feel sad to this day. I try to not think about it but sometimes it's hard to ignore it. Over the past 18 years during summer time, we would always let M out to roam the backyard or open the door for him to get some fresh air since he was always an indoor cat. This summer, it's going to feel empty. We can still open the door, but there is nothing there.

All in all, I still have dreams about him sometimes. It's still hard to deal with, especially when your furry companion who has been by your side all these years is suddenly gone. I don't think I've completely gotten over it, but it's been a slow step by step process. I may not be able to achieve 100% of who I was before, but I can only try.

I try to at least enjoy my passion that I was pretty much "born" with: cars. This year, it's not the parking lot meets but it's about the cruises. I know before I had written I would never attend a parking lot meet ever again. There are times cruises start off at parking lots, so it doesn't really count. Parking lot meets are those who meet at parking lots, and you just chill there. No cruises or anything. Just park and talk. Yeah, kind of boring now.

So far there have been 3 cruises that I have attended, and they have all been insane. Thankfully no injuries or accidents. Cruises are difficult to plan, especially the routes, and it's always difficult to keep a huge group together without getting lost. The planners do a lot in advance before setting a cruise date up (a lot of times they have to drive the entire route to make sure nothing is closed).

If you are heading out for a cruise this summer, be sure to give props to the leader and planners please. They do a lot of planning in order to make it possible. Listen to the rules, don't do stupid things like burnouts or peels on public roads. Have two-way radios with you to keep in touch with the rest of the group. It's always good to have a passenger with you to keep track of what's going on. It's a lot more difficult when you go solo on a cruise.

Last weekend, the GTR club met up and I had the opportunity to tag along. A total of 13 GTRs showed up: R32s, R33, and lots of R35s. About 11-12 of them cruised to downtown to have some burritos. Let's just say...the highway sounded like a dinosaur was going to destroy it. It was absolutely insane and brilliant. Windows were rolled up, yet I could feel the vibrations from these monsters driving by, and the exhaust. Just wow.

I can imagine the general society (when I say this, I mean people who have no clue/don't give a damn about cars) who were cruising on the highway that night were probably calling in reports of street racing. What these people don't know is these cars are naturally that loud. And they sound like that on the highway. Especially when they accelerate to change lanes. They are just loud. It's also people like this who I wish would just stay home and not drive. Ever.

I know a lot of Torontonian drivers are just terrible. We have become the China of North America to some degree. But you know what the funny part is? I see a lot of Caucasians and guys getting into accidents vs the "asian women" stigma. I laugh when I see 2 guys who have rear ended each other because well...where are the women? No, not stuck in kitchens. Well, I would be burning down the kitchen so I wouldn't want to be there.

Anyways, back to the cruise. We had a couple of stops along the way to take some photographs. I am not a professional photographer. I just like to take pictures and share if I like them. I don't know much about exposures or whatever. I just do it for fun.

I had posted this on the Toronto Car Spotting page, and let's just say my phone notifications have been going off the hook since Sunday night. I love the photos, and I thank those who also enjoy and love the photos as well. It's all about sharing the same passion and love for cars. And appreciating the photos too.


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Jerks & Idiots

This post is dedicated to the jerks and idiots out there who don't have anything better to do except to bring embarrassment and shame to others who they don't even know.

I'm sure most of us know someone or have dealt with someone who does this on a daily basis. Now you may think "well, what makes you any different? You're bashing people you don't even know!"

The difference is I'm raising the issue because it's happened to me, it's happened to some of my friends, and also to people who I barely know. It's unacceptable because the people causing a sh*t storm are those in their adult years, not teenage years. What has the world gone to, that adults are not behaving like adults, but instead are acting like 5 year olds?

Let me give you an example.

We all know someone who's a pathological liar (whether it's an extreme form, or getting there). The first instinct is to run far away. However, when you are sucked into their lies initially, you don't know they are lying, until you start analyzing their actions and every move, along with the stories they start telling you. Then that's when you put two and two together.

This one pathological liar that I know has ruined many people's lives, both girls and guys. Initially girls don't see that. They see this sweet, loving, honest, caring person who pampers them with gifts. What they don't know is this pathological liar is going behind their backs and sleeping with other girls. He two times the girls and lies to each one in order to get what he wants. Not only is he a pathological liar, but he's a narcissist.

He has also ruined guys' lives by stealing (mostly car) parts from them, or money. Lying to them about it, and not manning up to his mistakes. He will take this money that he makes off of guys and pretty much spends it on these side chicks and prostitutes.

When a girl finds out about his actions and basically breaks things off and tries to move on, he starts spreading rumours about her to random strangers. Making her look like the bad person.

When she goes on and tries to warn others about him, she is suddenly now the world's enemy. And is basically told, "well you dated him so it's your fault."

Ok, so what does that have to do with the situation that he's a pathological liar?

The other day, there was a discussion about how this jerk was posting online about trying to help the Infiniti/Nissan guys, and that these VQ guys don't believe the "liar" part of him, no matter how many times people have tried to warn them to not do any business with him.

Instead they gave him a chance and let him back into the group. Meanwhile he is banned from pretty much all the car groups you can think of: GTA Motorheads, GTR local group AND international group, the Genesis Coupe community groups from Ontario, Canada and the international groups. If that's not a huge red flag, then I don't know what is.

Instead the idiots at VQ Nation or North or whatever they're called, has allowed this jerk back into the group and continue to "help" people with their cars. The admins have said that they are a group who doesn't follow suit to what other groups do (by banning people) and unless he has screwed over people in THEIR group, then he is still allowed to post.

The worst thing is while this is going on, the admin of the group decides to call out the lady who had warned him about this liar. She wasn't the only one who warned him, but there were about 8 other guys who also pitched in about this pathological liar. And who does this so-called admin Mike Relaxx call out? The girl of course.

How? By saying crap like "well, you dated him didn't you?" Please fill me in, what does that have to do with the bad behaviour of this individual?

And then goes on by saying he doesn't give a sh*t about what he's done to other people, because they deserved it, as long as it doesn't happen to him or his group members. This ladies and gentlemen, is a narcissistic behaviour right here. Would you want someone like this to be the admin of your group? I wouldn't.

So from this standpoint, it's going to take a blown motor from his group to finally realize that other people were right, and he was wrong. Narcissists don't like to be wrong. They like to be right all the time of course.

I don't care if you run the "best Infiniti/Nissan group" in this country (actually, it's far from it. Quantity does not mean quality), but you act like a little bitch when it comes to serious situations in life when someone could actually get ruined by this pathological liar.

Another example. When a video was posted regarding one of the Infiniti/Nissan members driving like an idiot on public roads, and discussion was made to call them out for their driving habits, the video gets deleted, and of course Mike is all like "We don't bash people on this forum, just mind your own business".

No Mike, there is a PROBLEM with one of your members and how they drive, by endangering OTHERS in PUBLIC. The point was to raise that issue, and instead of dealing with it like a real man should, you start blaming other people for calling your members out for it. I'm sorry, but that's a bitch move. You are not a real admin, nor a real man. You deal with real life problems like a little bitch.

I know younger people who can deal with real life situations way better than this 40 or 50 year old man can. It's gotten to the point where I see these adults as useless and idiots because they deal with real life situations like a kid. Immature idiots of course. And you expect us younger generation to give you respect? Look at yourself first. No one ain't giving you respect when you act like a kid.

The latest one is when a member posted a picture of his girlfriend cleaning his Infiniti. However, his girlfriend is barely wearing anything past down her waist. And now it's a public post. Someone then posted and said how is this appropriate? Why would you want 1500 other guys to see your girlfriend's ass on a public post?

Maturity level from the boyfriend's perspective: None.

So you would think the admin would be nice enough to remove the post. Instead, he comments and basically says it's all good, we all need to calm down and relax and enjoy the post.

I'm sorry, but I wouldn't want that person as an admin. I would lose respect for both that boyfriend and the admin for not dealing with it appropriately. First off, if you post a pic of your girlfriend in that state without her knowing, you're an ass and need your balls chopped off. If you posted the pic with your girlfriend's consent, then she's a big hoe for seeking attention from blue balled boys. Thirdly, the admin is married. This just sends a wrong message to the rest of the group who looks up to the admin as a positive influence.

It sucks when someone is trying to be nice and trying to warn others about an individual, but then get blasted about the past. That's why it's called the past. Mistakes have been made yes, and we all learn from it (or so we hope). The hurt people should just stop being nice to all the assholes out there. Watch them get hurt. Enjoy it and have some popcorn. And when they all start coming up to you to cry for help and regretted not listening to you, you can shake your head and walk away.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Summer is here?!

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night (depending where you guys are all located)!

Haven't been updating much lately due to weird work hours. Working graveyard shift is the hardest on the body and mind. I'd sleep for 4 hours after an 8 hour night shift, and wake up feeling refreshed. When I keep doing that for days on end, eventually my body sort of gave up. I ended up passing out for most of the day on my 1 day off in between shifts. Hence why I haven't blogged much lately.

Props to all you shift workers out there, no matter what you do (trucking, policing, nursing, doctor, operator, pilots, flight attendants, janitors, 24 hour help desk..I'm sure there are many more out there). It's not easy being away from home at a time when you should be sleeping and with your family beside you.

Moving onto the next one...the weather! What in the world is up with the weather lately?! One day it's nice and sunny and warm. The next day it's gloomy and raining. Then at random, a snowstorm. Welcome to Canada I guess? The weather here is like a woman on PMS: Angry, happy, sad, hungry, depressed, hyper. You can never get one proper mood for more than 2 minutes.

Well, the weather is suppose to get nicer as the week goes by. Which means perfect opportunity to do more car things and car cruises. My laziness has got the best of me. I have not painted the car parts yet. Been too tired and lazy to call up places to find quotes. I guess I should get on that considering it takes time to paint and dry. Then find the time to install the parts on. Right, I should totally get on that.

Car cruises. There are definitely plans to have cruises this summer, one which is coming up very soon. The parking lot meets have started up already. Strada just had their season opener last night and a lot of people showed up, considering they all have to pay an entrance fee. North Face Rally was also on hand, which was the main reason why people showed up. The police was there to monitor and make sure things don't get out of hand. I'm not sure if anyone got ticketed for doing stupid things, but hopefully not.

The Genesis Coupe community have already started their weekly meets in the east and west ends, none of which I was able to attend due to work. I believe the Subaru community have started up as well. There are so many things to do already and summer isn't even here yet. This is exciting! But yeah, as I said, life just gets too busy sometimes.

Summer also means one depressing thing: working non-stop throughout the summer. Yes, for young people, summertime is the perfect opportunity to pick up more shifts and make more money. At the same time, not sacrificing the entire summer just for work but to balance out life as well. It sucks when I see friends off for the summer and going away for vacation or the beach and what not while I'm stuck at work for 95% of the time. However, one great thing about being a shift worker is that you can go on vacation whenever you want. Which means avoid the high seasons if you want to travel!

Of course I will still try to take some days off to spend time with loved ones in the summer. Definitely not sacrificing my entire summer for a big corporation, but I know I still need to live life as well and enjoy the sun while I still can, because I'm relatively pale looking like a vampire.

Oh yes, forgot to mention...

Happy Nurses Week! In Canada, nurses week started this past Monday and goes until Sunday. It's a week to acknowledge all the nurses' hard work in what they do; for all their effort, time, and emotions put in to what they do. Thank you nurses! This is your week to celebrate!

Update with the iPhone 6: I had wrapped the box up for my mom for Mother's Day. She had told me she didn't want anything for Mother's Day, but I told her it was nothing. Just a box of chocolates. I had video recorded her reaction when she found out what it really was, and it was quite cute. I had spent the last few days trying to teach her how to use it and she is pretty much enjoying it! Now mom is way more advanced in technology than I am. Soon she can teach dad too!

Alright my brain is all mush right now. I just want to pass out and sleep again. But before I close, I've started a new Instagram account which you can all follow. It's mostly about cars and bags/accessories. If you're bored and stuff, you can check out my random posts, and follow if you like. I will be updating it with car cruises, photoshoots, random bags and accessories etc. It will be a mix of it all, so everyone can get a dose of their favourite things.


Goodnight everyone! (or good morning, whichever it's actually still pretty bright outside right now)

Friday, May 06, 2016

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is coming up this Sunday and I just wanted to do an appreciation post for all the moms (and moms to be) out there, along with the moms who are no longer with us but are still in our hearts.

Recently, there was a video circulating about a company looking to hire a candidate that met all the basic requirements, plus more. They posted ads in newspapers and online as well, and got responses right away. The interview was conducted via a webcam, where the company "CEO" would do the interview.

He starts stating the basic requirements (good typing skills, good with programs, punctual, the basics). He then starts to add the hidden requirements: you will need to work overtime almost everyday with no extra pay, no breaks in between work, no assistance or help etc. Of course, potential candidates were baffled and questioned the CEO regarding these outlandish requests for this job. Eventually the guy reveals that this was all a set up. And the real job? Well, they were describing what moms do on a daily basis.

Overworked. Underpaid (or, not paid at all). Being pooped on, peed on, vomited on, bitten, scratched or hair being pulled. No sleep. Always cooking, yet not eating well.

The life of a mom. Thank you mom. No words or actions can thank you enough for what you've done all these years.

You know, it takes years to finally realize how much moms (and dads) really mean so much to us in our lives. Sometimes it takes some distance away from them to finally realize how much they mean to us. Then there are times when daughters or sons get married, and that's when they realize how much their parents mean to them. And sadly sometimes it takes a death of a mom or dad to finally realize what they missed out on all these years.

We don't want to get to the point of having to lose a loved one to realize what love is. Take all the opportunity you have now to appreciate what you have. It's hard yes, once you have your own family to take care of, they become priority. But in between, always try and give them a phone call to see how they're doing. You may not be able to see them on a daily basis anymore, but don't forget that they are a phone call away.

Moms are the greatest superheros (errr..heroine?). They invest their time, patience, kindness, generosity, money, priority....basically their entire life, for their family. They are so overworked, and yet don't get enough thank yous. Appreciation comes with time, but it can be taught at an early age. It is important to teach the younglings what appreciation is.

Although moms can get annoying at times (especially when we hit our teenage years or our young adulthood), they do it for the best interest of their kids. They can see what kids can't see: an outsider's perspective. They can only protect so much, but if the kid goes astray, the mom still never gives up. The love of moms is something so special. A child can go haywire at any age, but a mom will always be there for them no matter what. Because that's what a mother's love is.

This mother's day, don't forget to celebrate with mom. Call her up, go see her. Take her out for lunch or dinner. Spend the day with her. Make her feel appreciated. You may think all those years, and this one day only?! Well, Mother's Day should be a daily thing, not just a one day thing. It is extra special on this day yes, to honour all moms out there. Most important is the appreciation. Make mom feel appreciated on a daily basis.

My back story: My mom has been there through the thick and thins of my life, and although I drive her nuts with my indecisiveness and dumb choices in life, she never left my side. She nags, because that's what moms do, but I know she cares for me.

I had debated for a while (yes debated with myself again) as to what to get her on this special day. Something that she can use for a long time. I knew she liked purses but she would kill me if I ever got her a luxury bag. She had already told me "Don't be stupid. Save your money". Of course, the response of pretty much all the moms! She's picky with her stuff, so it was stressful trying to find the right one, and I really couldn't find one that she might like.

Then I thought about phones. She, just like me, does not have data on her phone, and doesn't have much use for it. I pay the phone bills (along with dad's) but you know companies these days. If you want to upgrade your phone, you would have to buy the data plan in order to get the better phones at a great discount. Either that, or buy the phone at cost, which is exactly what I have to do.

Now my folks are very simple people. They don't have the craziest tech gadgets. But I knew it was time for an upgrade. Mom had been complaining her Samsung phone was acting weird and would do weird things like delete her contacts, but the next day it would reappear. The phone is almost 5 years old, so it is time for an upgrade. I've had my fair share of Samsung phones, and let's just say my S4 died in less than a year of using it. My iPhone 4 still works like a charm. It's been 5 years, I'm the third owner and still using it to this day.

This gave me an idea. They both have iPads that they use to watch their shows on and take pictures, but that's pretty much it. They don't game or anything. They're pretty much used to the Apple platform, but they still get confused with the Samsung platform. Simplicity is key, and familiarity. That's when I decided I will get her the iPhone.

Which one, is the question. At this point I had no idea what phones were out there. So after the 5, now they have the new SE, then 6, 6S and then 6 Plus. Originally I had planned for the SE, but the screen might be a bit small. I really like the size of the 6, but the Plus is way too big. The 6 would be a perfect size to read and see things.

Problem is, these phones sell like hot cakes. They were literally flying off the shelves everywhere. And with Mother's Day almost here, I scrambled to find a store to see if there were any available and a lot of places were out of stock. If I ordered online from Apple, the earliest date I could get it would be end of May. That would be way too late.

Thankfully there was a friend who knew what my plan was, and knew a place that was having a Mother's Day promotion. But once again, the store was selling out very quick. I contacted the store and begged them to put 2 on hold, and even offered to give a deposit to secure it. The lady was nice and said she would hold it for me if I appeared on the same day. Coming off a night shift, I was pretty much wired.

After getting a pretty sweet deal on the 2 iPhone 6's, along with cases and a strong screen protector, I am set to present this to mom. Dad would have to wait till next month, but his is set as well. They both deserve the best, and although there are not enough words to say thank you, I can only do so much to show my appreciation for what they have done for me.

Thank you mom (and dad). Love you both very much. Your surprise awaits you.

Sunday, May 01, 2016

More Pet Peeves

Everyday when I drive home or if I'm out and about, I always encounter something that annoys me. I'm a pretty chillaxed person, but there are just some things that I see that blow my mind in a bad way. And you think...etiquette. Do they not know any manners?!

1) People who cross the roads while talking on the phone. This annoys me to the core. First of all, you are crossing the road with potential weapons of mass destruction. What is more important than your own safety? Your conversation with a girl friend about the latest gossip? What you had for breakfast? How your crap looked like that morning? PAY ATTENTION! I don't know how many times those pedestrians give drivers the dirty look when they almost get hit or something. Or they over exaggerate it by jumping high into the sky, then start giving the middle finger. 

Don't blame us drivers that you, a pedestrian, decided to change your mind last minute and step onto the road while I'm trying to make a right turn. Because you were too into your conversation with whoever it is on the other end of the phone. Absolute carelessness about your own life. Yes, ok drivers have to give pedestrians the right of way (depending on the situation), but as a pedestrian, you still have responsibilities to PAY ATTENTION!

2) People who talk on the phone while walking on the sidewalk. Yeah I've been guilty of this a few times, except I walk fast. When people start checking out what's on Facebook or IG, or just texting/talking on the phone and not paying attention to where they're going, yeah it gets on my nerves. They start walking super slow and become an obstacle on the sidewalk. I end up dodging them as if I'm driving in a Formula 1 race. If you're going to text or talk to someone, please stand on the side or stop somewhere. Don't be doing all that crap in the middle of rush hour, while walking in the middle of the sidewalk. 

3) People who cut their nails in public. Ok gross. If you know your nails are super long and need a trimming, do it before you go out please. The last thing anyone needs is for your gross nails to be flying into someone's face or food. Who knows how much bacteria is under those fingernails (dead skin especially, since we all scratch ourselves. Location is where I don't want to know), and who knows if you scrub/wash your hands after you pick your nose or scratch yourselves. Complete GROSS!

4) People who pick their nose and eat their boogers. Yes, this happens. Yes I've seen it happen. I Just no. Please.

5) People who smoke while walking. Yeah ok it's a free country and whatever. But seriously, have you no consideration with people walking behind you? The worst is when they blow a huge puff of air and everything gets absorbed into my face and nose. When that happens, I duck. Yeah I might look ridiculous in public, but I don't care. I don't want to die from second hand smoke. Or I just cough really loud until people think I'm dying. You want me to do a huge fart in front of your face? I could do that too. Please. You want to smoke, ok fine, please go stand off to the side and do that.

6) People who run, then suddenly walk at a cross walk. You know, those people who see the numbers counting down and calculating they don't have enough time to cross, so you see them run towards the road. Then suddenly when they are on the road, they start taking their sweet ass time to cross the road. Meanwhile you're in the left lane trying to turn, and the opposite side of traffic is clear. Except you have to wait for these slow asses to cross. And now the traffic light is yellow. AND THEY ARE STILL CROSSING THE DAMN ROAD. Yeah you know who you are. Annoying asses. Next time I'll just run you over. 1000 points bitches.

7) People who talk in public really loud. I don't know whether they are just loud in general, or they do that to get strangers' attention to say how awful their life is, or how nasty that person is. Either way, tone it down. I do not want to know about your bedroom antics or how so and so is a complete slob. I'm just there trying to drink my hot chocolate in peace. I don't need to hear about your drama, thanks.

8) Which brings me to talking on the phone really loud in public. Yes, I sometimes do that if the person can't hear me or if it's really noisy. But I end up telling them I'll call you back later, or get up and go somewhere quiet to talk properly if you really have to. However, if it's relatively a quiet area and you're still talking so damn loud, either you need to get your hearing checked, or you need a phone that projects sound to the highest degree. The worst is at the library. When there are signs clearly stating NO TALKING ON PHONE! in the study area, and you hear this one phone ring, and this person joyfully talking, they will get a bunch of death stares. 

9) People who gossip, either at work or school or family etc. Ok great, I get that you like to talk crap about other people, because your own life sucks but how is that my problem and why am I dragged into your world of hate? I'm sorry your life sucks, I'm sorry you're not getting laid by your husband (probably because you too chubby or you're just a bitch...wait, who would want to marry you in the first place?!), I'm just sorry your life sucks. But good luck in life regardless. It is no wonder people hate you because of your attitude towards others. I find it is because nothing is going well in their lives that they start gossiping about other people. They get a high off of that, and feel better about themselves. Well, that's where I stick my middle finger up in your face.

10) People who smell like body odour. At work, or public. I'm not saying you need to dump an entire perfume bottle on your entire body, but damn man, at least shower?! At work, there is always that one person who will smell like BO. You can do great make up on your face, but yet don't have time to shower or smell decent. I can see where the priorities are at. 

11) People who are constantly on their phones while you're trying to talk in person. Yes, we all have done this at least once with friends or loved ones. What drives me up the wall is when you're talking to them, and they're all like "uh huh" while staring at their phones. Then they say "it's ok, keep going, I can multitask". When you finish your story, they go "huh...interesting...wait what did you say?"

Those are the ones where you want to take the phone out of their hands and just throw it on the damn floor. 

12) Chicks who walk with heels that are way out of their comfort zone. Actually, this one makes me laugh because it's like they're trying to be sexy, but they look like tall ducks trying to waddle their way through the crowds. I get they are trying, but come on. If I knew I walked like that, I wouldn't want to step out the door. Practice walking at home with them first, if you really want to walk in those heels. 

13) People who try to squeeze themselves into clothes that are 5x smaller than they are. Yup, we've all seen that at least once. I get you're trying to have the motivation to be skinnier, but that's not the best way to motivate yourself. You just look like an overcooked muffin top, with syrup leaking all over the place. Just, no. 

Those are my latest pet peeves. With summer around the corner, I'll be sure to keep my eyes out on more pet peeves.