Thursday, May 04, 2017

May the 4th be with you all!

It's May 4th.

May the fourth be with you all!

It's been a hectic few weeks with work and training and what not. I recently began another course of training someone so it's been an educational time, and it really does remind me of what I do know and perhaps what I need to improve on as well. It's always a great learning experience for both sides.

What I don't like about this month so far is the darn rain. Rain rain rain rain rain. It just never stops. And then it's suppose to snow this weekend. WHAT. IN MAY. Welcome to Canada. You just never know what the weather will be.

We've had a few nice, sunny days about a week ago or so and it was gorgeous. I could not believe it. Then of course it got really cold again, and then it started raining. Now there's been a flood advisory all around the city. Come back sun!

In the past couple of weeks, we had the first GTR meet of the season, and it was a great turn out. Old and new faces showed up and we had a great photo session as well as a drone that took pictures and videos of the event. We took over pretty much half the restaurant nearby and the management there was pretty awesome with having us there.

There was also the Saturns Drives meet. My first time there, so we didn't know too many people there, but there were some familiar faces. Lots of exotic cars, and a F40 showed up. Those are so rare. It's my first time seeing one of those in person and it was just amazing. I didn't get to take a picture of it, since I was thinking well I'm sure I will get to see it again soon.

A cruise was planned and we had to follow the route. However, halfway through a few of us got lost, plus a Porsche also blew a belt so we pulled over to make sure he was ok. I guess there was about 5 of us that pulled over with him. Lo and behold, an OPP SUV pulled alongside us.

The officer asked if we were ok, and asked if we were part of some rally. We replied we aren't NorthFace Rally. The officer laughed. We laughed. He then checked the Porsche driver to make sure he was ok and suggested to call a tow for him, then he left.

No one got injured that day, no one got pulled over for speeding or reckless driving, everyone made it to the destination. 

Now that Mother's Day is coming up, it's also time for me to do some shopping this weekend ahead of next weekend so I'm not last minute scrambling. The only reason why I'm waiting so close is because the return/exchange window is only 14 days from purchase. What's the plan? A purse of course. Which one? I'll let you take a guess. It's very hard to find a style she likes, so a lot of the luxury handbags in the market don't really work for her. It took a while to find one that she MIGHT like. I'll update you as the weekend comes!

I'm also dying to pick up my latest handbag. However I'm just taking my time right now. Once I do have possession of it, I will be sure to do a review on it, as well as the shop that I bought from. That should be coming up in the next month or so!

I've been trying to go on this "diet restriction" to see if it would help with my cramps lately. It's not really much. Limiting my sugary drinks down to only drinking hot water everyday. If it's a weekend, I'll have a bubble tea or something. But then the next 6 days, just water. Before I used to have tea with sugar, or juice or something everyday and I found every time the menstrual cycle hit me, I was in a lot of pain. Narcotics would work wonders, but the aim is to not take any every month.

So I tried only water to see if it would make a difference. Sugar is heading to be the world's silent killer. It brings a lot of problems into a body right down to the cellular level. I read and remembered that sugar can also contribute to painful menstrual cramps as well. So the whole theory of eating chocolates while you're on your period is actually not that accurate. It's just an excuse to eat chocolate when you're not feeling well.

I used to hate drinking water. It's weird but I never liked the taste of water. It tasted weird to me, so that's why I had juice diluted with water for a long time. However, now it's time to suck it up and drink water. Got to eliminate the unhealthy sugars.

Water is like flushing your body of toxins. It helps the kidneys as well, by removing those toxins and giving your blood a good cleaning. Without adequate water, your body will try to retain any water left inside of you so you don't get dehydrated so fast, hence why you probably won't urinate as much (and if you do, it's very concentrated). Not very good for your kidneys either.

I don't know why it took me so long to finally try this, especially knowing I work in the medical field, but I figured I should do it now before I get too old. So far, it hasn't worked that much of a wonder because I still do get cramps. But I've only taken half a narcotic, versus an entire pill or a pill and a half. At least there's still some improvement.

Anyways that is all for today. Be sure to tune in for more upcoming updates!

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